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1、第 1 页 共 27 页牛津 7a 英语期末总复习最新版Unit 1 Class_ Name_一、词汇:1.Jim is 12 _(年) old. He is a _(风趣的) boy. We all love _(he).2.Millie has a _(表弟). He comes from _(English). 3.Lin Tao _(be) _(出生) in Shanghai.4.My friend is _(有礼貌的)and _(help).5.Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian are my favourite basketball p_.6.There is a r

2、iver _(在之间)the two hills.7.Sometimes they have lunch in a _.(餐厅)8、-Can I (借) your pen? -Yes, you can.9、The music (听起来) nice.10、How many (年级) are there in your school?11、I cant (理解) what the teacher says.12、I like all my (功课) .13、Our school basketball team wins (再,又) .14、On Sunday we often go to our

3、_ (祖父母)home for dinner.二、选择:( ) 2. Please my grandmother. She is ill today.A. look after B. look at C. look for D. look like ( ) 4. -Do you like playing volleyball? -Yes. I also like playing piano.A. / , / B. the, / C. / , the D. the, the( ) 5. - do you live? - I live with my parents in Shanghai.A.

4、What B. When C. Who D. Where( ) 6. If Millie enjoys many kinds of stories and comic books, She should go to .A. the Reading Club B. the Dancing Club C. the Art Club D. the Swimming Club( ) 7. Simon is a good student at school, he is not good at sport.A. so B. because C. but D. or( ) 8. There is “s”

5、and “u” in the word “sun”.A. a , an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an( ) 9. - What are your parents? - They teachers.A. are both B. both are C. are all D. all are( ) 10. -Can you Japanese? -Yes, I can. - Can you it in Japanese? -Sure.A. say, speak B. say, say C. speak, say D. speak, speak( ) 11. - he get u

6、p at 7:00 a.m.? - . He gets up at 8:00 every morning.A. Is , Yes, he is. B. Is, No, he isnt C. Does, Yes, he does. D. Does, No, he doesnt.( ) 15. -Can I borrow your bike? - You can ask Simon, he has one.A. Yes, you can. B. Im sorry. I dont have one. C. Yes, I do. D. No, you dont.( )1. He has two rul

7、ers. is short, is long.第 2 页 共 27 页A. One; another B. One; the other C. One; the others D. One; one( )2. I like chatting my friend the phone.A. with; on B. with; with C. to; with D. to; on( )3. The story books are . The textbooks are .A. hers; him B. yours; ours C. our; yours D. his; my( )4. It hard

8、 outside, lets not go shopping.A. rains B. will raining C. is raining D. raining( )5. The shoes are for .A. you and me B. me and he C. I and you D. me and you( )9. Do you know the answer the question?A. of B. for C. to D. with( )10. I think I can do than you. A. good B. better C. best D. well( )11.

9、My mother at weekends.A. enjoys go shopping B. enjoy going shopping C. enjoys to go shopping D. enjoys going shopping( )12.How far is your school from here? Not very far. Its about twenty walk.A. minutes B. minutes C. minutes D. minute( )13. How often do you go to the Reading Club? .A. An hour B. Tw

10、ice a week C. For a week D. A week( )14. My grandfather like to help others. Hes kind and .A. old B. helpful C. polite D. useful( )15. Lucy is and Tony is .A. Chinese; American B. American; Japan C. America; Chinese D. American; China( )16. The students at school today.A. all are B. are all C. all n

11、ot D. not all( )17. He me this maths problem.A. helps; work out B. help; works out C. helps; to works out D. help; to work out( )18. Its time .A. getting up B. get up C. for get up D. to get up( )19. Your skirt is very beautiful. .A. Thats right. B. Thank you C. You are wrong D. You cant say so( )20

12、. : does he often go to Hangzhou? By plane.A. When B. what C. Why D. How( ).21.Are there _ glasses of juice in the box?A.much B.any C. some D.more( )22.Where _ he _? -Xinghua.A. do,from B.does,from C. is,from. D. do, come from( )23. What does Daniel like and what is he like? -_A. He is tall and slim. He likes listening to CDs. B. He is short. He likes swimmingB. He likes swimming. He has short hair. D. He likes his father. He likes playing football.四、句型转换: 1、He is very good at playing football.(改写同义句)He is a very


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