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1、三 江 学 院本科生毕业设计(论文)题 目 从语用学角度看英语会话中幽默的产生 英语 系 英语 专业学生姓名 学号 B 指导教师 职称 讲师 起讫日期 2010.12-2011.5 设计地点 第二教学楼 IAcknowledgementsThis thesis concludes my English learning of over one decade. I would like to thank all my previous teachers, especially those in Sanjiang University who taught me Intensive Reading

2、, to who I owe much of my knowledge in English language, translation, literature, and especially, in linguistics. My heartfelt gratitude goes to my adviser, Ms Lee, whose enlightening instruction, invaluable suggestion and patient encouragement have helped greatly to shape this thesis. Thanks are al

3、so extended to my boss Xun Jinbiao as well as my colleaguesit is with their support that the time was guaranteed for me to pursue my studies from which this thesis benefits a lot. IIAbstractHumor, an act of utterance, plays a significant role in daily lifeit can amuse addressee, adjust atmosphere, a

4、nd improve interpersonal relationship with presenting speakers intelligence and charm. As a phenomenon of language, humor draws a lot of attention in the field of linguistics.The production of humor does not exist independently because there is close relationship between itself and rules of language

5、. Hence, this paper analyzes the production of humor from two important theories in pragmatics, the Cooperative Principle and Presupposition. And it finally gets a summary that many humorous effects is generated by violating the four maxims of the Cooperative Principle (Relation, Quantity, Quality a

6、nd Manner) and the three characters of Presupposition (Mutual knowledge, Appropriateness and Defeasibility) through analyzing a series of humorous conversations. All in all, it is exactly an effective way to analyze humor from the Cooperative Principle and Presupposition, and they two really have ma

7、de great contributions to analyzing the existence of humor. Practically, with these two theories, people can avoid many embarrassing situations by creating humor.Keywords: humor; pragmatics; the Cooperative Principle; presuppositionIII摘 要幽默是一种说话艺术,它在人们日常会话中起着不可或缺的作用在愉悦他人的同时,还能调节气氛,改善人际关系,并且从侧面体现着说话者

8、的睿智与人格魅力。它作为一种语言现象,赢得了语言学界的广泛关注。幽默的产生离不开语言本身的规律。本文从语用学中的合作原则和语用预设方面详细分析了幽默的产生。通过对一系列幽默会话的分析,得出了通过违反合作原则四准则(量的准则,质的准则,相关准则,方式准则)及预设的三个特性(合适性,共知性,可撤销性)中的任何一个都可能产生幽默的效果。总之,本文分析得出,语用学中两个重要理论对英语会话中的幽默所进行的一系列分析是一套行之有效的方法,它增进了会话者之间的关系,避免了许多尴尬的出现,并且在实际生活和学习中也是起着举足轻重的作用。关键词:幽默;语用学:合作原则;语用预设IVTable of Content

9、s1 Introduction.12 The Cooperative Principle and Humor.12.1 The Violation of the Maxim of Relation and Humor.22.1.1 The Maxim of Relation .22.1.2 The Violation of Relation and Humor .22.2 The Violation of the Maxim of Quantity and Humor .42.2.1 The Maxim of Quantity.42.2.2 The Violation of Quantity

10、and Humor .42.3 The Violation of the Maxim of Quality and Humor .52.3.1 The Maxim of Quality.52.3.2 The Violation of Quality and Humor .62.4 The Violation of the Maxim of Manner and Humor.72.4.1 The Maxim of Manner .72.4.2 The Violation of Manner and Humor.83 Presupposition and Humor .93.1 The Viola

11、tion of the Maxim of Mutual Knowledge and Humor .93.1.1 The maxim of Mutual Knowledge .93.1.2 The Violation of Mutual Knowledge and Humor .103.2 The Violation of the Maxim of Appropriateness and Humor.113.2.1 The Maxim of Appropriateness .113.2.2 The Violation of Appropriateness and Humor.113.3 The Defeasibility and Humor.123.3.1 The Maxim of Defeasibility .123.3.2 The Violation of Defeasibility and Humor .



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