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1、1教学过程1、复习预习复习非谓语动词作状语的基础知识,特别是分词作状语时的用法,预习用非谓语动词作定语来达到定语从句的效果。2、知识讲解考点 1 不定式作定语1) 形式: to do To be done 2) 不定式 to do 在句中作定语置于被修饰名词后,常同该名词构成动宾关系,要是不定式是不及物动词,其后应加上必要的介词。例:I have something to say. (to say something )Ill give you a magazine to read.That is a good company to work for.He is a pleasant fell

2、ow to work with.Would you bring me a bench to sit on?3) 有些名词常接不定式作定语,如:chance ,time ,reason ,way ,effort ,right (权利),movement 等You havent any reason to leave me.You have no right to do such a thing.He succeeded in his effort to overcome his fatal weakness.He put himself out of the way to help others

3、.We have no time to lose.Thank you for giving me the chance to make the speech.4) The first ,the last ,the second ,the best 等常与不定式连用作定语。非谓语动词作定语适用学科 英语 适用年级 高二知识点 不定式,现在分词和过去分词作定语修饰名词教学目标 知识与技能:1、掌握各种形式的意义2、了解非谓语动词在英语中的重要性过程与方法:培养学生对非谓语动词的理解,以及适当应用教学重点 To do, to be done, doing, being done, done 作定语教

4、学难点 理解 to be done, doing, being done, done 作定语时的含义以及运用2He is always the first to come.She would be the last to agree to our plan.You are the second to ask me that question.Ill do my poor best to fix it up.当 to go ,to spare 作“剩下”讲时可作定语。例:He had five minutes to go before time was up.They had only 100

5、dollars to spare.5) 不定式用在某些句子中作定语相当于一个定语从句,表示动作即将发生。There are many difficulties to overcome.= There are many difficulties that will have to be overcome.He has a large family to support.= He has a large family that he must support.考点 2 现在分词作定语1) 形式Doing 主动进行(前后都可以)Being done 被动进行(只能放到后面做后置定语)The buil

6、ding being built will be the third Teaching Building of our school. The matter being discussed ( which is being discussed ) is of great importance.2) 作定语的单词或者分词短语可以扩展为定语从句。The sleeping child The child who is sleeping.Falling leaves The leaves which are fallingThe pen lying on the table belongs to yo

7、u.The pen which is lying on the table belongs to you.The boy making faces is my son. The boy who is making faces is my son.The house being painted is mine.The house which is being built is mine.注意:现在分词作后置定语表示一个(现在或将来)正在进行的动作,或者表示某经常性动或状态。Can you see the star moving in the sky?There is a piano standi

8、ng in the corner.如果分词所表示的动作在时间上同谓语动词所表示的动作不一致,不能使用现在分词,而应使用定语从句。I want to know the man breaking the window. (X)Break 的动作是先发生上例不能用现在分词,应改为定语从句。如:.who broke the window.3因此我们就知道在那种情况下定语从句可以用现在分词代替,即:定语从句动词所表示的时间同主句谓语动词的时间一致时。Did you see the man (who was) talking to the headmaster?The hospital which sta

9、nds /standing across the street was set up last year.(stands 表示一个经常性的状态)3) 位置1动名词单个词作定语时也置于被修饰词前,表示被修饰词的用途、类属等。a writing table = a table for writing (动名词)a swimming pool = a pool for swimming (动名词)a waiting room = a room for waiting (动名词)drinking water = water for drinking (动名词)No one is allowed to

10、speak aloud in the reading room. (动名词)That is a shop dealing in walking stick. (动名词)a sleeping child = a child who is sleeping (现在分词)The sleeping child was in a sound sleep. (现在分词)All bedrooms in this hotel have hot cold running water. (现在分词)从上述看,单个动名词和现在分词都可以作前置定语,但现在分词和被修饰的名词在逻辑上有主谓关系,表示被修饰名词自身发生的

11、动作或行为,而动名词和被修饰的名词不表示这种关系,只表示与被修饰名词的用途、类属等。动名词作介词宾语构成的介词短语可定语。例:He is in the habit of rising early.( of rising 修饰名词 habit )She has a good idea of playing snowball.( of playing 修饰名词 idea )有些名词有时也可接不定式和其接“介词动名词”在意义上没有区别。例:That is the way of setting the problem.That is the way to settle the problem.这类名词

12、常用的有:time for doing sth. Reason of doing sth.Time to do sth. Reason to do sth.Freedom in doing sth. Chance of doing sth.Freedom to do sth. Chance to do sth.Failure in doing sth. Patience in doing sthFailure to do sth. Patience to do sth.Choice of doing sth. Opportunity of doing sth.Choice to do sth.

13、 Opportunity to do sth.但有些名词和 purpose ,method ,idea ,habit 等后面只能接 of + 动名词,不接不定式,有些名词如 promise ,effort ,desire ,attempt ,ability ,refusal ,determination ,f4ailure 不接 of + 动名词,但可以接不定式。例:It is surprising that they should choose this method of passing the evening. (不用method to pass)The old man is in th

14、e habit of reading the newspaper at breakfast. (不用habit to do )dont trust his promise to come for a visit. (不用promise of coming )She had persisted in her refusal to spend Christmas in Bursley . (不用refusal of spending)But his efforts to get her back were vain. (不用efforts of getting)2有些单个分词(尤其是现在分词)作定

15、语时也可以置于被修饰词之后,特别如一些不定3代词 anything ,something ,everything ,nothing 等则应后置。例:the experience gained (获得的经验)for the time being (暂时)for years running ( 一连数年)She found the window open and something stolen. There is nothing doing.There is nothing interesting in todays paper.They can see everything happening

16、 on the line.Is there anything interesting in the book?4分词短语置于被修饰词之后The pen lying on the table belongs to you.The boy making faces is my son.I like songs performed by Mao Aming.考点 3 -ed 分词作定语1) 形式Done 被动完成,或者被动有时过去分词则表示被动,不表示完成的动作,有时则表示动作的完成,不表示被动的动作。the fallen leaves (动作已完成)developed countries (动作已完成)an intere



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