优化语境 激发兴趣5a unit7

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1、 5A Unit7 After school 教学设计教材分析: 本课是牛津小学英语5A Unit7 的单词、句型教学。句型学习的是现在进行时的一般疑问句,是对前一单元所学陈述句的知识加深。本课时的教学目标是运用这一句型去交谈有关“课余活动”的话题。在教学一般疑问句时应避免明知故问式的机械操练,要尽量为学生创设情境,以增强语言交际的真实性,提高学生英语学习的兴趣,激励学生不断处于较佳的学习状态之中。一、教学内容 B Look read and learn & C Work in pairs二、教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组 a newspaper, a picture book, pl

2、ay with2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组 a magazine, play chess, play cards, play with a yo-yo3、能正确地听、说、读、写现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答句型 Is he/she ? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.Are they ? Yes, they are./No, they arent. They are 4、能根据图片提供的情景进行描述和对话。三、教学重点1、单词及词组的熟练运用;2、根据图片或动作运用现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答表述。四、教学难点1、现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答的口语及书面

3、的正确运用;2、情境的创设。五、教学准备卡片,实物,课件,写有动作的纸条六、教学过程Step 1 Preparation1 Greetings:Good morning./How are you?2 Free talk(1) What day is it tomorrow? (Saturday)(2) Do you like Saturday?(3) What can you do on Saturday?(I can watch TV/play basketball/play the violin)(4)Do you like watching TV/playing basketball?

4、(以对话的形式,唤起学生的记忆,使学生熟练运用旧知,同时也为本课的教学作了知识的铺垫,构建了知识表象。 )Step 2 Presentation & Practice1(1)T:I like Saturday,too. Because I can play cards with my friends.(2)learn:card-cards-play cardsplaying cards(3)T:I like playing cards.Do you like playing cards?S: Yes,I do./No,I dont.2 同法学习 chess-play chess-playing

5、 chess(教师边说边呈现实物,不但帮助学生理解,并能吸引学生注意力,同时也能利用实物进行与学生的对话,与无实物的对话相比,虽然仅仅多了一样道具,但恰恰是设置了最简单的情境。 )3(1)T:Ususlly I like reading some books on Saturday afternoon.I like reading an English book,a storybook,a newspaper and a magzine.But I dont like reading a picture book.(2)learn:newspaper-read a newspapermagaz

6、ine- read a magazinepicture book- read a picture book(3)drill:A:I like reading a magazine.What do you like reading?B:I like reading a .(此环节教学书籍类单词,由旧知引入到新知,并一一呈现实物,单词不难,但较容易混淆,因此利用多些书报让学生区分,帮助记忆。 )4 Revision:What is he/she doing? What are they doing?(利用 CAI 呈现 a girl reading a newspaper/magazine,a b

7、oy reading apicture book, students playing chess/doing housework 的图片,一方面复习新授的单词,另一方面复习现在进行时的陈述句,为即将教授的一般疑问句作铺垫。 )5(1)T:Whats he doing? Guess:Is he?Yes,he is./No,hes not.(hes not=he isnt) Hes playing with a yo-yo.(2)learn: yo-yo-play with-play with a yo-yo Is he? Yes,he is./No,hes not.6 同法学习 Is she?

8、Yes,she is./No,shes not.Are they? Yes,they are./No,theyre not.(承上,a boy playing with a yo-yo,a girl reading a Chinese book,boys playing cards把物体遮住,让学生猜,引入新知识。 )7 Practice (part C)(1)Show picture of part C.Talk about it.(Whats he doing? Hes sitting.Whats he sitting on? Hes sitting on a ball.)Is he si

9、tting on a football?No,Hes not.Hes sitting on a basketball.(2) pairwork: practice other five pictures(把书上的图片稍作处理呈现,T make a model for picture 1,先观察图片,师生问答,然后引入到答案。 )Step 3 Consolidation1 看图片,Guess.(课前拍学生活动的视频,学生看静止画面猜动作,学生看到本班同学的画面,积极性很高。 )2 抽纸条表演,Guess.(一生或多人上台抽纸条,并表演,台下学生猜。要注意的是纸条上写的动作应难易结合,如 run,

10、jump 等属于简单的,学生一下就说出来了,就会觉得没挑战性,可设置如:sit on the sofa,eat an ice-cream 等,让学生较多的用英语思考,在解决了难题后让他们体会成功的喜悦。3 Sum up.现在进行时的一般疑问句,be+主语+现在分词,如:Is he running?陈述句改一般疑问句,把 be 动词放到句首,句号改问号。如:Shes reading a magazine.- Is she reading a magazine?The boy is reading a book.-Is the boy reading a book?Theyre playing c

11、hess.-Are they playing chess?ExerciseHes buying a football.Theyre going to school.Helen is helping Nancy. The students are cleaning the classroom.(五年级的英语已牵涉一些语法知识。教师若避而不谈,学生就很模糊。因此,教师应讲解语法知识,语法本身就是语言学习的一部分,是有助于语言学习的。在本课时的教学中,把一般疑问句和陈述句结合起来讲,浅显易懂,对于学生答题很有帮助。 )板书Unit 7 After schoolIs he /she? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. 单词卡片Are they ? Yes, they are. No, they arent.



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