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1、第 1 页 共 6 页1. Nothing_ after the terrible fire which had been caused by someone smoking in bed.A. left B. was remained C. remained D. continued*1C 本题考查动词的用法。表示 “剩下”的意思时,leave 为及物动词,应为“be left,remain 为不及物动词,故选 C。 2. Although motor car has been with us for almost a century, I have never been able to d

2、rive _American one.A. the ; an B. was remained C. a; the D. the ; the*2A 本题考查冠词的用法。前者加定冠词 the,表示“ 一类” ;后者为泛指。3. It was not a good idea to go skating. You _your leg.A. can break B. could breakC. could have broken D. could have been broken*3C 本题关键为抓住题中提供的信息。 “It was not a good idea表明动作发生于过去,情态动词后接动词完成

3、式表明对过去动作的猜测。4. What were you doing when she dropped in?I for a while and_ some reading.A. was playing; was going to do B. played; didC. had played; was going to do D. had played; did*4C 本题的时态考查具有一定的迷惑性。 “she dropped in”发生于“play与“do some reading之间,故 play 用过去完成时,而 do some reading 用过去将来时。5. The queen w

4、ill visit the town in May, she will open the new hospital.A. when B. then C. while D. but*5A 本题为连词用法的考查,句子无承接和转折的意思,故排除 B、D ,而 while更强调两个动作同时发生,所以也不符合题意。6. _good, the food was soon sold out.A. Tasted B. Being tasted C. Tasting D. Having tasted第 2 页 共 6 页*6C 注意系动词用主动形式表示被动,如 The food tastes good7. I

5、feel silly in these clothes. Everyone will_ me.A. worry about B. make fun of C. get rid of D. take interest in*7B 本题为词组的辨析, worry about 意为“担心”,make fun 0f 意为“取笑”,get 瑚0f 意为 “清除”,take interest in 意为“对感兴趣”,故 B 项符合题意。8. How did you find your visit to the museum, Jane?A. Oh, wonderful, indeed B. By taki

6、ng a number 3 busC. I went there alone D. A classmate of mine showed me the way*8A 交际用法的考查关键抓住问句的提示,本题问句意思为“你去参观博物馆,感觉如何?”故 A 项符合题意,意思为 “棒极了。”9. Up to Tuesdays attack, the worst school shooting in the U. S. was in March 1998 in Jonesboro, two boys, aged 11 and 13, shot and killed a teacher and four

7、girls.A. while B. where C. when D. then*9C 本题关键是辨明横线后为完整句 “two boys,aged 11 and 13,shot and killed a teacher and four girls,其中 aged 11 and 13 为插入语。10. When I tried to find _that prevented so many people from taking part in the program, it seemed to me that there were two main reasons.A. why it did B

8、. that it did C. what it was D. why it was*10C 本题是强调句和宾语从句的考查。宾语从句缺少主语,用 what。强调句中强调部分为疑问副词应提前,故选 C 项。*1Would you like _ more cakes ?-Yes, _A.some ;no more B.some ;another two cakes C.any ;more two cakes D any, more than two 2.The pupils were struck by _beauty of nature.第 3 页 共 6 页A. X B. a C.the D

9、an 3-Is Bill on duty today ?-It _be him.It is my turn.A. may not B.wont C mustnt D cant 4.He translated the young tree to the park _it was the best time for it.A.where B.when C.what D.that 5.The continent of Asia lies _the east of the continent of America.A. in B on C to D. along 6.It was not until

10、1920 _regular radio broadcasts began.A.while B.which C.that D.since 7. 1000 guests were all found _in the room which only _800 people.A.seat ;seat B.hold ;hold C.hold ;seat D.seated ;hold 8 We Chinese are all _the successful bid for the 2008 Olympic games to be held in Beijing.A. pride in B proud of

11、 C. proud in D.pride of 9.He is said _abroad, but I dont know which country he studied in.A.to have studied B.to study C.to be studying D.to have been studying 10.Im sorry I didnt do a good job.-Never mind._you have tried your best.A.Above all B.In all C.At all D.After all 11._ the warning message,

12、more deaths would have caused in the flood.A.Except for B.In spite of C But for D. Instead of 12.In my opinion, this kind of dress _professional women.A. is not fit for B.doesnt fit for C.isnt suited for D doesnt suit 13.Was it in the white building, if I may ask, _he made a speech to hundreds of pe

13、ople ?A.that B.where C.which D.when 14.I hope I will not be called in class as Im not yet _prepared.A. readily B. attentively C. properly D. actively 15.I had not believed in falling in love at first sight _I met Mary two years 第 4 页 共 6 页ago.A.if B.when C.even if D.before 16-Is there any present fo

14、r me ?-Of course.This necklace _you.A.is short for B.is named for C.is intended for D. intended to 17.The five-star hotel caught fire last night.Fortunately all the people _escape.A.were able to B.could C.tried to D.could be able to 18.I always prefer to start early _leave everything to the last minute.A.or rather B.in case C or else D.rather than 19.-Will you go to the dinner party tomorrow ?-Of course I will _.20.I will never forget the years _we worked together in the city and the years _we spent together.A.which ;when B when which C.what ;that D.that ;when A. if invi


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