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1、Comment U1: 楷体_GB2312 ,三号,下同Comment l2: 以 具 体 论 文 提交 时 间 为 准本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(申请学士学位)论 文 题 目 无名的裘德中裘德悲剧的原因作 者 姓 名 X X X所 学 专 业 名 称 英 语指 导 教 师 X X X2009年 5月 25日Comment U3: 楷体_GB2312 ,二号,加粗,居中Comment U4: 楷体_GB2312, 二号,居中Comment l5: 以 具 体 论 文 提交 时 间 为 准无名的裘德中裘德悲剧的原因X X X滁州学院外国语学院二 00九年五月二十五日Comment U6: Tim

2、es New Roman,小二,加粗,居中。此标题中实词首字母须大写。Comment U7: Times New Roman,小二,加粗,居中Comment l8: 按导师现有职称填写,讲师“Lecturer”,助教“Teaching Assistant”Comment l9: 须与中文时间一致Analysis of the Reasons for Judes Tragedy in Jude the ObscureByX XxUnder the supervision ofAssociate Professor X Xx A ThesisSubmitted to the School of F

3、oreign Languages In Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English At Chuzhou UniversityMay 25, 2009Comment l10: 须手签滁州学院本科毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。签名: 年 月 日Comment U11: Ti

4、mes New Roman,二号,加粗,居中。此致谢仅供参考。Comment l12: 段首空 4格,Times New Roman,小四,1.5 倍行距,并与其上标题间空一行。以下英文段落同此要求。IAcknowledgementsI would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all these who helped me in one way or another in the completion of this thesis.First of all, I owe great ind

5、ebtedness to my supervisor, Associate Professor X Xx whose strict demands and insightful suggestions are indispensable through all the stages of development and revision of the thesis. He/She has made lots of corrections and suggestions while reading my drafts of the thesis. Without his /her patienc

6、e and wisdom the present thesis would be unthinkable. Special thanks should also be extended to all of the teachers who taught me during my four years of study in Chuzhou University, in particular, associate professors X Xx, X Xx and X Xx and lecturers X Xx, X Xx and X Xx for their enlightening inst

7、ructions.At last, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my family and dear friends. With their consistent support and encouragement, I would be able to carry on my study and complete this thesis. Comment U13: Times New Roman,二号,加粗,居中IIAbstractJude the Obscure is the most controversial novel

8、 of Thomas Hardys work. Through Judes double misfortune in love and course, it complains the unreasonable education system, the sub-human institution of marriage as well as the entire capitalist system in the late Victorian time. The deep analysis about the weakness of petty bourgeois point out that

9、 this is a underlying cause of the social tragedy.Jude the Obscure primarily reflects the living, striving and spiritual pursuit of people in root grass. It discusses many conflicts in human activities, such as love and marriage and sexual relations, career and love, Christianity and humans develope

10、d demand. The thesis focuses on analyzing the reasons of Judes failure and suicide from the unreasonable education and marriage, and the influence of surrounding and personality.The thesis is divided into five parts. The first part briefly introduces Hardys life experiences and the main content of J

11、ude the Obscure. The second part analyzes the reasons of Judes tragedy from social aspect while the third part from surrounding aspect. The fourth part emphasizes the heros personality. The fifth part makes a conclusion to show the realistic significance of Jude the Obscure.Key words: novel; marriag

12、e; education; religion; personalityComment U14: 宋体,二号,加粗,居中,两字间空两格。Comment U15: 宋体,小四, 1.5倍行距,并与其上标题间空一行。Comment U16: 关键词之间用分号隔开,须与英文关键词一致。III摘 要无名的裘德是英国作家托马斯哈代(1840-1928)最受争议的一部作品。通过主人公裘德的事业与爱情的双重不幸,控诉了维多利亚中后期资产阶级教育制度的不合理,婚姻制度的不合人性,进而对整个资本主义制度及道德做了否定。同时也对小资产阶级自身的软弱做了深入剖析,指出这是造成这种社会悲剧的内在原因。无名的裘德主要反映

13、中下层社会人的生存奋斗和精神追求,探讨在重要的人类活动中,恋爱、婚姻以及两性关系的追求。事业与爱情的矛盾,基督教与人发展了的需求之间的矛盾。本论文主要从不合理的教育及婚姻制度,周围环境的影响以及人的自身原因来分析主人公裘德未能实现自身理想,以自杀形式结束自身生命的原因。论文框架分为五个部分:第一部分是引言,简单介绍了哈代生平及该作品梗概。第二部分主要从社会角度分析裘德悲剧的原因。第三部分从周围人物的影响来分析其悲剧原因。第四部分则是从主人公自身原因探讨其悲剧原因。第五部分总结全文并分析了作品的现实意义。关键词:小说;婚姻;教育;宗教;个性Comment U17: Times New Roman

14、,二号,居中,加粗Comment U18: Times New Roman,小三,1.5 倍行距,第一个单词首字母大写,以下一级标题同此要求。Comment l19: 空两格,四号,第一个单词首字母大写,以下二级标题同此要求。Comment l20: 不顶格,与上行齐平。Comment l21: 空四格,小四号,第一个单词首字母大写,以下三级标题同此要求。IVTable of ContentsAcknowledgements .IEnglish abstract.IIChinese abstractIIITable of contentsIV1. Introduction.11.1 The g

15、oals of the thesis.11.2 Outline of the thesis.22. Social reasons of Judes tragedy.32.1 Unreasonable educational system.32.2 Unreasonable marriage system 42.3 Religion reasons.53. Four different peoples and another persons influences on Judes tragedy in Jude the Obscure.5 3.1 By Araballa .63.1.1 Araballas view of tragedy.73.1.2 Ara


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