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1、1,accountant 会计师Someone who maintains and audits business accounts2, actor 男演员A person who acts and gets things done3,actress 女演员A female actor4,announcer 广播员Someone who proclaims a message publicly5,artist 艺术家A person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination6,professor 教授Someone who is

2、 a member of the faculty at a college or university7,astronaut 宇航员A person trained to travel in a spacecraft8,attendant 服务员;随员(1). Someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another(2). A person who is present and participates in a meeting9,auditor 审计员A qualified accountant who insp

3、ects the accounting records and practices of a business or other organization10,auto mechanic 汽车修理工Someone whose occupation is repairing and maintaining automobiles11,baker 面包师Someone who bakes bread or cake12,barber 理发师A hairdresser who cuts hair and shaves beards as a trade13,baseball player 棒球运动员

4、An athlete who plays baseball14,binman 清洁工15,blacksmith 铁匠A smith who forges and shapes iron with a hammer and anvil16,boxer 拳击手Someone who fights with his fists for sport17,broker 经纪人A businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission18,bus driver 公交车司机Someone who drives a bus1

5、9,cartoonist 漫画家A person who draws cartoons20,chef 厨师A professional cook21,chemist 化学家A scientist who specializes in chemistry22,clerk 职员;店员(1). An employee who performs clerical work(2). A salesperson in a store23,clown 小丑A person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior24,computer programmer 计算机程序

6、设计员A person who designs and writes and tests computer programs25,construction worker 建筑工人A worker skilled in building offices or dwellings etc.26,cook 厨师Someone who cooks food27,cowboy 牛仔A hired hand who tends cattle and performs other duties on horseback28,customs officer 海关官员29,dancer 舞者A performe

7、r who dances30,dentist 牙科医生A person qualified to practice dentistry31,designer 设计师A person who specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings32,detective 侦探A police officer who investigates crimes33,doctor 医生;博士34,salesman 推销员A man salesperson35,dustman 清洁工人Someone employed t

8、o collect and dispose of refuse36,editor 编者,编辑A person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication; the person who determines the final content of a text (especially of a newspaper or magazine)37,electrician 电工A person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines38, engineer 工程师A p

9、erson who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems39, farmer 农夫,农民A person who operates a farm40, fireman 消防队员A laborer who tends fires41, fisherman 渔夫;渔人Someone whose occupation is catching fish42, florist 花商,种花人(1). A shop where flowers and ornamental plants are sold(2). someone who g

10、rows and deals in flowers43, foreign minister 外交部长A government minister for foreign relations44, gardener 园丁Someone who takes care of a garden45, guard 守卫A person who keeps watch over something or someone46, guide 导游Someone who shows the way by leading or advising47, housekeeper 女管家A servant who is

11、employed to perform domestic task in a household48, housewife 家庭主妇A wife who manages a household while her husband earns the family income49, journalist 新闻工作者A writer for newspapers and magazines50, judge 法官A public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice51, librari

12、an 图书管理员A professional person trained in library science and engaged in library services52, magician 魔术师Someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience53, miner 矿工Laborer who works in a mine54, model 模特55, movie director 电影导演56, nurse 护士57, photographer 摄影师Someone who takes photographs profes

13、sionally58, pilot 飞行员Someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight59, policeman 警察60, postman 邮递员A man who delivers the mail61, president 总统;董事长;校长62, reporter 记者A person who investigates and reports or edits news stories63, sailor 水手Any member of a ships crew64, secretary 秘书65, tailor 裁缝A person whose occupation is making and altering garments66, teacher 教师67, translator 翻译A person who translates written messages from one language to another68, TV producer 电视制作人69, waiter 服务员70, waitress 女服务员


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