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1、第 1 页 共 9 页译林牛津模块二第三单元语言点详析Unit 3 Aamazing peoplePart Words:1.curious adj. 好奇的;奇怪的,不寻常It is good to be curious about the world around you.I am curious about what he said just now.curiosity 好奇心2.preserve vt 保存,保护,保持,维持The government has spend a lot of money to preserve places of historical places.You

2、d better preserve meat or fish in salt.Its the duty of the police to preserve public order.还可以表示 禁猎Fishing is strictly preserved.3.present adj. 在场的,出席的,现在的Many people are present at the meeting.At the present time =(At present) more and more people buy cars.n. 礼物People would like to send presents on

3、 Christmas day.Vt. 提出,呈现,介绍When you finish your painting ,you should present it to others.4.coincidence n 巧合,碰巧What a coincidence ! I was there at the same time as you .By coincidence, we studied and lived in the same city.5.disturb vt 打扰,扰乱Dont disturb.Now he is asleep; dont disturb him.Wind distur

4、bed the water.I have heard some bad news, which has disturbed me very much.注意 :interrupt 打断,中断When others are talking ,it is impolite of your to interrupt them.6.result n. 结果 vi。导致 ;结果If you obtain good results ,you have to work hard.He was ill. As a result ,he was absent from school.He was absent f

5、rom school as a result of his illness.Hard work results in success. =(lead to)Success results from hard work.7.certain adj. 确定的,肯定的Im certain that he will come .We are certain of our victory.He is certain to come.It is certain that he will come.注意与 sure的区别第 2 页 共 9 页be sure of/about/to do /that+clau

6、se但是在 It is certain that 中 certain不能换成 pare vt 比较 A with B 把 A和 B进行比较A to B 把 A比作 B(打比方)If you compare your work with his ,you will find out whose work is better.People would like to compare teachers to guarders.Compare vi with 与。 。 。匹敌;相比He is not better than his partner in the work.He cant compare

7、 with his partner.Nobody can compare with him in paintings.9.express vt 表达,表示No words can express my thanks.He can express himself in good clear English now after four years hard learning.express adj. 快速;快递 an express trainexpression n 表达,表情,词句10.base n 基地,大本营,基础She used her familys story as a base

8、of her novel.His arguments had a good economic base.The air base was set up in 1980.base vt Judgment should be based on facts, not on hearsay.One should always base ones opinions on facts. I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.11.contact vtShe contacted me as soon as she arrived there.be

9、 in out of contact with 和.接触, 有联系脱离接触, 失去联系have contact with 接触到, 和.有联系lose contact with 和.失去联系, 离开make contact with 和.接触联系12.survive vi 幸存,残存,生还Few survived after the flood。The custom still survives.Vt 幸免于,经受得住,比。 。 。活得长He survived his wife for many years.他比妻子多活好多年。The house survived the storm.13.o

10、nce conj. 一旦Once you begin you have to continue.Once you get down to doing something ,you should try your best.14.prove vt 证明He has proved his courage in battle. 第 3 页 共 9 页Facts have proved that the creative power of the people knows no limits. 事实证明人民的创造力是无穷的。Prove vi 证实(是)The method / drug proved

11、(to be) highly effective.My advice proved to be wrong.15.qualified adj 有资格的;合格的He is a qualified doctor.He is qualified for his job.qualify v 具有资格 qualification n 资格16.position方位;位置Can you find our position on this map? The position is very critical. 情势很危急。Hes got a good position as a sales manager.

12、What is your position on the new taxes? 关于新税法你有何见解?17.manage vt/vi He is old enough to manage his own business.May I help you with your case ?Thanks a lot ! I can manage myself.The pilot managed to circle the city for a long time.He managed to pass the exam with his classmates help.succeed in doing

13、sth 成功地做某事try to do sth 努力做某事(不知道结果如何)18.live vt He is our model .He can live his own dream by himself.adj. There is a live concert on TV tonight.(现场直播的)Part Phrases and expressions1.set sail for some place2.pay off 成功,带来好的结果Before exams he worked very hard.And his effort paid off ;He passed the exa

14、m.Our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea.pay 其他的词组 pay sb money for sth. pay back偿还 pay off ones debts 还清债务3.a great deal of 许多,大量 后跟不可数名词1)修饰可数名词的(词或词组):a good /great many books a large number of books quite a few books many a/an +单数可数名词 2)修饰不可数名词a great deal of money a large sum of money

15、 3) 两者都可修饰a lot of =lots of plenty of a large quantity of /large quantities of 4.as well as 也,同时He as well as his families likes music.第 4 页 共 9 页5.have effect on 对。 。 。 。有影响His words had great effect on me .6.lead sb to a placelead sb to do sth lead to sth 7.have something to do with He said he had

16、 nothing to do with the matter.Have something/nothing/little/much to do with8.be known as/for make oneself known to others9.die of 死于die of a disease/hunger/old age/ sorrowdie from a fall from the bike/an accident/wound/cut/drinking too much10.fall ill 11.go out12.the curse of the mummy13.at the moment of his death14.punish sb15.change the world for the better16.through thoughts a


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