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1、考研英语词汇引申及翻译技巧之把握词义理解将下列句子译成汉语 1.Philips father was a surgeon in good practice and his hospital appointmentssuggested an established position. 2. At the other extreme, American policy had also failed either to develop a strong conservative political base or maintain the ability to prevent the Nationa

2、lists from pursuing a suicidal civil war. 3. They were unarmed and unprotected, knowing perfectly well the danger ahead. Still, they went, plugging gamely along. 4. The most economical age to capture an elephant for training is between fifteen and twenty years, for it is then almost ready to underta

3、ke heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away. 5. He did not oppose labor organization nor balk at the strike as a weapon of labor; rather, he took his heroes and heroines from the labor movement and wove his plots within their struggles. 6. Does job enlargement pay? The proponents say

4、yes, and back up their conclusion with enthusiastic anecdotal reports. 7. Wherever the fault may lie the fact remains that it is the theatre at Oxfordand not at Cambridge which is on the verge of extinction. 8. When one weighs the opposing forces, the elements of space and time, and thesea-land tran

5、sfer problem, one sees that Churchills foot-dragging made sense. 9. And then we realized that until now our attitude had been: let the patient come to us. Now we knew that we must go to the patient. 10. First the electroencephalograph shows that while there I a change in the pattern of activity duri

6、ng sleep, there is no evidence that the total amount of activity is any less. 11. What the Chinese people are altogether unprepared for, however, is the death of Mao without the comforting presence of Chou En-Lai as chief mourner. If Mao has been Chinas spiritual guide these many years, Chou has bee

7、n its security blanket. The second may well turn out to be the moresorely missed. 12. The United Nations has forged a framework guaranteeing the flourishing of man and respect for his values. 13. The other side of the mind is now exposedthe dark side that comes uppermost in solitude, not the light s

8、ide that shows in company. 14. All a man had to do was to keep his head, and he was all right. Any man whowas a man could travel alone. 15. The draft resolution urges the United Nations to send its peacekeeping troops to the region in accordance with the resolution adopted at a special meetinglast M

9、ay. 参考翻译: 1.菲利浦的父亲是个外科医生,由于找他看病的人很多,各医院请他会诊也多,因此他在医务界已占得一席之地。 2. 在另一个极端,美国的政策既未能发展一个强大的保守的政治基地,又没有保持足以制止国民党发动一场自杀性内战的力量。 3. 他们没有武器,赤手空拳,也没有飞机舰队保护。他们深知前面的危险,然而仍然毫不畏惧地奋力向前驶去。 4. 捕获十五岁至二十岁之间的象来进行训练,最为经济实惠,因为象到了这样的年龄就差不多能干重活了,而且能马上开始赚回养活它所需要的费用。 5. 他不反对劳工组织,也不阻拦罢工作为工人的斗争武器,而是从工人运动中摄取男女主人公,把他的故事情节交织在这些人的

10、斗争之中。 6. 工作多样化的做法值得吗?赞成者的回答是肯定的,而且用过去一些鼓舞人心的事例来证明他们的结论。 7. 姑且不论责任在哪一方,事实是,是牛津的讲坛而不是剑桥的讲坛正处于崩溃的边缘。 8. 如果我们衡量一下双方的兵力,时间与空间的要素,以及海陆转运问题等时,我们就会明白,邱吉尔迟迟未能采取行动是合情合理的。 9. 后来我们认识到,我们以前的态度一直是让病人上门来找我们。现在我们知道必须走出去找病人。 10. 第一,脑电图表明虽然睡眠期间活动方式有所改变,但没有迹象表明活动总量有任何减少。 11. 然而,中国人民在心理上最没有准备的是周先毛而死,因为如果在毛逝世后有周做主祭人可以起安

11、抚人心的作用。如果说毛多年来是中国的精神引路人,那么周是中国的安全保障,而且后者很可能会证明是位更不可缺少的人物。 12. 联合国已经制定了一个保证人类繁荣,尊重人类各项道德准则的体制。 13. 展开在我们面前的是另一个世界,是一个孤独时最易萌生的忧郁阴沉的一面,而不是聚会结伴时显示出来的轻松愉快的一面。 14. 一个人所要做的就是要保持冷静,这样就不会有什么问题了。无认是谁,只要是一个男子汉,都可以单独旅行。 15. 决议草案敦促联合国遵照今年五月特别会议通过的决议,派遣维和部队到该区去。考研英语词汇引申及翻译技巧之防止表达失误将下列句子译成汉语 1. But we must remembe

12、r that the substance of the extensive sub items falling under the one itemthe sea-bed and the law of the seahas not been discussed in recent years. 2. To make a selection of great battles of the Second World War, the most enormous universal conflagration of all time, and to present them in a single

13、book was obviously a formidable task. 3. I feel an immense joy to be back in China and with the Chinese people and their leaders at a time when the people of those countries have achieved sovereignty internationally at the price of heavy sacrifices. 4. Is it not a mistake to deny the right of the Pe

14、oples Republic of China to a seat in an organization which claimed to be surly international? 5. The principal person judged to be aimed at through the clause was one who had long previously attracted to himself a share of attention in many cities, whose influence was beginning to be felt among the

15、working class. 6. Our prisoners of warover ninety thousand of themmust be repatriated without further delay. 7. Alarm began to take entire possession of him. 8. A successful scientist is skepticalhe does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidenceavailable. 9. He dived in

16、to the water fully clothed and rescued the couple. 10. They were Chous welcoming party, they had been in the capital for three days, but had remained in seclusion. 11. His irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night. 12. A pyramiding of mistakes and bad luck on our side gave Roosevelt success inhis audacious military move. 13. Fifty-four department stores in New York featured Rockefeller headquarters where literature was passed out to lady shoppe



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