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1、第一段1.if given the choice, a great many people wouldat least.如果可以选择的话,很多人至少想2.as is depicted the drawing如图所示3.thesefall into the category of这些都属于的范畴4.as is revealed in the caricature, a young man如图所示,一个年轻人5.the caption indicates that文字说明显示6.most people today are aware ofchallenges facing our planet如今

2、大多数的人都意识到了我们地球所面临的的挑战7. understand thatis/are necessary steps towards都能理解是的必然途径8.it is shown in the drawing that如图所示9.and below the portrayal,there is a caption which reads“”漫画下方的小标题写着“”10.sb is/are totally absorbed in what sb is/are doing and concentrating on某人正在全神贯注地做11.we are informed that我们得知12.

3、it is vividly illustrated in the cartoon that这幅画生动地描绘了13.looking at the picture,we cannot but worry about the problem ofan issue vital to the healthy development of看着这幅漫画,我们不得不担心问题这对的健康发展至关重要14.only through innovation can we manke progress and conservatism means regression创新才能发展,保守就是退步15.as is shown

4、 in the picture above如图所示16.with dreams,our heart can fly high;with flight,our dreams will not be far away有了梦想,我们的心有了飞翔;有了飞翔,我们的梦想不再遥远17.however, some individuals,especially of the younger generation然而,有些人,尤其是年轻人18 .the caricature symbolically depicts这幅漫画生动地描绘了19.the picture vividly reveal thatis be

5、coming increasing serious all 这些照片生动地揭示了正在全世界变得日益严重20.recently, the problem ofhas received increasing attention from all over the country. In the portrayal presented to us,如今,问题在全国范围内引起了越来越多的关注,正如图片中展示给我们的,21.in the first picture,。In the second drawing图一中,。图二中,22.as is symbolically illustrated in th

6、e picture,这幅象征性的图显示,23. has been a headache for college graduates对于很多大学毕业生来讲已经变成了非常头疼的问题24.In recent years,people are developing an inseparable relationship with the Internet近年来,人们与互联网之间的关系变得越来越不可分割25.The exaggerative and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the relationship betweenand这幅夸张且让人印象深

7、刻的图画微妙地揭示了和之间的关系26.The purpose of this drawing is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the issue of这幅图的目的是告诉我们应该充分重视的问题27.The implied message of the picture is that这幅图的寓意为28.Everyone lives with responsibilities 每个人生来都肩负着责任29.As I am looking at the cartoon in front of me,I am thinking of a

8、 book I read last week calledThe Alchemist, in which the protagonist observes that当我看见眼前这幅漫画的时候,我想起了我上周读的一本叫做牧羊王子奇幻之旅的书,主角认为30.is cited as an example to被引用于作为一个例子来第二段1.However, many of them are later diagnosed with然而,他们中的很多人随后会被诊断为2.The more serious effect is that更严重的后果是3.the advocating for such a p

9、ractice will mislead people in 提倡这种行为将误导人们4.The concept ofis quite rich in its content这一概念的内涵很丰富5.It should include many virtues like,which should form the real mainstream of our spiritual life它应该包括许多诸如的美德,而这些美德才应该是我们精神生活中真正的主流6.Throughout most of Chinas long history在中国的历史长河中7.Those whoare regarded

10、as那些的人被认为是8.Firstly,if young people can,the can get more prepared for the future. Otherwise,they can only。Secondly,asthroughout Chinese history,they are unique Chinese characteristics and are inseparable from Chinese culture. To some extent,首先,如果年轻人能够,他们就能为未来做好更充分的准备。否则,他们只有。其次,由于是在中国历史中形成的,因此它们有着独特

11、的中国特征并与中国文化密不可分。在某种程度上,9.For environmentally-conscious students seeking to make a positive difference on their own college campuses,the simplest and best approach is follow three principles:reduce,reuse and recycle对于有着环保意识,追求在大学校园里产生积极影响的同学们而言,最简单有效的方式就是遵守三个原则:减少浪费,再利用和回收10.For instance例如11. Wheneve

12、r possible,students should无论何时,同学们都应该12.It is easier than ever before forto对于来说,变得比以前更容易了13.Specifically,具体来说,14.While some would argue that “” is costly or unnecessary,the preservation ofshould be made a priority in China尽管有些人认为 “” 的成本既高昂也没有必要,然而在中国还是应该将保护作为优先事项15.Even with no other reason, should

13、be cherished for their rich cultural and educational value哪怕只因为其深厚的文化教育价值,我们也应该爱护16.Another factor that另一个原因是17.In other words,换言之,18.Nowadays few of usafter we leave school如今,我们当中很少有人离开学校之后19.This tendency is rather disturbing for one should know thatis no less necessary to ones mental life than fr

14、esh air to ones physical life 这种趋势着实令人担忧,因为我们知道,对于我们的精神生活来说,犹如新鲜空气对身体一样不可或缺20.From,we can derive companionship,experience and instruction. First and foremost,。It can increase our contentment when we are cheerful and happy;and lessen our pain when we are sad or lonely. Furthermore,can also offer us a

15、 wide range of experiences从中,我们可以收获友谊,充实人生经历,受到教益。首先,。当我们高兴快乐时,能增加我们的快乐;当我们伤心孤独时。能减轻我们的痛苦,此外,还能充实我们的人生经历21.Few of us can travel far from home or live long over one hundred,but all of us can live many lives through我们当中很少有人能到离家很远的地方旅游,或能活过一百岁,但是通过我们能经历各种各样的生活22.The last but not the least,reading exten

16、sively can increase our intellectual ability, broaden our minds and make us wise最后,广泛的阅读能提升我们的智力,开阔我们的眼界,是我们变得智慧23.Suppose that,then what would happen?There would be no假设,那将会发生什么?将不复存在24.The purpose of the drawing is to show us that utmost importance should be attached to这幅漫画的目的是告诉我们应该充分重视25.To begin with,could be said to be the watchwo


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