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1、1分类号 密级 U D C 编号 本科毕业论文(设计) 题目 对我国现行劳动争议处理制度的探讨 系 别 继续教育学院 专 业 名 称 人力资源管理 年 级 2010 级 学 生 姓 名 学 号 指 导 教 师 二 0 一一年十月2摘要:随着劳动法的成功实施, 劳动争议调解仲裁法的相继颁布和实施以及社会主义市场经济体制改革的深入,我国的经济实力实现了飞跃发展。与此同时,我国劳动关系领域发生了深刻变化,劳动争议案件持续快速增长,不同类型的劳动争议频发不断,现行劳动争议处理体制暴露出了比较明显的弊端。党的十五届五中全会对劳动关系调整和劳动争议处理提出了新的要求,使我国劳动争议处理工作日益突出。工业的

2、改组改造,将使劳动结构发生重大调整;深化国企改革,将使劳动关系主体进一步清晰;完善社会主义法制,将使中国劳动人民的法律意识不断增强,因而劳动关系中呈现的各种矛盾将更加突出,劳动争议数量仍将持续高速上升,劳动争议工作面临的任务十分艰巨。但是,我国现行劳动争议处理体制与不断深化的改革以及市场经济环境中劳动关系发展的需要不相适应。在我国已加入 WTO 的新形势下,建立一个适合我国国情的符合市场经济运行规则的劳动争议处理体制已迫在眉睫。本文系运用规范研究的方法进行专题研究,结合我国劳动关系发展现状,分别从劳动争议现状、现行劳动争议处理体制、劳动争议处理体制的问题与缺陷以及对劳动争议处理体制的完善与构建

3、四个方面进行阐述,以供有识之士商榷。本文创新主要体现在结合劳动争议现状,深入分析现行劳动争议处理体制的问题与缺陷,并提出了完善针劳动争议处理体制漏洞的针对性对策。关键词:劳动争议;劳动争议处理体制;调解;仲裁;诉讼3Abstract: Along with the Labor Laws successful implementation, Labor dispute mediation and arbitration laws successively promulgated and implemented, and the thorough of socialist market econo

4、mic system reform, our economic strength has achieved leap development. At the same time, profound changes have happened in our working relationship: labor dispute cases kept growing rapidly, Different types of labor dispute occurred frequent constantly, The current labor dispute processing system h

5、as exposed shortcomings obviously. The fifth plenary session of the partys 15 has put forward new requirements for labor relation adjustment and labor dispute processing, which makes our labor dispute processing work more and more serious. The Industrial reorganization and transformation will make s

6、ignificant adjustment on labor structure; the deeper reform of state-owned enterprises will make labor relations subject clearer; the improving of the socialist legal system will make our peoples Legal consciousness increase. Thus labor relations of the present contradictions will become more outsta

7、nding, and labor dispute amount will maintained high rise, so labor dispute work is faced with very arduous task. But Chinas current labor dispute processing system doesnt adapt to the deepening of reform and the needs of the development of labor relations in market economic environment. In the new

8、situation that China has joined the WTO, it turns to be imminent to establish a suitable labor dispute processing system for Chinas national conditions of market economic operation rules. This paper uses standard methods to product project research. In combination with the current situation of the d

9、evelopment of labor relations, it described from the four aspects: the present labor 4dispute situation, the current labor dispute processing system, the labor dispute processing system and its construction and complement. This article is for the reference of intellectuals.The innovation of this art

10、icle mainly reflects in combining the labor dispute the status quo, the thorough analysis in present labor dispute processing systems problems and defects, and Putting forward targeted measures for the vulnerabilities of needle labor dispute processing system. Key words:Labor dispute processing syst

11、em mediation arbitration litigation目 录引论 .1一、劳动争议概述 .1(一)劳动争议的概念 .1(二)劳动争议处理制度的概念 .1(三)我国现行劳动争议处理制度概述 .1二、现行劳动争议处理制度、特征及其处理原则 .2(一)现行劳动争议处理制度 .3(二)现行劳动争议处理制度的特征 .4(三)现行劳动争议处理原则 .6三、现行劳动争议的特征和现状 .8四、现行劳动争议处理制度的问题与缺陷 .9(一)调解 .9(二)仲裁 .9(三)诉讼 .105(四)劳动争议处理体制 11五、劳动争议处理制度的完善与构建 12结语 .14参考文献 .151引论随着社会主义市

12、场经济体制的改革深入,我国的经济实力实现了飞跃发展。与此同时,我国劳动关系领域发生了深刻变化,现行劳动争议处理体制暴露出了比较明显的弊端。党的十五届五中全会对劳动关系调整和劳动争议处理提出了新的要求,使我国劳动争议处理工作日益突出,工业的改组改造,将使劳动结构发生重大调整;深化国企改革,将使劳动关系主体进一步清晰;完善社会主义法制,将使中国劳动人民的法律意识不断增强。因而劳动关系中呈现的各种矛盾将更加突出,劳动争议数量仍将持续高速上升,劳动争议工作面临的任务十分艰巨。但是,我国现行劳动争议处理体制与不断深化的改革以及市场经济环境中劳动关系发展的需要不相适应,建立一个适合我国国情的符合市场经济运行规则的劳动争议处理体制已迫在眉睫。一、劳动争议概述(一)劳动争议的概念在我国,最早对劳动争议的概念进行界定的是史尚宽先生,且该界定对后世影响最为广泛:“劳动争议,广义的谓以劳动关系为中心所发生的一切争议。于此意义,因劳动契约关系,雇用人与受雇人之间所生之争议,或关于劳动者之保护或保险,雇用人与国家之间所起之纷争,雇用人团体与受雇人团体本身内部关系所生之纠纷,皆为劳动争议 ”。现行法律意义上的劳动争议也称劳资争议,是指劳资关系当事人之间因为对薪酬、工作时间、福利、解雇及其他待遇等工作条件的主张不一致而产生的纠纷。(二)劳动争议处理制度的概念劳动争议处理制度是指劳动争议处理的各种机构和方式在劳


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