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1、玩具验货通用英语实语outfit wet 公仔衫湿 outfit shrinkage 公仔衫缩水 outfit fade 公仔衫褪色 outfit unfit 公仔衫褪色不合身 poor cutting 剪裁不良 poor sketching 钉缝形状不良 poor sewing 车缝不良 poor stitching 缝合不良 poor embroidery 绣花不良 poor brushing 梳发不良 poor plush 织毛不良 poor stuffing 入棉形状不良 poor shape 外形不良 poor hair styling 发形不良 poor hair cutting

2、头发剪 裁不良 poor hot stamping 热烫不良 poor hand stitching 手缝不良 uneven shape 形状不对称 low dense stitching 车缝太疏 high dense stiting 车缝太密 seam torn 缝口撕裂 seam open 缝口爆开 missing marrow 漏车骨 jumping stitches 跳针 stitching hole 针孔 pucker 缝边皱起 sewing machinery mark 衣车钳印 long loose hair 长松头发 long loose thread 长松线头 velcro

3、 detach 魔术贴脱落 sewing label loose 标签松脱 materials run 物料走纱 maaterials torn 物料烂 over stuffing 入棉过多 poor marrow 车骨不良 under stuffing 入棉不足 stuffing disproportion 入棉比例不对 uneven stuffing 入棉不均匀 stuffing expose 棉料外露 pile trapped by seam 长毛夹于缝口 thread trapped by seam 长线夹于缝口 hair trapped by seam 头发夹于缝口 bald spo

4、t on plush 毛发脱落露底 color migration 经摩擦脱色 color mismatch 颜色不匹配 color deviation 颜色偏差 fabric texture mismatch 布料组织不对 ribbon fray 丝带散口 materials fray 物料散口 fabric fray 布料散口 lable peel off 贴纸翘起 seam allowance expose 纸口外露 fabric torn 布料烂 fabric w/punch mark/hole 南皮料有孔或洞 face cover up 遮住脸部 face distortion 脸部

5、歪曲、变形 poor blushing 颊红喷油不良 foreign stuffing 外来填充料 hair too long 头发太长 hair too short 头发太短 messy hair 头发凌乱 missing sewing label 漏车缝标签 over size 尺寸过大 under size 尺寸不够 poor dressing 衣着不良 poor hair rooting 植发不良 yarn run 走纱 hair covers eye 头发遮住眼睛 missing parts 漏装配件 missing component 漏装附件 missing date code/

6、week code 漏印日期或星期码 missing whole pack of accessory 漏装整包配件 wrong packaging 包装错误 packaging damaged 包装损坏 packaging wrinkled 包装皱 carton mark illegible 箱印模糊 gift box illegible 彩盒印刷模糊 story book illegible 故事书印刷模糊 instruction sheet illegible 说明书印恻模糊 blister card illegible 吸塑卡印刷模糊 date code/week code illegi

7、ble 日期/星期印刷模糊 blister poor heat sealing 吸塑热封不良 blister unseal 吸塑未封口 incorrect blister 吸塑不对 blister damaged 吸塑烂 burn mark on blister 吸塑烧焦 blister crack 吸塑裂 blister crushed 吸塑压皱 blister deformed 吸塑变形 blister detached 吸塑用脱 blister shrinkage 吸塑缩水 blister undershot 吸塑走料不足 incorrect blister card 吸塑卡用错 fol

8、d mark on blister card 卡有折痕 outfit sealed on blister 公仔衫夹于吸塑中 blister card wet 吸塑卡湿 burn mark on blister card 吸朔卡有烧焦痕 blister card delimitation 吸塑卡纸内层分离 blister card poor die-cut 吸塑卡裁剪不良 blister card wrong die-cut 吸塑卡裁剪错误 blister card wrinkle 吸塑卡皱 blister card damaged 吸塑卡烂 blister cannot stand prope

9、rly 吸塑不能完全站立 packing defect Defect Description(次品描述) Chinese Meaning(中文意思) polybag damaged 胶袋烂或穿孔 polybag poor die-cut 胶袋剪裁不良 missing vent holes on polybag 胶袋漏打出气孔 polybag not sealed/taped 胶袋未封口 polybay too thin 胶袋太薄 incorrect polybag 胶袋不对 j-hook damaged 挂钩烂 j-hook wrinkle 挂钩皱 j-hook poor die-cut 挂钩

10、剪裁不良 j-hook sticker dislocated 挂钩贴胶移位 j-hook sticker exposed 挂钩胶贴凸起 butterfly hook damaged 蝴蝶孔烂 butterfly hook wrinkle 蝴蝶孔皱 butterfly hook poor die-cut 蝴蝶孔剪裁不良 butterfly hook delaminating 蝴蝶孔内层分离 windown box film damaged 彩盒胶窗烂 windown box film stress 彩盒胶窗顶白 windown box film detached 彩盒胶窗甩脱 windown b

11、ox film poor sealing 彩盒胶窗粘合不良 windown box film poor transprent 彩盒胶窗透明度不良 white mark windown box film 彩盒胶窗发白 dent mark windown box film 彩盒胶窗有凹痕 gift box flap seam open 彩盒缝口爆开 gift box crushed 彩盒压烂或压皱 gift box deformed 彩盒变形 gift box wet 彩盒湿 gift box unseal 彩盒未封口 gift box crumple 彩盒弄皱 fold mark in gift

12、 box 彩盒有折痕 tape poor sticking 胶纸粘合不良 as receive small part 细小物体 small part of insect 昆虫等细小物体 screw came off 螺丝脱落 small part of broken piece 细小破烂物 sharp point 尖点 sharp point on broken piece 破烂物有尖点 sharp point on spping 弹簧附有尖点 sharp point on gate remnant 水口附有尖点 sharp point on screws head 螺丝头附有尖点 sharp

13、 edge 利边 sherp edge on broken piece 破烂物有利边 sharp edge on screws head 螺丝头附有利边 sharp edge on meter/battery contact plate 金属或电池片附有利边 puncture hazard 刺伤性危险 pinching hazard 压伤性危险 rigid projection hazard 硬突起物伤害危险 clearace 虚位 missing paint 漏喷油 poor painting 喷油差 poor coating 油漆外层不良 poor touch up 补油差 paint a

14、brasion 喷油擦花 foreign paint 外来飞油 dark paint 颜色深或暗 scratch paint 喷油刮花 paint smear 油污 bubble paint 喷油起泡 paint accumulated 聚油 paint dislocation 喷油不到位 paint glossy 喷油表面光滑 dust paint 喷油有尘 insufficient paint coverage 喷油薄 uneven paint coverage 喷油厚薄不均 over spray 喷油过多 under spray 喷油不足 color migration 摩擦脱色 col

15、or mismatch 颜色不配对 color misalignment 颜色不对称 color deviation 颜色有偏差 dull color 颜色深 shine color 颜色光亮 poor tempo 移印不良 tempo incomplete 移印不完整 tempo off posttion 移印移位 tempo printing off set 移印套色不良 poor silk screwwn printing 丝印不良 poor electro-plating 电镀不良 electro-plating peel off 电渡脱落 electro-plating yellow

16、ish 电渡变黄 electro-plating abrasion 电渡擦花 electro-plating shadow 电渡阴阳色 electro-plating black mark 电渡发黑 electro-plating rainbow 电渡成彩虹印 poor hot stamp 热烫不良 rough surface 喷油表面不平整 poor printing 印刷不良 lacquer accumulation 力架集聚 abnormal sound 杂音 battery/contact spring exposed 电池弹簧凸出 battery/contact spring came off 电池弹簧脱落 contact plate rust 电池片生锈 contact plate exposed 电池片外露 contact plate came off 电池片松脱 contact plate loosen 电池片松 poor contact 接触不良



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