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1、阿猫阿狗谁更爱它们的主人?来源:有道原创英文学以致用,领略语言之美。有道词典,不只是查单词,还带你看天下。The never-ending cat vs. dog debate has a new topic that which pet loves its humans more?猫和狗永无止境的争论中又多了一个新话题:猫和狗,谁更爱他们的主人?Thanks to a new study done by neuroscientist and professor at Claremont Graduate University, Dr. Paul Zak, which will be feat

2、ured in the BBC2 documentary show, Cat v. Dog, we have answer.多亏神经系统科学家和克莱蒙特研究生大学的教授保罗扎克所做的最新研究,这项研究将出现在BBC 纪录片中,猫和狗,谁更爱人类,其实我们已经有了答案。Canines were proven to love us Homo sapiens five times more than their feline counterparts.实验证明,狗对我们的爱是猫的五倍。But unlike commands like “stay,” “sit” and “beg,” the resu

3、lt isnt that simple. Much like a cat, its way more complex.但是通过“留下”“ 坐下”“恳求”这样的命令来判断,结果却并不是那么简单。就像一只猫,它有更为复杂的方式。Zak took blood samples from 10 cats and 10 dogs before and after they played with their people. He tested each animal twice and checked the samples for their level of oxytocin.在十只猫狗与主人玩耍之后

4、,扎克取了它们的血样,每种动物他都测试了两遍,检查了样品中催产素的水平。“Oxytocin is an attachment neurochemical or transmitter,” Zak told The Huffington Post. “Its a chemical we produce in our brain when we care about someone. Its what mammals release to bond with their young.”扎克告诉赫芬顿邮报,催产素是可产生依恋的化学物质。若我们关心某人时,大脑便会分泌这种化学物质。哺乳动物在和孩子待在

5、一起时,也会分泌催产素。According to Zak, humans produce oxytocin whenever we have a positive experience, and the amount we produce is contingent on how stressful our situations are when we have that positive interaction.根据扎克所说,人类在享受愉快体验的时候会分泌催产素,并且产出的量取决于我们在经历愉快的体验时,那种状况是否有压力。A general breakdown, according to

6、Zak is that we produce 15 to 25 percent oxytocin when we have a pleasant interaction with a stranger; 25 to 50 percent when were engaging with someone we know; and if we release 50 percent or more, its in response to someone we really love like a child or spouse.根据扎克所言,当我们与陌生人有愉快的互动时,大脑会分泌出 15%到 25%

7、的催产素;当我们和熟悉的人互动交流时,则会分泌出 25%-50%的催产素;假若我们能释放出 50%及以上的催产素时,那就表明我们正与所爱之人互动,这个人可能是孩子,也可能是配偶。During Zaks experiment, dogs, on average, produced 57.2 percent.扎克的实验中,狗平均都能分泌出 57.2%的催产素。“So your dog really loves you a lot,” Zak said. “But what makes this so amazing is that the oxytocin they produced is for

8、 another species, not their own. The fact that this is cross species is really freakin crazy/cool. Their brains are telling them that they love us.”扎克说:“所以说,你的狗真的很爱你,非常爱你,”但是很神奇的是,它们为另外的物种释放催产素,而不是为自己。这种跨物种的现象真实太酷了。它们的大脑在告诉自己,它们爱我们人类。Cats, on the other hand, only produced 12 percent - and only 50 pe

9、rcent of the felines tested produced any oxytocin at all. But if youre a cat person, dont hiss. Zak points out that cats are less social than dogs and are extremely territorial. Zaks lab, where the experiments were conducted, was a sterile and unfamiliar place for the cats, creating a more stressful

10、 situation for the cats than the dogs.另一方面,猫只释放 12%的催产素并且仅有 50%的猫科动物产生催产素。但是如果你养猫,不要沮丧。扎克指出,和狗相比,猫不是那么爱接近人,它们有自己的领地。在扎克做此实验的实验室,对于猫来说,是枯燥乏味且陌生的地方,这就给猫带来了一些压力。When asked if the cats would have done better if they were tested in the comfort of their own homes, Zak said, I think so. Or at least more ca

11、ts would have produced more oxytocin.当问及如果猫在它们自己舒适的家里检测,会不会有更好的表现?扎克说,确实是这样的。或者说或许更多的猫可以释放出更多的催产素。When it comes to Zaks pet preference, however, hes clearly Team Dog. He adopted a black and white puppy named Cookie after his daughter discovered the stray in their garage a few years ago.然而,当谈及扎克喜欢猫还是

12、狗时,他清楚的表示更喜欢狗。几年前,她的女儿在车库里捡到一只小狗,他就收养了这只黑白相间的小狗,后来取名为 Cookie。And if it werent for the research hes conducted in regards to the amount of love dogs have for their humans, he says he might have not kept sweet, little Cookie.要不是他做了关于狗更爱主人的这个实验,他说自己也不会收养小 Cookie。“If it werent for the research we started three years ago, I wouldnt have let my kid play with an animal we didnt know within two seconds of meeting it,” he said. “But now I know its crazy how much they care about you. And isnt that cool?”他说“若不是三年前的这个研究,在看到陌生小动物两秒钟之内,我是不会让孩子跟它们玩的,但是现在我知道,这些小动物是有多么喜欢你,这样不是很酷吗?”


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