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1、1Unit 2 TravelingPart 1 Teaching design第一部分 教学设计 VOCABULARY 四会 (n.) symbol, whale, speed, ride, magic, pie, excitement, harm, meaning, line, experience, motorcycle, lamb, conference, programme, gift, marriage, officer, trunk(v.) clap, sail, check, tie, (adj.) fantastic, harmful, harmless, helpless,

2、useless, endless, hopeless, meaningful, cultural, (adv.) abroad, clearly三会 fountain, cute, performer, wave, march, three-D, shiny, delight, delightful, dolphin, dessert, seafood, state, paragraph二会 roller, suffix, hike, adjective, adverbEXPRESSIONS a symbol of, see the beautiful view, go skiing, the

3、me park, in front of the whale fountain, at the entrance, move at high speed, through the whole ride, cant wait to go, wave to, march across the park, clap and scream with joy, the line of people, a meaningful experience, fifteen years of marriage, travel abroad, by the way, fly to, the culture cent

4、reSTRUCTURE 1. It must be fun. 2. Its Mount Fuji in Japan a symbol of Japan. 3. I have been here in Hong Kong for two days. 4. Kitty has gone to Hong Kong with her family. They will come back next week. 5. Millie left Beijing two days ago. 6. Millie has had a purse for a year. 27.When did you come b

5、ack from Hong Kong ? 8. I couldnt stop taking photos.9. I couldnt wait to go to Fantasyland.10. It was fun to see so many elephants. Period 1 Comic strips & welcome to the unit(Where do you want to go on holiday? Popular tourist attractions)Teaching goals To introduce well-known attractions in forei

6、gn cities and popular places of interest To activate general knowledge about the world and identify activities which people do on holiday To start students thinking about different places in the worldTeaching proceduresStep 1 Having a free discussionWhat do you often do during holidays? Have you eve

7、r traveled to other cities and countries? Where did you visit last year? Work in pairs and tell each other about your traveling experiences.Step 2 PresentingI have been to England twice? Have you ever been there? 3Where have you been? There are some pictures of some popular tourist attractions. Now

8、look at these pictures one by one. What is it? Its the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. It is a symbol of Italy. What can people do there? Take photos. /Go hiking. /Go skiing. /See the beautiful views. Step 3 Doing practices1. Do you know any famous attractions in China or other parts of the world? N

9、ow tell your partner something about the pyramids (Egypt), the Eiffel Tower (France), Mount Tai (China), Niagara Falls (Canada and the USA), the Taj Mahal (India)泰姬陵 , and Ayres Rock (Australia). 2. Work in pairs to talk about each of the photos. Use the conversation between Daniel and Millies on pa

10、ge 25 as a model. You may expand the model conversation to include things you know and want to do yourselves. Step 4 Doing extension activities1. In pairs talk about places you have visited and what you did there. 2. Bring in any postcards you may have of different sights and attractions around the

11、world. Step 5 Presenting If you want to go on holiday, what should you take? What do you think is the most necessary? Is it good to take everything? Why not? Eddies going on a trip, what about Hobo? Step 6 Finding and writing expressionsYou are to go over page 24 and 25 again to find out and write d

12、own all the useful expressions. Make sentences of your own with them after class. Expressions Go on a trip to, join, takeout for a few days, bring.with me, come on, take the bag, go on holiday, visit different places, do a project on, find out more about, discuss ones ideas 4with, prepare a fact fil

13、e, write about ones dream holiday, talk toabout, useas a model, replace.with, go hiking, go skiing, see the beautiful view, take photos, a symbol of Step 7 Listening task Look at the picture on page 20, and then listen to the tape, trying to answer the following questions. Is Eddie happy in the firs

14、t picture? Why? What does Hobo think of the trip? Does Hobo want to go, too? How does Hobo feel the trip? Why is Eddie unhappy in the last picture? Step 8 Reading aloud the textRead after the tape, and then act the dialogue out. The joke in this dialogue is that Eddie wants to go on holiday to relax

15、. Instead he will be working harder than he would if he had stayed at home. Step 9 Doing homeworka. Read the comic strips and try to recite it. b. Try to revise the phrase and sentences in this period.c. Translation1. 长城是中国的象征。 2. 人们在塔桥那干什么? 人们可以在那儿看到漂亮的景色和拍照。3. 她已经去过南山好几次了。4. 让我带你出去几天吧。 5. 我正在打包。我想

16、把每一样东西都带上。 (Keys: 1. The Great Wall is the symbol of China. 2. What can they do at the Tower Bridge? They can see beautiful sights and take photos there. 3. She has been to the South Mountain many times. 4. Let me take you out for a few days. 5. I am packing. I want to take everything with me.) 5Period 2 Reading I(Welcome to Hong Kong)Teaching goals To read a letter about a holiday in Hong Kong To expand vocabulary to


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