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1、第 1 页个人自传范例:生物物理(博士)个人自传Iplan to begin m Ph. D. Degree stud in our Biophsis program in the fall term of95 and ish to obtain the degree ithin five ears or so . Biophsis develops fast ith the fruits of modern phsis and hemistr. There is a ide range of fasinating questions in understanding life sstems.

2、 During these ears stud at Tsinghua Universit, I onstantl tried to improve mself through independent reading. This kept me ell informed of the latest development in Biophsis hih attrats me a lot. E. Shrodingers famous ork What is Life let me think a lot of questions in Biophsis. Up to no, phsiist ha

3、ve made great suess in studing simple periodi rstals, but for the plex biologial strutures possess both aperiodiit and order suh as DNA, there still exist man hallenges. Wh these aperiodi matter an ontrol the life stritl and preisel? Wh a small amount of nature atalst-enzme an be far more effiient t

4、han plent of man-made atalsts? Is the groth of life determined b geneti materials or b self-assembl or b both of them? From the book Liquid Crstals and Biologial Strutures ritten b Glenn H.Bron and Jerome J.Wolken, I got deeper understanding of biologial strutures hih possess both mobilit and long-r

5、ange struture order, respond to a variet of external stimuli just like the properties of liquid rstals. 第 2 页The striking arhiteture at the moleular level shos there is a mon phsial-hemial origin for all life sstems. The oriented moleules in liquid rstals furnish an ideal medium for atalti ation, pa

6、rtiularl of the plex tpe needed to aount for groth and reprodution. Water, espeiall the eak hdrogen bond plas ritial role in all organism. It determines the protein folding, stabilizes the double helix struture of DNA. If e substitute deuterium for hdrogen, the biologial sstem ma be destroed. Man ph

7、sial and mathematial approahes an be applied to biolog suh as the quantum mehanis, non-equilibrium thermodnamis, information theor. But a basi diffiult b using the non-equilibrium thermodnamis in biolog is the spatial heterogeneit in biologial sstems and the feedbak existing in all kinds of reations

8、 and proesses. Condensed Matter Phsis also onerns losel ith Biophsis. The theor of phase transitions and ritial phenomena an be used to explain problems suh as ho the temperature of the phase transition of lipids from the solid state to the liquid rstalline depends on the fatt aid position. On the o

9、ther hand, researhes in biophsis also push forard the development of phsis, lead to more appliations in bionis suh as AI and neural netork No I am doing“个人自传范例:生物物理”版权归作者所有;转载请注明出处!m Diploma Thesis at the Institute of Phsis, Chinese Aadem of 第 3 页Siene. M Topi is about investigating oherent baksatte

10、ring in a random sattering medium b the He-Ne laser. Light in ertain dieletri mirostrutures exhibits loalized modes, similar to the loalized ave funtion of eletrons in disordered solids-Anderson Loalization. The propagation of light in a sattering medium an be desribed as random alk of photons ith t

11、he diretion of eah sueeding step determined b the las of probabilit. The Topi spans the disiplines of Condensed Matter Phsis and Quantum Opties. I have absorbed a lot of relative knoledge suh as random alk, peroration models stohasti proess to prepare for m projet .I think the method I dnamis of hem

12、ial reations. Sine m bakground foused on phsis, mathematis, eletronis, lasers and optis, I have taught mself some beginning biolog and hemistr ourses this ear, disussed them ith teaher sin the Dept of Biologial Siene and Tehnolog at Tsinghua Universit I ould also like to take more basi ourses in thi

13、s field under our guidane to make up m defiien. From ollege guides I learned ith pleasure that ou had strong fault ith a variet of bakground in phsis, hemistr, mathematis and eletrial engineering. It is often in the multi-disiplinar researh that ame the most exiting disover. Your group also provides outstanding opportunities for lose interation beteen graduate students and fault. That is h I deem our program as m best hoie. Besides, I ant to link modern biophsis ith 第 4 页Chinese Mediine to get prehensive understanding of life. “个人自传范例:生物物理”版权归作者所有;转载请注明出处!


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