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1、智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福词汇之与 book有关的短语摘要: 托福词汇之与book有关的短语!小编为大家介绍托福词汇之与 book有关的短语。书是人类进步的阶梯,书是我们最好的朋友,不同的书会带给我们不同的收获。在英语里,跟book 一词相关的短语也不少,今天我们就来介绍其中的几个。小编为大家介绍 托福 词汇之与book有关的短语。书是人类进步的阶梯,书是我们最好的朋友,不同的书会带给我们不同的收获。在英语里,跟book一词相关的短语也不少,今天我们就来介绍其中的几个。1. Dont judge a book by its cover不要以貌取人When I first met Charl

2、otte she had had a really tough two weeks and wasnt in the mood for chatting and appeared very moody and unsociable. She is not at all like that. One should never judge a book by its cover.2. Cook the books做假账It appears that Stanley had been cooking the books for years. He was finally caught last ye

3、ar.3. Read someone like a book 一眼看穿某人想法I can read Angela like a book. I always know what shes thinking and what shes about to say at meetings.4. The oldest trick in the book老套的把戏It was the oldest trick in the book one man distracted me while another stole my wallet. I cant believe I fell for it.5. I

4、n someones good/bad books得到/失去某人的欢心Tommy has been on his best behaviour today. After yesterdays tantrums, hes been doing his best to be in my good books all day.6. By the book照章办事Were not going to leave things to chance.Were going to run this company by the book.7. To bring someone to book惩罚某人I had

5、to bring Tom to book after our meeting. He shouldnt have lost his temper at Bridget.8. Take a leaf out of someones book以某人为榜样 You should take a leaf out of Keiths book. He has achieved wonders with those children.9. A closed book已经完结的事情/高深莫测的人或事物As far as I am concerned, that matter with the council

6、 is a closed bookI have never been able to work or communicate with John. He is a closed book10. An open book一目了然的人或事物Julias life is like an open book. You always know what shes up to.上述就是小编为大家介绍的 托福词汇 之与book有关的短语,希望同学们可以认真去记。最后,小编祝大家考试顺利 !如有问题可以咨询 小马 考试组老师,最近小马推出托福保分班,单科保25分,5980元,不过退,全科保100+,2万元,不过退。欢迎同学们报名!相关推荐托福口语加分词句大汇总盘点托福口语中常用到的赞美句托福写作高分必备句型总结【高分宝典】相关字搜索: 托福词汇


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