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1、Match the following information with the three composers,B,E,C,F,A,D,.Read the text carefully and choose the best answers.1What is best title of the passage ?AThree Great Austrian Composers.BThree Great Composers of the Eighteenth Century.CThree Great Child Composers.DHaydn and Mozart.,2Which compos

2、ers met each other?AHaydn and Mozart. BBeethoven and Haydn.CMozart and Beethoven. DAll of the above.,3From the passage we know that _.ABeethoven didnt stop composing when he became deafBHaydn was known as “the father of the symphony” because he had a beautiful singing voiceCthey were all great compo

3、sers because their fathers were musiciansDit was Beethoven who encouraged Haydn to study music in Vienna,B,D,A,.Fill in the blanks with proper words.,peasant,orchestra,director,musician,five,600,singer,deaf,Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany. He showed musical 1._ when he was very young,

4、 and learned to play the violin and piano from his father, a singer. Mozart met Beethoven and was 2._ by him. “He will give something wonderful to the world,” he said. Beethoven met Haydn but was not impressed by the older man. After they had 3._ each other for many years, Beethoven said, “He is a g

5、ood composer, 4._ he has taught me nothing.” However, it was Haydn 5._ encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. Beethoven became very 6._ in the Austrian capital and stayed there 7._ the rest of his life. As he grew older, he began to go 8._. He became 9._ deaf during the last years of his life, but

6、he continued 10._.,talent,impressed,known,but,who,popular,for,deaf,completely,composing,In what way does music influence us?_,参考答案:Music is a necessary part of our life. Different kinds of music have different functions. In some way, it can ease our mind; it can also help us to express what we think

7、. When we are under pressure, we can relax ourselves by listening to music.,A根据所给词性及汉语释义写出单词1 n指挥;售票员 v.指挥;传导2 n音乐家 n音乐_ adj.音乐的3 n指挥;导演 vt.指导;导演 n方向,conductor,conduct,musician,music,musical,director,direct,direction,4 vt.失去;丢失 n失去;丢失5 n天分;天赋;才华 adj.有才华的6 vt.作曲;创作 n作曲家,lose,loss,talent,talented,comp

8、ose,composer,B根据英文释义写出单词7_: the group of people who have gathered together to hear or watch sb./sth.8_: someone who has an unusually high level of intelligence, mental skill, or ability9_: a poor farmer who owns or rents a small amount of land, either in past times or in poor countries10_: a planned

9、 journey made by musicians11_: the place where a king or queen lives and works,audience,genius,peasant,tour,court,lose vt.(lost, lost)失去;丢失;迷失(例句)Yesterday, I lost my wallet on the bus.昨天,我在公共汽车上丢失了钱包。,归纳拓展考点:,lose ones way get lost迷路lose heart 灰心lose weight 减轻体重lose oneself in sth./be lost in . 专心致

10、志于某事lose patience 没有耐心(be) lost in thought 陷入深思lose face 丢面子,Dont lose heart in face of failure and never feel proud of facing success.胜不骄,败不馁。He a storybook.他读故事书入迷了。,lost himself/was lost in reading,1句型展示Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful. 在那里工作了3

11、0年后,海顿移居伦敦,在那里他获得了很大的成功。此句中Having worked there for 30 years为现在分词作状语,典例Having finished the work, they went home. 完成工作后,他们回家了。,_the importance of English, he decided to learn it well. A. Having realized B. Realized C. Realizing D. Realize,Seeing from the top of the hill, we can see our beautiful schoo

12、l.从山顶看,我们能看见我们漂亮的学校。,点津现在分词作状语,若分词的动作先于谓语动词发生,此时则用该分词的完成时(即having done)作状语,A,2compose vt.作曲;创作;组成,构成(教材原句)He only lived 35 years and he composed more than 600 pieces of music.他仅仅活到35岁,却谱写了六百多首乐曲。,归纳拓展考点:,be composed of由组成composer n. 作曲家composition n. 作品;作文,Water hydrogen and oxygen.水是由氢和氧组成的。,is com

13、posed of,点津compose作“组成,构成”讲时,常用于被动语态,且不用于进行时态。,(例句)He spent most of his spare time composing poetry.他利用大部分业余时间写诗。,3talent n天分;天赋;才华(教材原句)Wolfgang had musical talent from a very early age. 沃尔夫冈很小的时候就有音乐天赋。,归纳拓展考点:,have a talent for 有的天赋talented adj. 有天赋的;有才能的,Amanda has a talent for painting.阿曼达有绘画天赋。Lang Lang is , who has drawn many peoples attention abroad.朗朗是一位天才钢琴家,他在国外已引起了很多人的关注。,


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