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1、焦作市 2011 年中小学幼儿园教师远程培训英语一班班级简报 第一期编辑:闪闪卷首语这次培训给我们提供了学习交流的平台,通过与同行的交流,让我开阔了眼界,提高了认识,反思了自己。让我们共同学习,公共成长。优秀教学设计与反思Unit 2 What is this in English ?焦作市万方学校 林明教学目标A、 语言知识目标1、词汇:Letters IiRrmap,ruler,pen,orange,key,jacket ,quilt2、句型:What is this in English?It is a/an map/orangeSpell it, please. P- E- N, pe

2、n.B、 语言技能目标通过游戏等活动,培养学生灵活运用语言知识和勇于创新的能力。C、 情感目标1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的主动性;2、通过小组活动 、组间竞赛,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神;3、 在活动中培养学生的想象力和创造力。教学策略1、兴趣活动教学策略:多采用做游戏和猜谜等形式。2、开放性教学策略:新课标的理念之一是“开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道” 。这要求我们学会开放性地处理教材。在教学过程中,我们要适当借鉴其他教材的内容,插入大量学生感兴趣的图片和活动,拓宽学生的视野,实现知识的整合。3、任务型教学策略:任务型教学途径是以应用为动力,以应用为目的,以应用为核心的教学途

3、径。所以教师在教学中应突出语言的应用性原则,把听说、讨论、表演、游戏贯穿于教学,使课堂形式多样化,充分发挥学生的主动性。教学过程The first periodStep 1 Warming upGood morning/afternoon/evening! How are you? How are you? Im OK.(S-T ,S-S) Step 2 A Guessing gameTeachers show a part of a letter and ask, “What is this ?”. Get the students to answer the questions like

4、this “I think it is A/B.”. Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether theyre right or wrong. Step 3 PresentationShow the picture of a girl and her room, then present the new words and the sentences:Whats this in English? Its Step 4 Listen, look and say a. Section A1ab. Secti

5、on A1bStep 5 Word challengeShow the things as quickly as possible, have a competition between boys and girls. Get them to name the things they see. Step 6 Pair workGet the Ss to practice the conversation in the picture. Then make their own conversations. Step 7 Group workStudents work in groups, dra

6、w a picture Of their room and talk about the picture. Using “Whats this in English? Its a/an”.Teacher is ready to offer his/her help to those students who are in need of it. Step 8 ReportAsk some demonstration groups to show their pictures before the whole class. They may do like this: This is my ro

7、om. Whats this in English? Its a/an Homework1、Read and recite the new words and the conversation in this period. 2、Get the students to finish the pictures of their rooms and write down the English names of the things in their rooms. 教学反思:让学生从不完整的画面中通过想象力,猜出其中是什么字母。既复习学过的字母,又丰富学生的想象力。是本单元的重点句型。通过游戏,让

8、学生在听说中首先建立一定的感性认识,体现听说领先的原则,从猜谜游戏到新知识呈现,学生在悬而,未决的心理状态下学习新知识,因注意力相对集中和兴趣被有效激活,对所学的东西印象深刻。学生分享合作的成果,感受成功的快感。在展示自我的过程中,学生体验到勇敢、积极、大胆所带来的愉快的心情体验,激励他们更努力地学好英语。九年级英语 Unit 3 教学设计与反思张玉娟教学说明:1.教学内容:九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.2.教学方法和目标:通过集体讨论的形式,谈论一下学校制度或家庭制度, 以练习“允

9、许做某事” (allow somebody to do something ) “应该被允许做某事 ”(should be allowed to do something )的用法。3.情感态度与价值观目标:通过对学校或其他制度的讨论,培养学生自我判断是非的能力,作为学生什么该做、什么不该做,要做到心中有数,同时针对一些社会的不良现象,也应该有极强的判断力和正义感。4.能力目标:能正确使用情态动词和含有情态动词的被动语态(should be allowed to do something )结构表达自己对事情的看法和观点。5.探究活动(任务):结合班上的实际情况,分小组分别讨论,编写一份行之有

10、效的、受同学们欢迎和认可的班级规章制度,并与其他小组进行比较和修改,最后将之作为正式的班规张贴起来。6.教学时间:period 1教学过程:1.导入。T:Do you love our class ?Ss: Yes.T:Did you do anything bad for our class?Do you have any bad manners ?Ss: Yes.T:Can you say something about it? (学生自由讨论。 )S :Some students often make noises.S :Someone sleeps in class.S :Someon

11、e is often late for school.S :Someone often throws litter on the ground of our classroom.S :someone often draws on the wall and make it very dirty.( 一些基础差的学生也谈论起来,不过他们用中文,基础好的学生帮助他们用英语表达。)2.分组讨论。T:What should you do to make our class better?Discuss in groups.(全班分成 8 个小组,每组有 6 个人,人人参与,各抒己见。小组长主持并作笔录。

12、教师巡查指导)以下是第一小组的讨论情景。Group 1:S :I think students should keep quiet in class.S :I agree with you. We should listen to the teacher carefully. Students shouldnt be allowed to make noise in the classroom.Group Leader:Have you ever been sleeping in class?(问一个上课经常睡觉的学生) Do you know “sleep ”?(做睡觉状)S :(不好意思地

13、说):Yes. yes, sometimesGroup Leader :What should you do from now on?S :No sleeping.(其他组员帮他纠正。 )Ss: Are you sure you will not sleep in class?We dont think you should be allowed to sleep in class from now on.(大家鼓掌认可 ,那位同学羞涩表示接受。 )Group Leader :Do you know who often throws the rubbish in the classroom o

14、r from the window? (随手做扔垃圾状。 )Ss: Hey (大家目光移向丢垃圾的同学) You shouldnt be allowed to throw the rubbish any where. You will be a good student if you dont do that again!S ;Sorry, anyone is not allowed to litter anywhere and I want to be a good student!(鼓掌通过)我巡视了整个教室,各个小组都讨论得非常热烈, 连那些平时英语学得差的学生也跟着议论起来 ,有时用英

15、语 ,有时用汉语,其他成员有时帮他们翻译。3.制定班规。为了操练句型 should be allowed to do something,我让 6 个小组做计时游戏比赛 ,规则是每个小组分别说出几条班规,由组长先说,然后传给另外一个成员,依次传下去,每个成员必须小声传话,最后一个成员到事先准备好的记录员处陈述本小组制定的班规。规定时间为两分钟。最后以制定的班规条数多而且句型运用正确的小组获胜。游戏一宣布开始,6 个小组群情激昂,不甘落后。课堂气氛达到高潮,然后 6 个小组在黑板上呈现本组制定的班规。有些小组竟然说出 6 条班规来,而且每句都正确运用了句型。我非常惊讶,我知道刚才的小组讨论起了很

16、大的作用。我心里非常开心,我的预期目标达到了。最后经过对比筛选出了十条班规。我让班长大声宣布,每一条都让全班同学举手表决通过,制定出正式的班规,张贴公布,最后全班朗读班规。Students shouldnt be allowed to sleep in class.Students shouldnt be allowed to make noises.Students shouldnt be allowed to throw the rubbish in the classroom.Students should be allowed to speak English loudly.Students shouldnt be allowed to get to class late .(分


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