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1、1教师培训之音标培训(Sound phonetics)一.音标基本常识1.什么是音标?音标是一个单词的读音.它是由三类音素组成:元音音素, 半元音音素,及辅音音素相拼而成,其中只有元音音素能单独成音.2.什么是音素?音素是字母在单词音标中的读音,它是音标中最小的组成单位.它也分为: 元音音素, 半元音音素 ,及辅音音素.3.音标与拼音的联系:1)拼音的每个单音的写法及顺序都来源于英文 26 个字母,2)拼音是声母 与韵母相拼而成,而音标大部分是辅音音素与元音音素相拼而成.4.音标学习的好处:1) 使发音能够更加漂亮;2) 背诵单词更加有方法,更准确;3) 连读 ,缩读更好理解;3) 高考中第一

2、题有五分辩音题.125. 音标学习的几种方法:1) 三位一体学习法: 音素, 字母或字母组合, 及举例单词. Eg. eI a late cake make ai train ay day birthday way say playei eight 2) 单词口诀: 为了背诵单词方便快捷, 特编写口诀,把零散的单词串成一线.Eg. Happy day, birthday, on the way, play and say, on the train, make a cake, at eight, dont be late.3) 新旧版音标对照:Eg. ei - eI 4) 英 ,美发音对照 :

3、Eg. a: - ar 5) 手势发音特色: 利用手势来表示发出这一音素的嘴形变化.优点: 能够形象地体会音素发音的特点; 能够有效地避免学生刻意模仿教师嘴形所发的错误发音; 能够把复杂的音标术语,像上腭,齿龈,软腭等变得形象,简单.36.音素学习的顺序:1) 五个元音字母的的本音及短音(10)2) 其它 (10)3) 为了让学生能够更加清楚地了解元音各音素之间的联系,在此环节中特编写了一个”元音音标结构图 ”.4) 辅音音素中 10 对清浊辅音(20)5) 鼻辅音(3)6) 半元音(2)7) 其它 (3)8) 总结练习/总结测试7.课时安排: 所有课程共设 32 课时,45 分钟为一课时,每

4、次一个半小时,共16 次课. 元音部分每次讲两个到三个; 注: 元音字母的短音可以一次多讲几个. 辅音一次可以讲三对-五对. 练习一大节 测试一大节 试卷讲解一大节注: 具体课程安排根据所收学员程度安排.348. 音标具体讲解内容:A. 元音音素元音音素共有 20 个,其中元音字母的发音也是尤为重要。其余元音音素相应的字母及字母组合要记住.26 个字母中有五个元音字母,分别是 a,e,i ,o,u(1) ei - eI a late cake make (旧) (新) ai train ay day birthday way say playei eight 口诀:Happy day, bir

5、thday, on the way, play and say, on the train, make a cake, at eight, dont be late.(2)发音要点:舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部尽量向硬腭抬起,口形扁 平,和微笑时的口型相似,上下齿之间的距离很窄,约能容下一个火柴棍,气流通过缝隙清晰地发出 i: i: e he she me we ee meet three feet bee green treeea teacher tea sea clean eat meat口诀:M eet me,he and she,three feet bee,on the green tree

6、,we can see,five teachers,drink tea,ea t meat, read and sleep, in the sea,cl ean sea.5(3) ai - aI i like white kite(旧) (新) y fly July sky butterfly cryigh high bright mightie die ye eye bye4.口诀:fl y a kite,whi te bike,Jul y sky,br ight and high,butterfly,might,die , eyes,eyes ,cry, cry,fly,fly,bye b

7、ye bye.(4) - o go close home alone hope no(旧) (新) oa boat roadow snow window ownol cold口诀: Go and close the window, go home alone, cold snow, on the road, goat boat, no hope.(5) u: u blue flute glueoo kangaroo zoo room school food故事:Blue kangaroo glue zoo school room food隐含故事情节: (兰色袋鼠用胶水把动物园学校房间里的食物

8、粘起来 .)(6) u - u put (旧) (新) oo wood book good look foot故事:Put wood br ook book good look foot6隐含故事情节:( 把木头放在小溪上,木头上有本书 , 书上有个好看的大脚.) 以下情况 “oo”发 :1) 在字母 “k” 前读 ;2) 在字母 “d”前读 , 只有一个例外 food 发 u: ; 以下情况 “oo”发 u: :1)在字母 “t”前读 ,只有一个例外 foot 发 ;2) “room”及其它合成词 eg. bathroom, living room, bedroom ect.“oo”可发 u

9、: 也可发 ; 以上为五个元音字母的本音音素。但是这五个元音字母在某种情况下还会发相映的短音。因此编写了以下的口诀会帮助同学更好地记忆五个元音字母的本音和短音。口诀如下:辅元结构 “e”开门;元音字母发本音;元辅结构辅闭门;元音字母发短音。eI i:aI u: a e i o u e I 记住记清 .辅 : 指辅音音素或辅音字母 ; 元 : 指元音音素或元音字 母;(7) a 口诀: A cat has a fat dad with a big hat.A man has a fat hand with a big ham.7(8) 发音要点:舌尖抵下齿,e e口诀: Ted let the

10、hens leg get onto the bed.Ben fed the hen with bread on the bed.“ea” 有时也会发e eg. bread/ head(9) 发音要点:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽量向硬腭抬起,但舌位比 i: 稍低,稍后;口形比 i:稍大,约可以容纳一个小指尖。 I i 口诀: This is a big and thin pink pig.But it is pity that it is sick.(10) o口诀: Its a cock, standing on the rock, wearing a sock, looking at a cloc

11、k.(11) u口诀: Under the sun, on the bus,A funny duck, with a little cup. 到此为止,可以讲音标结构图了.(联想记忆法)eI i: aI u: -ua e i o u au e I -a: I - .8 (12) a:-ar a last after fast(英式) (美式) ar party car hard口诀: Last week, after the party, fix my car,work very hard, work very fast.(13) ou around house mouse our shout

12、ow brown flower owl down now口诀: Brown flowers, around the house; Mouse mouse, out out;Our owl, down down; Cow shout, now now.(14) : - I or morning short (英式) (美式) oar soar blackboardal small tall walk all call aw draw crawloa broad口诀: Good morning to all who walk; 9Good morning to all who crawl;Good

13、 morning to all who soar;Or draw, good morning I call;To broad, to small, to short and to call;Good morning , good morning to all.(15) I oy boy joyful toy oi noise voice口诀: Oh, joy, joy ,oh joy;Boy with his toy;Shouting with his voice;Making a joyful noise;Oh, joy, oh joy.(16) - er her (英式) (美式) ir

14、first third girl dirty birdor wormur furear early口诀: Fir st and third girls, wearing the dirty fur;10See an early bird, catching her worm.(17) er remember teacher after sister or doctor a amuse banana 口诀: I can remember my teacher;I can look after my sister;I can amuse my doctor;I am a banana.(18) ear


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