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1、1八年级上Unit 1 Topic 11 . play basketball _打篮球2 . cheer sb on _为某人加油3 . of course _当然_4. grow up _长大_5 . arrive inat _到达某地6 . play against _和打比赛7. the day after tomorrow _后天8. leave for _动身去某地9 . twice a week _一周两次10 . be good at _擅长于_11 . break the record _破纪录12 . half an hour _半个小时13 . take part in _

2、参加_14 . all over the world _全世界15 . be good for _对有好处16. keep healthyfit _保持健康17. prepare for sth _为某事做准备18 . in the future _今后_19 . win first place _获得第一名Unit 1 Topic 21 . give sb a hand _帮某人一个忙2 . fall ill _生病_3 . throw around_乱扔_4 . right awayat onceright now_立刻,马上_5 . be angry with sb _生某人的气6. d

3、o ones best _尽某人最大努力7 . say sorry to sb 对某人说对不起8 . miss a good chance _错过一个好机会 _9. be sorry for sth _为某事感到遗憾_10 . be sure to do sth _对做某事有把握_11 . with the help of sb _在某人的帮助下_12 . be late for _迟到_13 . follow the rules _遵守规定14 . in the beginning _在开始的时候 _15 . do well in 在 方面做得好16 . shout at sb_对某人大声叫

4、喊Unit 1 Topic 31 . talk about sth _谈论某事2 . make friends with sb _与某人交朋友 _3 . be ready for sth 为某事做好准备 4 . take photos _拍照_5 . be able to _能够_6 . do badly in sth _在方面做得不好_7 . for the first time _第一次8 . every four years _每四年9 . stand for _代表,象征10 . at least _至少_11 . take part in _参加_12 . at once _立刻,马

5、上13 . pass sth to sb _把某物传给某人14 . enjoy doing sth _喜欢做某事15 . make it six oclock _约定在 6 点钟_16 . at the school gate _在学校大门17 . do morning exercises _做早操18 . next time _下一次_Unit 2 Topic 11 . take a rest _休息_2 . see a doctor _看医生3 . have a cold _患感冒_4 . at night _在夜晚_5 . stay in bed _呆在床上6 . have a good

6、 sleep _睡个好觉 7 . have a fever _发烧_8 . day and night _日日夜夜9 . feel like doing sth _想要做某事10 . have a good rest _好好休息11 . take some medicine _吃一些药12 . brush teeth _刷牙_13 . hot tea with honey 加了蜜的热茶14 . too much _太多_15 . on the Internet _在因特网上 16 . take good care of _好好照顾17 . lie down _躺下_18 . check ove

7、r _给做体检,检查_19 . take some pills _吃一些药20 . have an accident _出事故21 . ask for a leave _请假22 . after that _从那以后23 . worry about _担忧,担心24 . had better _最好_25 . plenty of _大量_Unit 2 Topic 21 . stay up _熬夜_2 . play sports _做运动_3 . in the sun _在阳光下4 . be bad for _对不好5 . give up _放弃_6 . walk on the lawn _在草

8、地上走7 . be necessary for 对是必要的8 . during the day _在白天9 . work hard _努力工作10.exercise on an empty stomach _空腹运动211 . get into _进入_12 . in public _当众,公开13 . as we all know _众所周知14 . in the same day _在同一天15 . more than _多于_16 . less than _少于_17 . need to do sth _需要去做某事18 . what else _别的什么19 . tidy the ro

9、om _打扫房间 _20 . sweep the floor _扫地Unit 2 Topic 31 . hurry up _赶快_2 . go ahead _开始,干吧3 . take ones advice _听从某人的建议_4 . all the time _一直,总是5 . keep away from _远离6 . right now _马上_7 . ring sb up _给某人打电话8 . get through _接通_9 . leave a message _留口信10 . call sb back _给某人回电话11 . give sb a message _给某人一个口信

10、_12 . take a message _捎口信13 . come back _回来_14 . have a party _聚会_15 . care for _照顾,关心_16 . teach oneself _自学_17 . long time no see _好久不见 18 . by oneself _独自,靠自己19 . change clothes often _常换衣服_20 . enjoy oneself _玩得开心21 . do some cleaning _大扫除22 . a kind of _一种_U3T1在某人空闲时 in ones freespare time钓鱼 go

11、 fishing 最大的爱好 favorite hobby听音乐 listen to music喜欢做某事 enjoylovelikebe fond of doing sth影迷 a movie fan去电影院 go to the movie theater做些户外运动 do some outdoor activities好主意 a good idea讨论他们的爱好 talk about their hobbies从.中获得很多乐趣 be great fun 对.感兴趣 be interested in随着音乐跳舞 dance to music遛狗 walk a dog集邮 collect s

12、tamps种花 plant flowers去旅游 go traveling洗澡 havetake a bath是否 whetheror not过去常常 used to一定是 must be 电话卡 telephone cards飞机模型 model planes明星照片 photos of famous stars养宠物 keep pets介意做某事 mind doing sth称.为.call.开始 get started以开始 startwith剪下,裁剪 cut out需要某东西做某事 needto do sth.把.粘贴在.上 stickto喜欢 A 胜过 B prefer A to

13、B做某事有趣 be lots of fun to do sth.与某人分享某物 share sth with sb.放风筝 fly a kite为某人提供某物 provide sb. with sthprovide sth for sb.带某人出去散步take sb. out for a walk对某人很重要/特别be importantspecial to sb.爬山 climb mountainsgo mountain climbing U3T2去听演唱会 go to a concert在演唱会上 at the concert开演唱会 give a concert借某物给某人 lend s

14、b. sthlend sth. to sb.打鼓 play the drums弹钢琴 play the piano最喜欢 likebest音乐的一些种类 some kinds of music在剧院 go to the theater来去匆匆 come and go quickly日常生活 everyday English受.欢迎 be popular with教某人做某事 teach sb. to do sth.流行音乐 pop music 民族音乐 folk music3古典音乐 classical music一点也不 notat all讨厌做某事 hate doing sth.摇滚乐 rock music乡村音乐 country music这很难说。Its hard to say.劳动人民 the working people 因.而著名 be famous for 作为.而著名 be famous as 要求某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth.给某人带来某物 bring sb. st


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