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1、第 1 页应届生求职英语自我介绍求职英文自我介绍:I am a third ear master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong Universit, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am riting to appl for aeptane into our Ph.D. graduate program.Eduation bakgroundIn95, I entered the Nanjing Universit of Siene Tehn

2、olog - idel onsidered one of the China s best engineering shools. During the folloing undergraduate stud, m *demi reords kept distinguished among the hole department. I as granted First Class Prize ever semester, and m overall GPAranked No.1 among students. In99, I got the privilege to enter the gra

3、duate program aived of the admission test. I seleted the Shanghai Jiao Tong Universit to ontinue m stud for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Netork Sheduling here m researh interest lies.At the period of m graduate stud, m overall GPAranked top 5% in the department. In the seond

4、 semester, I beame teaher assistant that is given to talented and matured students onl. This ear, I on the Aer Sholarship as the one and onl andidate in m department, hih is the ultimate aolade for distinguished students endoed b m universit. Presentl, I am preparing m 第 2 页graduation thesis and tri

5、ng for the honor of Exellent Graduation Thesis.Researh experiene and *demi ativitWhen a sophomore, I joined the Assoiation of AI Enthusiast and began to narro don m interest for m future researh. In97, I partiipated in simulation tool development for the sheduling sstem in Prof. Wang s lab. With the

6、 tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation sheduling sstem. It is no idel used b different researh groups in NUST. In98, I assumed and fulfilled a seage analsis dispose projet for Nanjing seage treatment plant. This as m first pratie to onvert a laborator idea to

7、a merial produt.In99, I joined the distinguished Professor Yu-Geng *is researh group aiming at Netork flo problem solving and Heuristi algorithm researh. Soon I as engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design. M dut as to pik up the useful information among different kinds of gene mathing format. Throu

8、gh the parison and analsis for man heuristi algorithms, I introdued an improved evolutionar algorithm - Multi-population Geneti Algorithm. B dividing a hole population into several sub-populations, this improved algorithm an effetivel prevent GA from loal onvergene and promote various evolutionar or

9、ientations. It proved more effiientl than SGA 第 3 页in experiments, too. In the seond semester, I joined the orkshop-sheduling researh in Shanghai Heav Dut Tre plant. The sheduling as designed for the rubber-making proess that overed not onl disrete but also ontinuous irumstanes. To make a balane poi

10、nt beteen optimization qualit and time ost, I proposed a Dnami Laered Sheduling method based on hbrid Petri Nets. The pratial appliation shoed that the average makespan as shortened b a large sale. I also publiized to papers in ore journals ith this idea. Reentl, I am doing researh in the Composite

11、Predit of the Eletrial Poer sstem assisted ith the tehnolog of Data Mining for Bao Steel. I tr to bine the Deision Tree ith Reeding Optimization to provide a ne solution for the Composite Preditive Problem. This projet is no under onstrution.Besides, In Jul 20*, I got the opportunit to give a leture

12、 in English in Asia Control Conferene hih is one of the top-level onferenes among the orld in the area of ontrol and automation. In m senior ear, I met Prof. *iao-Song Lin, a visiting professor of mathematis from Universit of California-Riverside, I learned graph theor from him for m netork researh.

13、 These experienes all rapidl expanded m knoledge of English and the understanding of estern ulture.I hope to stud in depth第 4 页In retrospet, I find mself standing on a solid basis in both theor and experiene, hih has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. M future researh interests inlude: Netork Sheduling Problem, Heuristi Algorithm researh , Suppl hain netork researh, Hbrid sstem performane analsis ith Petri nets and Data Mining.Please give m appliation materials a serious onsideration. Thank ou ver muh


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