综合英语新版第二册unit2 TextB A_city_of_Churches

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1、,Extended Activities,Part III,Book 3-Unit 2,Dictation Read MoreGrammar and VocabularyTranslationRaise QuestionsWritingCultural Information,Extended Activities,Return to Menu,Book 3-Unit 2,Dictation,The age of twenty is just the beginning of life, and one feels young and full of energy. However, at t

2、he same time, a period of life has passed, which makes one sad when he thinks something will never come back. It is not silly to feel a certain regret, for when one gets something, he may meanwhile have lost something else. Many things really begin at the age of twenty, and certainly all is not over

3、 then. One begins to see more and more clearly that life is only a kind of sowing time, and the harvest is still far away.,Script,Book 3-Unit 2,Read More,A City of Churches,Book 3-Unit 2,The author,The author was a famous writer belonging to Black Humor. Black Humor, which is an important school of

4、the literary area, is so called Gloomy Humor or the Humor at the Eve of DisasterThey artistically exaggerated and colored the ugly, twisted, cruel, dark characters and events that they witnessed in the American society, even around their daily life to make those things ridicules, and then laughed at

5、 them with a dramatic way of humor. The story is shallow in plot but deep in sarcasm of despicable behavior and vanity of the upper class.,Church,Bethel Baptist bethel bel伯特利洗礼会教堂,Messiah msa弥赛亚;救世主耶稣Holy Messiah Free Baptist church,Episcopal Ipiskpl主教的,主教制度的,英国国教的 Saint Pauls Episcopal church,Evang

6、elical i:vndelikl福音的,福音派教会的;新教会的; Covenant kvnnt宗教誓约Grace Evangelical Covenant 优雅的福音派契约教堂,First Christian Science,The Church of God 基督教堂,Church of God,The Church of Mother of God,All Souls,Our Lady of Victory,The Society of Friends公益会,The Assembly of God,Church of Holy Apostles,Words and expressions

7、,spire spa螺旋;塔尖;尖塔 Steeple sti:pl (教堂的)尖塔,尖顶Flight 楼梯Be lined with与.相并列, 与.相排列, 内膜上衬有/布满.The shabby cottages on the left are lined with the modern buildings on the right.,belfry belfri n.钟塔;钟室Confront knfrnt 面对,迎面She was confronted with severe money problems.她面临严峻的资金问题。I was confronted with an array

8、 of knobs, levers and switches. 我迎面碰到了一大堆旋钮、控制杆和开关。,Saint Lukes Church 圣路加教堂,Church of the Epiphany 主显节教堂,Epiphany: a Christian holy day on January 6th in memory of the comingOf the three Gods to see the Baby Christ. 主显节,Ukrainian ju(:)kreinjn乌克兰的,乌克兰人Orthodox :dks规范的; 公认的; 普遍赞同的;正统的,All Saints Ukra

9、inian Orthodox Church 乌克兰正教教堂,Saint Clement 圣克莱门特教堂,Clement klemnt克莱门特源于中世纪英语、古法语男子名及拉丁语,含义是“仁慈的”(merciful),Fountain Baptist 温泉式教堂,Union Congregational 联盟公理教会教堂,Union ju:njn同盟,联盟;协会,工会; Congregational ,kreein()l (教堂)会众的,公理教会的,Saint Anargyris 圣安拉吉里教堂,Temple Emanuel 伊曼纽尔神殿,Emanuel imnju l伊曼纽尔,The firs

10、t church of Christ Reformed,Words,gapelook hard in surprise or wonder with the mouth open; come apart or open widely 目瞪口呆地注视;裂开 gaping, gapeddim暗淡的,昏暗的;不光明的;看不清的 dimly; dimnessfaade fs:d建筑物的正面;外表;虚伪,假象 Methodist medst n.卫理公会教徒;方法论者 adj.卫理公会教派的United Methodist 联合卫理公会教派(总部)Antioch ntik安提俄克 Pentecostal

11、 ,pentikstl五旬节派,Antioch Pentecostal安提俄克五旬节派,One of the activities,Conspicuous knspikjus明显的;显而易见的;惹人注意的;Conspicuously显著地,超群地 Saint Barnabas 圣巴纳波教堂,Involuntarily nvlntrl非自愿地;非出于本意地;无意地;偶然地 Creepy kri:pi 令人毛骨悚然的;令人不寒而栗的;慢慢爬行的;讨好老师的Presbyterian ,prezbtri:n, pres-长老派成员(长老会为苏格兰国教及美国最大教会之一);长老会的;长老制的 Centr

12、al Presbyterian 中心长老派教堂,Mount Moriah Baptist摩里亚教堂,Outside facade lobby floor,In checkcontrol 控制The police tried to hold the angry crowd in check. 警察试图控制愤怒的人群,The understanding of the story,In the essay, he presented a picture of a city with tremendous various churches as well as lots of apartments,

13、restaurants, barbershop,car-rental station, and educational departments. people sacrificed for gods as well as ran business to get profits. The inhabitants of the city were pride of their loyalty to their religion but they could not tell the goodness or badness of the churches.,monetary things expan

14、ded into the holy mind of people and contaminated their soul, people took religion to cover their vanity in mind the spiritual things and material ones were mixed together people in the city took religion to cover their vanity of being famous rather than really cared it.,Cecelia, she came to the cit

15、y for some business rather than pursued the comfort of her soul, so her behaviors went against the local custom because she did not believe any gods.Cecelia who hoped to have her own space, habits and life perspectives but failed to achieve them. What she pursued went against the conventional ways o

16、f people in the city, which, to a great extent, was a hit to the fake religion.,Cloze: Synopsis,1. open a branch office of a car-rental agency2. solidly lined with churches standing shoulder to shoulder in a variety of architectural styles 3. if she would fit in4. lived in the church of their choice5. what denomination she was. Cecilia was silent6. that she could will her dreams,



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