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1、石家庄铁道学院自学考试毕业论文I摘 要施工组织设计是规划和指导拟建工程投标、签订承包合同、施工准备到竣工全过程各项施工活动的一个技术、经济、组织、协调和控制的综合性文件,是工程顺利实施的重要保证。施工组织设计是以拟建工程项目为研究对象,以国家现行的施工及验收规范、规程、定额等为依据,在充分领会设计意图的前提下,结合工程现场条件编制的,用以指导其施工全过程的技术、经济和组织的综合文件。本文以宝汉高速 HC-04 标段为研究对象,从工程概况和施工特点分析主要项目施工方案、重点(关键)工程项目的施工方案及技术保证措施、施工总体进度计划、施工总平面布置以及保证工程项目的质量、安全、环境保护措施等方面进

2、行了详细的工程施工组织设计。施工组织设计的目的,是通过科学组织、精心安排,尽可能优化各种人力、物力、财力等资源的投入,在确保安全、质量、环保、合同履约等建设目标的前提下,努力降低施工成本,争取较好的经济效益和社会效益。图纸等,联系 QQ石家庄铁道学院自学考试毕业论文II关键词: 宝汉高速 工程施工 施工组织设计石家庄铁道学院自学考试毕业论文IIIAbstractThe organization is the planning and guidance bid, sign the contract to contract for construction to completion of con

3、struction activities a technical, economic, organization, coordination and control of the comprehensive document, it is important to ensure the smooth implementation. The organization is designed to the project is subject to state the current construction and accepted norms, rules, such as the quota

4、 on the premise of what design and construction sites for guiding the preparation of its construction technical, economic and organizational comprehensive document. the speed with BaoHan HC -04, From the project profile and the main features analysis of the construction plan, emphasis project constr

5、uction scheme and technology to guarantee measures, the overall progress, the general layout of the plane and ensure the project quality and safety, environmental protection measures and made detailed engineering design. the construction organization. The organizations purpose was through scientific

6、 organizations, elaborate, as the various human, material and financial resources and other resources to ensure safety, quality, and environmental protection and contract for construction of the performance targets, trying to reduce the cost and to strive for better economic and social benefit.Keywo

7、rds: BaoHan high-speed Project construction The construction organization石家庄铁道学院自学考试毕业论文IV目 录摘 要 .IAbstract.II目 录 .III第一章 绪论 .11.1 课题研究的目的意义 .11.2 国内外研究现状 .1第二章 总体施工组织布置及规划 .42.1 工程概况 .42.2 施工组织机构和任务划分 .42.2.1 施工组织机构 .42.2.2 施工任务划分 .42.2.3 设备,人员动员周期和设备,人员,材料运到现场的办法 .52.3 施工管理目标 .52.3.1 工期目标 .52.3.2 质量目标 .52.3.3 安全目标 .52.3.4 文明施工目标 .62.3.5 环境保护目标 .62.4 施工总平面布置 .62.4.1 施工便道及便桥 .62.4.2 驻地 .62.4.3 拌合站和制梁场 .72.4.4 办公生活,卫生,消防设施 .72.4.5 施工用水,用电 .72.5 施工进度计划 .72.5.1 工程开、交工日期及总工期 .72.5.2 工程进度安排 .



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