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1、辽宁科技大学本科生毕业论文 I风险投资运作与管理摘 要美国将高新技术作为拉动经济增长的重要方式,日本提出了技术立国,欧盟将推进高新科技产业化作为经济政策的大方向。而风险投资就是指初始状态下的高新技术领域的投资,风险投资的风险和回报率银远大于银行投资跟传统证券市场的投融资制度,随着改革开放,中国风险投资快速发展,显现出了风险投资对高新科技产业化的巨大推动作用。但国内多家风险投资公司的失利甚至倒闭也体现了我国风险投资产业还存在着一些问题。随着经济全球化和我国经济的飞速发展,风险投资在我国越来越受到政府、企业、人民的重视,因此对风险投资运作与管理进行研究是有重要意义的。本文研究内容共分四章,第一章绪

2、论介绍了本文选题背景与意义以及国内外风险投资研究现状,第二章风险投资概述简述了风险投资的发展流程和基本概念,第三章风险投资运作与管理中存在的问题介绍了风险投资运作与管理过程中常见的问题。第四章风险投资运作与管理问题的对策介绍了风险投资企业面对各种风险投资问题应该如何解决。关键词:风险投资;公司管理;投资运作辽宁科技大学本科生毕业论文 IIVenture Capital Operation and ManagementAbstractUnited States high-tech as an important way to stimulate economic growth, Japan pr

3、ovided technical foundation, the EU will promote the industrialization of high and new technology as the direction of economic policy. Is exclusively under the initial state of venture capital investments in high-tech, venture capital higher risk and higher returns than investment banking with tradi

4、tional investing and financing system of the securities market, after years of development, China venture capital to flourish, showing venture capital to high-tech industrialization, scientific research commercialization and the great role of science and technology enterprise growth and development.

5、 But the loss or even bankruptcy of several venture capital firms also reflected Chinas venture capital industry still has some problems, we have to discover and solve problems, so that the development of Chinas venture capital company, realize the value of enterprise. With economic globalization an

6、d the rapid development of Chinas economy, venture capital investment in China more and more attention by Governments, enterprises and people. Has given this, I select has venture capital as I of graduated papers, paper total is divided into four chapter, The first chapter introduces the aims and si

7、gnificance of the topic, as well as domestic and foreign venture capital research, risks outlined in chapter II, outlines the development process of venture capital and basic concepts chapter of venture capital and issues introduced in the management of common problems in the venture capital process

8、. Fourth chapter of venture capital and management to the problems introduced venture capital firms face a variety of problems of venture capital and how do he fix.Keywords:Venture capital, Management campany, Capital operation辽宁科技大学本科生毕业论文 III目 录1 绪论 .11.1 选题背景与目的 .11.2 国内外研究现状 .11.2.1 国外研究现状 .11.2

9、.2 国内研究现状 .21.3 本文的研究内容和方法 .21.3.1 本文的研究内容 .21.3.2 本文的研究方法 .22 风险投资概述 .32.1 风险投资含义 .32.2 风险投资特点 .32.3 风险投资流程 .43 风险投资运作与管理中存在的问题 .53.1 项目评估过于简单 .53.2 风险规避策略单一 .53.3 内部发展环境失控 .53.3.1 投资决策盲目 .53.3.2 过于注重资本需求 .53.3.3 轻视人才管理 .63.3.4 轻视跟踪管理 .63.3.5 忽略退出战略 .63.4 外部发展环境滞后 .73.4.1 资本市场环境滞后 .7辽宁科技大学本科生毕业论文 IV3.4.2 法制与社会诚信滞后 .74 完善风险投资运作与管理对策 .


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