新苏教版小学六年级英语 unit 2 学习指导练习

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1、1Unit 2 学习指导【词汇】1. sunny 晴朗的 2. show 展示,展览 3. interesting 有趣的,有意思的 4. weather 天气 5. become 变成,变为 6. windy 有风的7. cloudy 多云的 8. high 在高处 9. sky 天空 10. bring 带来 11. honey 蜂蜜 12. drink 饮料13. ant 蚂蚁 14. bee 蜜蜂 15. cloud 云 16. rain 下雨,雨水(不可数名词)17. rainy 多雨的,有雨的 18. meet 遇到,遇见19. lose 丢失 20. know 知道 21. ha

2、ppen 发生 22. September 九月23. parrot 鹦鹉 24. wet 潮湿25. pick 挑,捡,摘 26. sad 伤心,悲伤【词组或短语】1. What a day! 多么的一天! 2. on the twentieth of September 在 9 月 20 日3. in the morning 在上午 4. a parrot show 鹦鹉展览5. go to the park by bike 骑自行车去公 6. some interesting parrots 一些有趣的鹦鹉7. become windy and cloudy 变得有风而多云 8. fly

3、 kites 放风筝 9. high in the sky 高高地在天空中 10. Its time for lunch. 午饭时间到了。11. bring some dumplings 带来一些饺子 12. some ants 一些蚂蚁13. black clouds 乌云 14. hungry and wet 又饿又潮湿15. all day 一整天 16. bring lunch to the park 带午餐到公园17. well done 干得好, 做得好 18. have lunch 吃午饭19. the New Year 新年 20. cheer together 一起欢呼 21

4、. play basketball in the playground 在操场上打篮球22. go away 离开 23. look sad 看起来伤心 224. Whats the matter? 怎么了? 25. lose my new kite 丢失了我的新风筝26. want to know 想知道 27. What happened? 出什么事了?28. climb up the hill 爬上小山 29. fly high 飞得很高30. hold onto 抓紧 31. fly away 飞走 32. have a picnic 野餐 33. near the hill 在小山附

5、近34. last Sunday 上星期天 35. go swimming 去游泳 36. watch a film 看电影 37. do the housework 做家务 38. on Monday morning 在星期一上午 39. get up 起床40. go to school 去上学 41. eat our lunch 吃我们的午饭42. find my new kite 找到我的新风筝【语言知识点】一、语法知识:不规则动词过去式本单元出现了许多不规则动词的过去式形式,建议同学们在学习时要结合句子加以总结。如:1. Liu Tao and I went to the park

6、by bike. (go went)2. We saw some interesting parrots. (see saw)3. The weather became windy and cloudy. (become became)4. We flew kites high in the sky. (fly flew)5. We brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks. (bring brought)6. We saw some ants on the bread and honey. (see saw)7.

7、 We could not eat our lunch. (can could)8. I lost my new kite. (lose - lost)9. This morning, Tina and I flew my new kite in the park. (fly flew)10. The kite flew high, but it flew too high and we couldnt hold onto it. It flew away. (fly flew) (cant couldnt)11. I found it near the hill. (find found)1

8、2. I got up at seven. (get got)13. I went to school at eight. (go went)314. We had a picnic last Sunday. (have had)15. I did the housework last Sunday. (do did)另外,一、二单元课文中出现的一些动词,也有不规则动词过去式形式,可加以补充了解:meet met, hold held, take took, say said, tell told, give gave, make made, think thought, write wrot

9、e, eat ate二、重点词句解读1. 本单元 story time 是一篇日记,checkout time 中也要求写一篇日记。英语日记写作格式及要求:星期和日期写在左上角,天气写在右上角。日期格式用日月年(英式)或月日年(美式)都可以 。(1)日可用基数词 1、2、3、4、22 也可用序数词1st、2 nd、3 rd、4 th、22 nd ;月份不可用数字要用英文;年份必须写全,不可用 15 代替 2015;日月间无逗号,但在年份和日月之间要用逗号隔开。例如: 29th October, 2015 或 29 October,2015(英式)October 29th , 2015 或 Oc

10、tober 29,2015(美式)(2) 如果要写星期,星期要紧挨日期,它既可以放在日期前面,也可以放在日期后面,星期也可以省略不写。星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写。例如:Thursday Dec. 18, 2003 或 Dec.18,2003 Thursday (3) 天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如:Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Snowy 等表示。天气通常位于日记的右上角。 日记中记录的事情均已发生,所以要用一般过去时来写。2. It was sunny in the morning. 在早晨天气是晴朗的.这是用来描写天气的过去时的句型。 表示天气的形

11、容词一般由其相对应的名词或动词+y 变化而来。如:4rain rainy cloud cloudy wind windy snow snowy sun sunny fog foggy(有雾的)3. The weather became windy and cloudy. 天气变得既有风又多云了。这里 became 是 become 的过去式,译为 “变得” ,是系动词,用于修饰形容词,即系动词+ 形容词,另外我们学过的系动词还有 be、get、look如:It was rainy yesterday. 昨天是个下雨天。You look sad. 你看起来伤心。In autumn, the da

12、ys get shorter. 秋天,白天时间变得短了。4. It was time for lunch. 该吃午饭的时候了。这是 Its time for 句型的过去时表达,另外表示“该的时候了” 还可以用 its time to.Its time for 后面跟名词或动名词, Its time to后面跟动词原形,两者可以互换,如上述句子可以转化为 It was time to have lunch. 再如:Its time for school. 相当于 Its time to go to school.Its time for class. 相当于 Its time to have a

13、 class.5. There was a parrot show in the park. 在公园有一个鹦鹉表演。在这个句子中,show 是名词,意为“展示,演出” 。之前,我们学过 show是动词,意为“出示” 。如:Liu Tao showed his pictures to his friends. 刘涛把他的画给他的朋友们看。我们学过类似的单词还有:watch (n. 手表, v. 观看) , play(n. 戏剧, v. 玩,玩耍) ,rain(n. 雨, v. 下雨), park(n.公园, v. 停车) , fly(n. 苍蝇, v. 飞), 如:There is a lot of rain in our city. 我们城市雨水很多。It is raining now. 现在在下雨。Can I park my car in the park? 我能把车停在公园里吗?【语音】 ear / / 双唇始终半开,发音从/ /滑向/ /,嘴巴不要张得太大。例词:ear, dear, hear, near, year, nearly5



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