模块9 unit4 reading导学

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1、1Fast reading1. What is an idiom? _2. What languages was the Bible first written in?_3. What idiom is often used to describe children?_Structure analysisWe can divide the text into 4 parts with the help of main ideas of each part given to you.1.(Para_):the_of an idiom2.(para_):the_ why there are man

2、y idioms coming from the Bible3.(paras_):some_ from the Bible introduced.4.(para_):the_ of learning idiomsRead paragraph 7 again carefully and try to list the benefits of learning idioms. Improving your _;. Developing a high level of competence in your _ _;. Better _ and _ the _ and _ of English-spe

3、aking countries.A group of words or an expression whose meaning can only be understood by looking at the (1) _ meaning of the words in it.The definition of an idiom Using a number of words to represent a single object, person or concept, etc(3) _ your comprehensionDeveloping a high level of competen

4、ce in your communication skillsThe(2) _ of learning idioms Better understanding and (4) _ the history and cultures of English-speaking countries(6) _ of image (8) _ (9) _stories-related Feet of clay A hidden weakness(7) _ Kill the fatted calf Having a feastThe(5) _of Biblical IdiomsThe BibleAbout ag

5、ricultural life or food- related Apple of sbs eyeMeaning the parents love their children very much and be proud of them.2You reap what you sowSmall kindnesses often bring us a rich reward while small offences can (10) _ in disasterLanguage points1. An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose

6、 meaning often cannot be undertstand by looki ng at the meanings of the separate words in it. separate adj. _(individual, each )来源:Zxxk.Com翻译:1)那队双胞胎共用一个房间,但他们睡在各自的床上。_2)德国在二战前曾经是两个单独存在的国家。_separate v. 把与分开_翻译: 1)那两个好朋友一直谈到午夜才分手。_2)英国和法国由英吉利海峡隔开。_2. in other words _ = _ word 的常用词组和句型:同某人说句话_ 同某人吵嘴_履

7、行诺言_ 逐字地_总之 _ 消息传来_3. Idioms often use a number of words to represent a single object, person or concept, among other things, and unless you recognize when an idiom is being used , you can easily misunderstand what you read or hear spoken.among other things _ _unless:_(用英文解释)翻译:1)我不会道歉除非他先道歉。_2)除非我收

8、到邀请,否则我不会去那个晚会。(省略句)_3)_ there is a lat-minute offer, transport workers, refuse collectors, nurses and postal workers will begin lightning strikes after Easter.A. Unless B. If C. Until D. While4. The Bible was first written in Hebrew and then translated into Greek, both of which use many idioms.3 be

9、 t ranslated into _ interpret_5. However, many idioms have either lost their original meanings or have only a vague or loose connection with them now vague(adj.)(1)(思想上)不清楚的,模糊的(2) about sth 不具体的,不详细的练习could you be more_ about your plan?of course, Ill introduce it to everyone present in detail.A. pa

10、rticular B. specific C. skeptical D. vague6. Biblical idioms originally had straightforward and clear meanings because they were often meant to underline the moral of a story and to give audiences an image to help them understand the story better. mean v._ mean to do sth_ mean doing sth_翻译: 1)我 打算明天

11、走。_2)错过这班火车意味着再等一个小时。_be mean to sb _ meaning_ by means of _by no means _ by all means_学。科。网1.) I am really sorry, Lucy. I_ to help you, but I was too busy then.A. meant B. had meant C. have meant C. mean2.)-I thought you were going to see your sister last weekend.-I_, but at the last minute she cal

12、led me to say that she had to dealt with something urgent.A. was to have B. was going to have C. would like to D. would3.)If I dont get some money from my parents by Friday, could I borrow some from you?_ . But can I know why?A. Never mind B. Not at all C. By no means D. By all means7. underline(vt.)_,_翻译: 1)这个报告强调了保护环境的重要性。_来源:学科网2)老师要求学生朗读课文并把他们不理解的单词划下来。_来8. Today, we use



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