GRE Argument 逻辑谬误之急于概括-智课教育旗下智课教育

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《GRE Argument 逻辑谬误之急于概括-智课教育旗下智课教育》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《GRE Argument 逻辑谬误之急于概括-智课教育旗下智课教育(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 G R E GRE Argument- GRE Argument GREArgument currency1“fifl GRE Argument fl GREArgument ” GRE Argument GRE Argument (hasty generalization);fl (either/orfallacy); (post hoc, ergo propter hocfallacy); fl (false analogy); (confusing causeand effect fallacy); fl (biased samplefallacy); (complex causefa

2、llacy); (the fallacy ofdivision); (the fallacy ofcomposition); fl (all things areequal); (non sequitur); (bandwagonappeal); (circular reasoning); (red herring);(questionable authority); (appeal to commonpractice); (appeal to tradition); (appeal tonovelty); (straw man fallacy) GRE Argumentcurrency1 f

3、l 二Argument 介绍该 特是 在据 足(insufficientevidence) 条件 甚至只两 孤立 特(small samplegroup) 就匆忙得出 fifl型 形式如 所示Sample S, which is too small, is taken from population P.Conclusion C is drawn about population P based on S.如Two weeks ago a downtown pharmacy was robbedand the suspect is a black man. Yesterday a black

4、teenagersnatched an old ladys purse while she was waiting at thecorner bus stop. Clearly, blacks are nothing but a pack ofcriminals.两周前 家市中心 药房被抢劫 嫌犯是名黑 昨天 名黑 青少年抢夺位正在街角等公 汽车 老太太 钱包显然 黑 就是群罪犯目上Argument 引述“两周前”和“昨天” 两 事实来明自己 “黑 就是群罪犯” fi显然说理 充 得出 无让 信服 GRE Argument 无据fl 三Argument 【 113 】The following

5、 is a recommendation from thepersonnel director to the president of Acme PublishingCompany.“Many other companies have recently stated that havingtheir employees take the Easy Read Speed-Reading Course hasgreatly improved productivity. One graduate of the course wasable to read a 500-page report in o

6、nly two hours; anothergraduate rose from an assistant manager to vice president of thecompany in under a year. Obviously, the faster you can read, themore information you can absorb in a single workday. Moreover,Easy Read would cost Acme only $500 per employeea smallprice to pay when you consider th

7、e benefits. Included in this feeis a three-week seminar in Spruce City and a lifelong subscriptionto the Easy Read newsletter. Clearly, to improve productivity,Acme should require all of our employees to take the Easy Readcourse.”近 很其他公司指出 他们 员工参 过Easy Read速读 程后 产效率显著高名fi 程 毕业 能够在两小读“长达500页 报告;另名毕业

8、在年 经理助理晋升 副 显然 读速 在天能 信 就 位员工只Easy Read 500 Acme来 效 fi 过是 小 目fi 在Spruce City三周 和Easy Read currency1 显然 高 产效率 Acme“该 所员工参 Easy Read 程特事件 据匆忙得出 引 两 毕业 孤立事件来 自己 fi 目Argument在fl充说理 就匆忙 GRE Argument等fl Argument ” The arguer attempts to extract a general principle from aspecific case.The argument draws a

9、hasty conclusion, based oninadequate evidence about _.The argument uses a few exceptional cases as the basis for aclaim about what is true in general.Without additional samples from _, the authorssweeping generalization about _ isunwarranted.If the respondents only stand for a tiny proportion of the

10、whole, we should not be so convinced about the conclusion that_.In fact, in face of such limited evidence, it is fallacious todraw any conclusion at all.Without considering and ruling out these and otheralternatives of _, the author cantconfidently conclude that _Lacking evidence that _, the arguments conclusionthat _ is unjustified.Lacking more specific and adequate information about_, it is impossible to access thereliability of _, or to make an informedrecommendation. GRE Argumentfl 上就是 GRE Argument 经 currency1过 ”



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