unit 5 参考译文及答案(东南大学)

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1、Unit 5 Text A How To Increase Your Mental Potential 如何提高你的智力潜能1The teenager had crushing news for his parents. Slow from infancy, troublesome in school, he was now capping his academic failures with a disgraceful expulsion order:“Your presence in class is disruptive and affects the other students.”

2、1 这个十来岁的孩子给父母带来了沉重的消息。生下来就迟钝,在学校很调皮。耻辱的开除令使他在学业上彻底失败:“你扰乱课堂秩序,影响其他学生” 。 2Years later, he recalled his learning problems philosophically:“My intellectual developmentwas retarded, as a result of which I began to wonder about space and time only when I had already grown up. Naturally, I could go deeper

3、 into the problem than a child.” And so, 11 years after expulsion from school, young Albert Einstein1 published the theory of relativity that changed our understanding of the universe. 2 很多年以后,他很有哲理性地回忆起小时候学习上的困惑:“我的智力发展很迟缓,因而直到我长大后,我才开始对空间和时间方面产生一些疑惑。当然我对问题的考虑要比一个孩子深刻。 ”就这样,年轻的爱因斯坦在被从学校驱逐出十一年之后,发表了

4、改变我们对宇宙理解的相对论。 3No one in this century has been more widely recognized as a genius than Einstein. Yet his problems with early intellectual development and his peculiar gifts cast great doubt on all our conventional ideas about genius, intelligence or “I.Q.2”. On the one hand, Einstein showed early d

5、efects in abilities that our mental tests value; on the other hand, his special intellectual faculties went far beyond most definitions of intelligence. Moreover, their growth appears peculiarly gradual, contradicting the popular conception of intelligence as something inborn and fixed. Aptitudes th

6、at he had learned rather than inherited particularly his dogged persistence and his skills in playing games with ideas were apparently as crucial to his genius as any cutting edge of intellect. 3 在这一世纪中没有其他人比爱因斯坦更广泛地被认为是天才。然而他小时候智力发展存在问题和他的特有天赋使我们对有关天才、智慧或智商的传统观点产生了怀疑。一方面,爱因斯坦小时候在智力测试所看重的能力上表现出有缺陷;而

7、另一方面,他独特的智能却远远超出了对于智慧的大多数定义。特别是他的智能发展表现出一种独特的渐进过程,这与智力是天生和不变的流行观念是矛盾的。他学会的而不是天生的能力 尤其是他顽强的毅力和善于思索的技能 很明显,与任何智力上的明显优势一样对他的才能起着决定的作用。4These powerful aspects of intelligence that conventional definitions overlook are getting close attention in a new wave of research. This comes after years of earlier s

8、tudies exposed the narrowness of our usual measures of mental aptitude. Intelligence, it turns out, is multifaceted and marvelous:it includes personality traits, creativity skills and intellectual wizardries that show up on no test. 4 传统定义所忽略的这些起重要作用的智力因素在新的研究活动中正在引起密切的关注。这一现象是出现在早期的多年研究揭露了通常的智力测量的局

9、限性之后。研究表明,智力是多方面的,是奇异的:它包括个性特征、创造技能和知识才能,这些都是无法测试的。 5What is most exciting is that some of these ill-defined abilities are possessed by many people. Just knowing about such neglected skills willhelp us discover and nurture untapped potential in ourselves and in our children. A better understanding o

10、f these abilities is emerging from research along four major lines: 5 特别令人兴奋的研究结果是,这些被下了错误定义的能力中的某一些是许多人都具备的。只要了解这些被忽略了的技能,就会帮助我们发现并培养我们自身及我们孩子的未开发的潜能。四个主要方面的研究可以帮助我们较好地的理解这些能力。 6(1). Intellectual Quotient. I.Q. test scores are not as important as once believed. Long-term studies show that the score

11、s may vary considerably over a persons lifetime, and their value as predictors of success in school has been vastly overrated. According to recent studies, I.Q. accounts for only about 35 to 45 percent of the variation in students academic performance. More than half still remains unexplained. Moreo

12、ver, studies demonstrate that success in school is a poor predictor of success in later life. 6 、智商 智商测试的分数并不象以前所认为的那样重要。长期研究表明,在人的一生中,智商数可能有很大的变化。若用智商预测今后学业成功与否,那就过高地估计了它的价值。根据最近的研究,在学生的学业成绩中,智商所起的作用仅占约35% 45%。其它方面所起到的一半以上的作用还无法解释。此外,研究还显示在学校的成功并不能预示今后生活的成功。7New research also indicates that reasoni

13、ng ability, an aspect of intelligence that I.Q. tests do measure, can be trained in ways that help students do better in school. Experimental preschool programs have helped raise the scholastic ability of slum children, for example. And psychologists Arthur and Linda Shaw Whimbey asserted that any h

14、ealthy person can learn abstract reasoning skills. They have helped college students make better grades through a training program described in their book Intelligence Can Be Taught. Large vocabularies, which are learned, usually correlate with high scores on I.Q. tests, as does reading comprehensio

15、n, a skill stressed in I.Q. training programs. 7 新的研究还表明,推理能力这一智商测试所测量的一个方面能够象帮助学生在学校取得好成绩一样,对其进行训练。例如,实验性的学前计划有助于提高贫民区儿童的学习能力。心理学家阿塞和韦姆贝认为,任何健康的人都可以学会抽象的推理技能。他们通过如在他们所著的智力是能教会的一书中所描述的一种训练计划,帮助大学生取得了较好的成绩。通过学习获得大量的词汇,通常与智商测试的高分相关,这一点与阅读理解力一样,也是智商训练计划中强调的一项技能。8Many such programs view the I.Q. variabl

16、es of intelligence as a particular psychological “set” a problem-solving readiness. Obviously, this can be trained, just as physical readiness for competitive sports can be trained. 8 许多此类训练计划把智商中的智力变量看作是一种特殊的心理倾向 一种解决问题的迫切心理。显然,这是能训练的,正如参加体育比赛前身体上准备就绪是可以训练的一样。9(2). Creativity. I.Q. scores, which reflect ability to home in on a single correct answer through logical steps, measure only about a half-dozen variables of menta



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