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1、P1LOGO主广告语:尊享城市中央公馆生活!(Enjoy the central city residence life!)主信息:东信城市公馆 60110高性价比精品房源11 月 26 日认筹活动盛大启动!(缴纳一万元认筹金尊享 10000 元/套开盘额外优惠)VIP 专线:0561-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX销售中心:濉溪县虎山路与溪河路交口向南 30 米开发商:东信地产 整合推广:置融地产机构P2-P3【项目简介】项目全景图东信城市公馆 Eastcom City mansion品质人居 上层生活Habitat quality of life of the upper东信城市公馆位于濉溪

2、县城中心区,交通便捷,地理位置优越,东临城市干道虎山路,北靠城市干道溪河路,项目周边分布有县医院、金太阳幼儿园、实验小学、淮北师范等,配套齐全。小区现规划建设三幢高层住宅楼及商业门面约 4.8 万平米。项目设计手法,融自然、生态、休闲、景观与一体,建成后将成为濉溪县城中心又一个高品位、人文气息浓郁的自然生态型住宅。Eastcom City mansion located in the city center Suixi, convenient transportation, location, east of the city tiger mountain roads, urban roads

3、 north River Road, the project distributed around the county hospital, Golden Sun kindergarten, elementary school experiment, Huaibei Teachers, etc. fully furnished. District now plans to build three high-rise residential buildings and commercial facade of about 48,000 square meters. Project design

4、practices, financial nature, ecology, recreation, landscape and one which will become the city center and a Suixi high grade, rich cultural atmosphere of the natural eco-house.【区位】配一个商圈地图濉溪中央生活,毗临濉河公园繁华与安逸,尽可同享Suixi central living near to Sui River ParkShare the prosperity and comfort as possible东信城

5、市公馆,抢占濉溪中央生活区,臻选最适合的生活区位。繁华城区,社区林立,商业繁荣,毗临濉河公园,绝佳人居环境,购物、生活、休闲,一切近在咫尺。 。 。Eastcom City mansion, to seize the Suixi central living area, Zhen choose the most suitable living place. Bustling city, community buildings, commercial prosperity, the proximity of Sui River Park, a great living environment,

6、shopping, lifestyle, leisure, all within easy reach. . .【配套】配套完善 城市生活零距离实验小学、七小、南菜市、县医院、体育场Complete set of city life up closeExperimental Primary School, seven small, Southern food market, County Hospital,Stadium 2 路公交直达淮北,4 路公交直达刘桥,谷香客运站联通各个乡镇,一路心情一路风景。名校环绕,英才辈出,城西幼儿园、七小、实小、口子实验、二中都位于虎山路、溪河路的交叉线上,让

7、您的孩子在家门口享受全城顶级的的教育资源。南菜市、县医院、岱庄批发市场、邮局、银行等核心配套资源,满足您的生活所需,一邸公馆竭尽收藏。专业物业管理公司,精心为业主提供星级物业服务!2 bus directly to Huaibei, 4 bus direct Liuqiao, Valley Terminal Unicom Hong various towns,all the way to feel all the way to landscape.Elite around, excellence men, west of the city nursery, seven small, real

8、small, hole in theexperiment, two are located in the tiger in the mountain, River Road, cross line, let your childat home to enjoy the citys top educational resources.Southern food market, the county hospital, Dai Zhuang wholesale markets, post offices, banks and other core support resources to meet

9、 your living expenses, a mansion mansiondo collection.Professional property management company, well-star property services for the owners!【品质】现代生态康居,城市人居典范人性化设计,环保用材、精心建造高品质住宅Modern Eco-Healthy, a model of urban livingUser-friendly design, environmental protection timber, well-built high-quality re

10、sidential简洁明快、充满韵律感的建筑造型,大气、沉稳的立面色彩极力创造简约、怡人的居住形象,表现出清新的典雅主义风格。外墙面作保温隔热处理,卧室和起居室外窗采用双层玻璃以达到保温隔热和防噪效果景观设计强调“人与自然的和谐” ,既有大面积的敞开式景观空间,也有围合、半围合性的小片环境空间,共同构成小区的整体景观环境。Simple and clean, full of rhythmic architectural style, the atmosphere, calm facade colors to create strongly simple, pleasant living imag

11、e, showing a fresh and elegant style. Outside the walls for insulation treatment, outside the bedroom and living room with double glasswindows in order to achieve thermal insulation and noise canceling effectLandscape design emphasis on harmony between man and nature, both large areas ofopen space,

12、landscape type, there are enclosed, semi-enclosed space of the small piece of the environment, together constitute the districts overall landscape environmentP4【户型】精品户型 舒适尊贵70-130多款舒适经典户型Distinguished boutique family comfortA variety of comfortable and classic house 70-130 m融汇奢华公馆设计理念,工艺考究、精湛,XXXXX尺

13、度内,营造尊贵尚层体验。框架剪力墙结构,抗震性能优越,温馨亦安心。Blend of luxury mansion design, sophisticated technology, exquisite, 70-130 m scales,creating a layer of experience is still valued. Frame shear wall structure, seismic performance is superior, warm also peace of mind.注:设计上在画面上调性上要休现城市生活中心的氛围,在色调上和版式上要体现出项目的品质感!(可用一些修饰性的边框)



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