m7unit 2 language points阅读课语言点学案(牛津译林版选修7)

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1、Unit 2 of Module 7 Language points Learning Aims:1. To learn some language points i n this text to enlarge the vocabulary 2. To use the language points when doing the exercises. Learning Important and Difficult Points:1. Learn to analyze some long and complicated sentences.Learning Methods:1. Learn

2、some phrases by heart. 2. Learn the usage of some words and phrases through self-study and practice.Learning Procedures: 第一部分:自主探究. 识记短语1. focus on 聚焦于;集中注意力 2. open up 打开;开拓3. save one life 挽救某人的生命 4. recommend doing sth. 建议做某事5. take place 发生 6. reduce the risk of 减小 伤害7. carry out 实施,进行 8. in con

3、temporary society 在当代9. increase the length of people lives 延长人类寿命 10. increase the standard of peoples health 提高人类的健康水平11. try out on 在 上试用某物 12. make it pure 提纯13. manage to do 成功做成某事 14. in large quantities 大量地15. due to 由于 16. widespread use of 广泛使用17. turn into 把 变成 18. wonder drug 神奇药品 II. 重点单

4、词、词组或句子用法探究1. If you open up any medicine cupnoard in the world, there is a high probability that you will find aspirin and penicillin. 请问这是一个简单句还是复合句_ ?这是if 引导的 _ , 主句中的that 引导的是_ 从句,用来解释说明_ 的内容,在句子中充不充当成分? _ 。there is a high pribab ility/ possibility that +从句 译为_ 。请问 open up 在句子的意思为 _ , 还可以表示为_ 。来

5、源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K小试牛刀! (B 级)1.随着西部省份的开发,人们的生活水平提高了。With the western provinces _ , peoples living standards have been improved. 2. There is no doubt _ he can do a good job of it.A. whether B. if C. that D. how 3. 昨天他工作到深夜,今天 他很有可能会上班迟到。_2. Some recipes recommended drinking a tea made from the dried leav

6、es of a particular plant to reduce body pains. 句中的 made from 是过去分词作 _ ( 成分 ) 修饰 _ 。to reduce body 班级 姓名 学号 时间 评价pains 是不定式作_ ( 成分) 。句中的 recommend 意思为_ 。recommend 的用法归类。试着翻译下面的句中找出关于 recommend 用法。(1) He recommended Spain for our next holiday. _(2) The doctor may recommend limiting the amount of fat i

7、n your diet._(3)recommend you to think very carefully before you do anything foolish._(4) The worker recommended that a new bus station should be bulit. _ _recommend 还可以表示 _ , 常于介词 _ 和_连用。试翻译下面的句子。(1) She was strongly recommended for the post. _ _(2) I should recommend it as a useful reference book.

8、 ._3. It was in 1897 that a European chemist called Dr Felix Hoffmann produced ASA from some other chemicals to make a medicine for his father. 来源:学科网 ZXXK这是一个_ 句型,被强调部分是_ 。 强调句型的结构是_ ,用来强调句中除_( 成分 )的任何成分。思考题 不能被强调句强调的成分该用什么形式强调呢?试着找出文章中另外一个强调句。_小试牛刀!1. It was on October 1 _ new China was founded. (

9、B 级)A. which B. when C. as D. that 2. - where did you meet him?- It was in the hotel _ I was staying. (C 级)A. that B. when C.where D. which4. Not only has aspirin saved many peoples lives by reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.本句中运用了 not o

10、nly but ( also ) 连接两个分句,意为_ , not only 放在句 首,第一个分句_ , 而后面的句中_ 。来源:Zxxk.Com小试牛刀! (B 级) Not only _ able to escape out of the hotel on fire, but he also helped the fire fighters put out the fire. A. he was B. was he C. is he D. was he 5.It was over a decade before someone else turned penicillin into th

11、e great drug of the 20th century. 本句用了“It was + 一段时间 + before” 结构,表示_ 。归纳拓展:it was not long before _it will not be long before _it was two years/days before _it will be two years/days before _来源: 学。科。网小试牛刀! (B 级)(1) 在过两周 Tom 就回来了。_(2) - How long do you think it will be _ China sends a manned spaceship to the moon?- perhaps two or three years.A. when B. until C. that D. before6. They were able to produce it in large quantities.句中 in large quantities 的意思_ , quantities of 意为_ , 既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词。 “quantities of + 名词”作主语时后面的名词无论是可数名词的复数还是不可数名词,谓



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