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1、1英语中 14 种笑的区别英语中表达笑的词汇相当丰富,有不少动词本身就是含有特定意义的笑, 你是不是都知道?下面是英语中关于“ 笑 ”的词汇,其中 Smile 和 Laugh 是最常用的笑,除此外还有一些词汇表 示各种各样的笑: 1. Smile 微笑Smile 是微笑,也是最常用的笑,它常给人留下美好的印象:give a soft smile 莞尔一笑,give a charming smile 嫣然一笑, give a faint smile 是淡淡一笑,give a false/ crafty smile 是皮笑肉不笑的假笑。 满面笑容是 smile from ear to ear, 笑

2、容可掬是 be radiant with smile, 苦笑叫 force a smile, 强颜欢笑是 squeeze a smile, 满脸堆笑是 conjure up a smile, 他眉开眼笑就是 His face melts in smiles. she smiled prettily as she accepted the flowers 她在接受鲜花时,笑得真迷人。 2. Laugh 笑Laugh 常表示出声的笑,其程度要大于 smile:哈哈大笑 laugh heartily,大声狂笑 horse laugh, 傻笑是 laugh foolishly, 狞笑是 laugh g

3、rimly, 暗中窃笑称 laugh in one sleeve/ s beard,笑掉大牙是 laugh ones head off,笑声阵起是 burst into laughter The jokes made everybody laugh.那些笑话逗得人人发笑。 He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。 3. Giggle 格格地笑;傻笑 I heard them giggle when I passed by the girls. 我走过那些女孩子身边时,听见她们格格地笑。 4. Grin 露齿而笑 She was grinning w

4、ith delight.她高兴得咧开嘴笑了。5. Chuckle 含笑,轻声笑 He was chuckling to himself over what he was reading. 他对自己在读的东西,暗自发 笑。 6. Snicker 忍笑;暗笑(通常有不敬的成分) On hearing his absurd opinion, I went snickering. 听了他荒谬的意见,我忍不住笑着 走开了。7. Roar 哄笑;大笑 His jokes set the table in a roar. 他的笑语使满座哄堂大笑。 They roared with laughter. 他们轰

5、然大笑。 8. Simper 假笑;痴笑,傻笑 When I told him that news,he simply simpered. 当我把那消息告诉他时,他只假笑了一 下。 9. Cachinnate 放声大笑 He cachinnated till his sides ached.他笑得肚皮都痛了。10. Chortle 欢笑;哈哈大笑 The children chortled all the time while they were hearing the story. 孩子们听那个故事时,始终欢笑不止。 11. Deride 讥笑 They all derided his fo

6、olishness.他们都讥笑他的愚笨。 12. Taunt 嘲笑 He taunted me beyond endurance.他的嘲笑我不能忍受。 13. Horselaugh 纵声大笑(如马嘶一般) He burst out into a horselaugh.他忽然高声狂笑。14. Guffaw 大笑;捧腹大笑 What he said aroused a blast of guffaw.他的话引起大家一阵哄笑。 今天你笑了没有?希望你有欢快喜悦的笑容。英语中“笑”的表达smile 微笑,laugh 笑,giggle 哈哈笑chuckle 吃吃笑snigger 吃吃竊笑grin 咧嘴笑

7、,smirk 傻笑 ,sneer 嘲笑讥笑,cackle 咯咯大笑,snicker 暗笑 偷笑2香港常常有些电影在广告上保证“全场笑声不绝” 。这样的电影,我国古人会说 “真堪绝倒”,英国人会说 have people rolling in the aisles 。按 aisle 是戏院里的通道。幽默电影会教观众笑得东倒西歪,坐在通道旁边的,恐怕更会笑得“倒在通道上翻滚 ”。所以, have people rolling in the aisles 就是“ 哄堂”、“ 教观众或听众绝倒”的意思,例如 : Our play was a great success.We had them roll

8、ing in the aisles.(我们这出戏剧十分成功,使观众笑得东歪西倒。)又中国人笑起来,往往会“笑痛肚皮” ;英国人呢,则会 in stitches (笑痛胁部): stitch 是“ 胁部刺痛”的意思。例如 :Tom had us in stitches with his jokes(汤姆的笑话我们笑痛了肚皮)。beam, v. 微笑simper v. 傻笑,假笑cachinnate v. 大声笑,哄笑chortle v.&n. 开心地笑guffaw vi .哄笑, 狂笑tehee v. 嗤嗤地笑titter v. 吃吃地笑 ,偷笑exult v. 非常高兴,欢腾glee n. 欢

9、乐,高兴horselaugh, hee-haw : a loud laugh that sounds like a horse neighingplus, grin like a Cheshire cat /lolcheshire cat: a fictional cat with a broad fixed smile on its face; created by Lewis Carrolllaugh & smile例句与用法:1. 这位演说者除了想搞笑之外,没有别的目的。The speaker has no other purpose except to make people laug

10、h.2. 从她的笑脸上我看到欢欣。I saw the joy in her smiling face.3. 她的微笑使她更美丽了。Her smile makes her even more beautiful.4. 她向我微笑。She smiled at me.5. 请不要嘲笑他。Please dont laugh at him.6. 不要嘲笑他。Dont laugh at him.7. 我觉得你嘲笑他说英语的方式刺伤了他的自尊心。I think you hurt his pride by laughing at the way he speaks English.8. 他笑着告诉我这个消息。

11、He told me the news with a laughlaugh 大笑smile 微笑tease 取笑sneer 冷笑jeer 讥笑have a good laugh尽情地笑have a hearty laugh尽情地笑have the last laugh3笑在最后; 取得最后胜利get the last laugh笑在最后; 取得最后胜利He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.谚先自嘲的人 , 不会见笑于人。He laughs best who laughs last.谚最后笑的人笑得最好。He who laughs a

12、t crooked men should need walk very straight.谚要笑别人驼背 , 自己就要挺起胸膛走路。join in the laugh随着大笑on the laugh笑着raise a laugh引人发笑raise a laugh against sb.(=put the laugh on sb.)使某人成为取笑的对象, 使某人处于可笑的地位turn the laugh against sb.(=put the laugh on sb.)使某人成为取笑的对象, 使某人处于可笑的地位Laugh and grow fat.谚常笑发福 , 心宽体胖。laugh at因

13、.而笑嘲笑付之一笑laugh away笑着不理, 付之一笑笑着消磨时间laugh down以笑声打断(讲话等); 以笑声拒绝 (建议等)laugh fit to kill口拼命地笑 , 狂笑laugh off对.付之一笑; 以笑来排除.laugh over笑着谈论; 想着.发笑laugh sb. out of以谈笑的方式使某人忘记(忧愁等)laugh sb. out of worries以谈笑的方式使某人忘记(忧愁等)snicker 窃笑,暗笑 laugh in a suppressed, esp. unpleasant way, sniggersneer 嗤笑 express proud d

14、islike and disrespect,esp. with an unpleasant curling smilelangh 嘲笑chukle 轻声地笑 laugh quietlygiggle 咯咯笑titter 偷笑 laugh quietly in a nervous or silly waygrin 露齿笑 smile broadly so as to show the teethguffaw 哄笑,大笑 give a noisy laugh, laugh loudly and esp. rudly4smile 微笑,laugh 笑,smirk 傻笑 ,sneer 嘲笑讥笑,cackle 咯咯大笑,snicker 暗笑 偷笑beam, v. 微笑simper v. 傻笑,假笑cachinnate v. 大声笑,哄笑chortle v.&n. 开心地笑guffaw vi .哄笑, 狂笑tehee v. 嗤嗤地笑titter v. 吃吃地笑 ,偷笑exult v. 非常高兴,欢腾glee n. 欢乐,高兴



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