新目标 初二 unit 5 ppt配套练习

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《新目标 初二 unit 5 ppt配套练习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标 初二 unit 5 ppt配套练习(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 51. can 的用法 ()表邀请。 若接受邀请,回答为: OK./All right./Sure./ Of course./Certainly./ Yes(Sure),Id love(like) to.若不接受邀请,回答为: Sorry,cant.(+原因)eg . Can you come to the party? Yes/Sure,Id love/like to. Sorry,Icant. I have to help my parents.其他表邀请的句型:1) Could /Will/Would you come to the party?2) Would you lik

2、e /love to come to the party?3) I hope you come to the party.4) Please come to the party.5) How/What about coming to the party?()表能力“ 能,会” 否定句 cant 不能 eg. He can swim, but I cant.()在否定句,疑问句中表示“不可能” 或“一定不” eg. Can he come ? No,he cant come. 2. 情态动词“have to”与其他的情态动词如:“can” , “may” “must”和 “should” 不同。

3、(1)这 4 个情态动词没有人称和数的变化,而 have to 有。它的第三人称单数为“has to” ,过去时为 had to, 如 He should study hard . 他应该好好学习。He has to study hard . 他不得不好好学习。(2)这 4 个情态动词在一般疑问句中将它们放在句首, 在否定句中直接在他们后边加not 即可。我们以 can 为例: Can he go with us ? 他能和我们一起去吗?He cant go with us . 他不能和我们一起去。而“have to”要加助动词 do ,has to 要加助动词 does ,还原 have t

4、ohad to 要加助动词 did,还原 have to 才可3. Thats too bad .太遗憾了。表示遗憾或同情。4. Maybe another time . 也许换个时间吧。 或 Maybe next time . 也许下一次吧5. another/the other/others/the others1) another another + n.(单数) 三者中或无范围的另一个eg. This coat is too big. Please show me another one.2) the other one,the other 一个是,另一个是 .,表示两者中的另一个eg

5、. I have two pens . One is black, the other is red.6.have to 强调客观上需要做某事,即表示外界条件的需要不得不做某事,含有“ 客观所迫”的意味,它有人称和数的变化,可用于多种时态中,否定式为“不必” 。 must 强调说话者主观上认为必须做某事,含有“主观判断”的意味,它的否定式意为“禁止,不允许 ”。eg. If one gets ill,hell have to see a doctor.She has to go to school by bus. We must go to school on time.-Must I fin

6、ish the homework now ?-Yes, you must./No,you neednt(dont have to).You mustnt play football in the classroom.7. I have to help my parents . 我不得不帮助我的父母。 help sb. with sth .或 help sb (to) do sth .上一句我们可以说: I have to help my parents with the housework .或说 I have to help my parents (to) do the housework

7、.8. the day after tomorrow 后天yesterday 昨天the day before yesterday 前天 two days ago 两天前the year before last 前年after three weeks =three weeks later 三个星期后 in two years 过两年9. 问“日期”的句型有: Whats the date today? 今天是几号? 或 What date is it today?“日期”的表示法有例如 :11 月 5 号 Its November 5; 读做 November the 5th10. 询问几号星

8、期几的句型:Whats today? 今天几号,星期几? Its Monday, the 28th. 今天是 28 号,星期一。11. fish 的用法: (1) v. 捕鱼, 钓鱼 go fishing (2) n.un. 鱼肉 There is some fish on the plate.c n. 1)一条一条的鱼 eg. one fish 一条鱼 ten fish 十条鱼2) 鱼的种类 eg. many kinds of fishes12. house,family,home 的用法:house 住宅,指居住的房屋,强调住所。 eg. His house is near a marke

9、t. family 家,家庭 ,家里的人。不是指住房和处所, 而强调家里的人。eg. My family is a big one.(指家) My family are watching TV.(指家里人)home 家。指一家人 共同生活的地方,强调家的环境和氛围,具有感情色彩。eg. I leave home at seven every morning.I was born in Dazu, but now I look on Shuangqiao as my home.(把.当作.)练习题一根据提示完成句子。1. Thanks for your i to visit next Monda

10、y.2. Can you come o to my house to j our music club?3. He is d the science report with his classmates.4. He has piano l every Friday.5. They are having a football m .6. Can they go to the c . 二、选择词填空1. Thank you for (ask/ asking), but I cant go to the movies with you.2. Paul has to study (at/ for) t

11、he math test tonight.3. My mother has too (much/ many) homework to do.4. Can you come to my party (at/ on) Saturday night?5. She invites me (watch/ to watch) the basketball match the day after tomorrow.6. I like playing (piano/ the piano).三、选择题1. Can you play tennis with on Saturday ?A: us B: we C:

12、our D: ours2. Henry his homework this afternoon.A: have to do B: have to doing C: has to do D: has to doing3. Tony is playing tennis the school team.A: on B: in C: to D: with4. Jim play soccer with his friend this weekend, because he is very busy.A: can B: cans C: cannt D: cant5. - ? -Its October th

13、e 14th.A: When is today B: whats today C: What time is today D: What day is today6. He is with his father the whole day.A: fish B: fishes C: to fish D: fishing7. Can you come to my party? - .A: Sure, I love B: Sure, I love to C: Sure, Id love to D: Sure, Id love.四、按要求转换句型。1. Hes playing tennis on Sunday afternoon.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ on Sunday afternoon?2. The movie begins at six oclock.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ the movie ?3. Mary can come to the party.(改为否定句)Mary come to the party.4. He has to study.(改为一般疑问句)_ he to study?5. Can you go to the mall this week?(做出肯定回答)Sure, _ _ _.五



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