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1、英文学术会议邀请函范文Dear Wilson Wang:I have reeived our letter dated Marh 20, 20*,inviting me to attend the Aademi Contbrene on Land institution Reform and Innovation during Urbanization to be held in Peking Universit in Beijing April 1-3, 20*.Thankou for our invitation.I am pleased to aept our invitation an

2、d attend the Contbrene on time.Yours sinerel,英文学术会议邀请函范文2Dear *,On behalf of the *, I ould be ver pleased to invite ou to attend a onferene of the forthing 1st Opportunit and Challenge * to be held in *Universit, China, from Deember to Deember 30, 20*.As e all kno, Google is one of the top orporatio

3、ns around the orld in Computer Siene, and the biggest Intersearh servie provider. At the same time, Google s produts are also famous and popular in Musi, Soiet Netork, and Smartphone Operating Sstem et al. You are an internationall alaimed sholar and businessman assuredl. Your researh on distributed

4、 softare servie and parallel putation is idel used in Computer Siene. Your partiipation ill be among the highlights of the onferene.We sinerel hope that ou ould aept our invitation. As ou kno, this is the 1st held of OCCSG and e plan to make it a trul international meeting. We have aepted man papers

5、 from several disiplines.If ou an e, please let us kno as soon as possible, sine ehave to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forard to our aeptane.Sinerel ours,*英文学术会议邀请函范文3Dear Ms Wang:I have the great pleasure, on behalf of the International Conferene on Medial Biometris organization,

6、of inviting ou to ontribute to the smposium on Medial devie tehnologies, Medial data proessing and management, Medial Pattern Reognition, Medial biometri sstems and appliations to be held in Shenzhen, beteen 30th Ma and 1th June 20*.We ould like to invite ou to submit a manusript to the Internationa

7、l Conferene on Medial imaging devies, Medial information retrieval, Biometri tehnologies, Feature mathing and lassifiation, Computer-aided diagnosis and Other appliations. The idea is to present originall ontributed researh, revie, and short muniation artiles in the field of Medial Biometris. Deadline for submissions ould be April 3, 20*. Kindl submit our manusripts as an E-mail attahment at luguangmhit.edu.n.写作模板I ill be looking forard to our favorable repl.Sinerel ours,Guangming Lu20*-01-0220*会议邀请函范文会议邀请函格式样板会议邀请函格式写作要求会议邀请函格式范本工会会议邀请函邀请函



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