新目标英语_2012年新版 七年级下册 英语 同步精练答案

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1、Unit 1 Section A(第二课时),自主学习一 1.play volleyball 2.play basketball 3.踢足球4.write stories 5.学校表演 6.after school 7.练功夫二1.can 2.do 3.club 4. join 5. cant 6.like即时训练 一、1.Can;No, he cant 2.can 3.Can二、1. What do you like? 2.What color is the car? 3. Who teaches you math this year? 4.Whose father is a teacher

2、?课堂训练1.swimming 2.to join 3.talk 4.know 5.do 课后作业一 1-5 BCAAB 二 1.play 2.paint 3.to swim 4.sing 5.show 三 1-5DADAA,Unit 1 Section B (第三课时),自主学习1.basketball 2.soccer 3.swim 4.drums;violin ; piano ; guitar 课堂训练一 1.piano 2.weekend 3.Why 4. speak二、1-5. ABBC课后作业 一、1-6 CCBBBA二1. What club does he want to jo

3、in? 2.No.I am not. 3. Can she play the violin? Yes , she can 4.Tom can play the drums , but he cant play the trumpet.三、1.What club 2.he cant 3.What 4.but 5.What 6.I like bananas/oranges 7.I do 8.does四、15 DBBAC,Unit 1 Section A(第四课时),自主学习1.stories 2.cant 3.plays 4.song/singer 5.play the drums 6.play

4、the violin 7.help with math课堂训练一、1.or 2.Sunday 3.plays 4.but 5.swimming二、1-5 BDAA课后作业一 1.sing 2.do 3.club 4.to join 5.like 6.cant 二 1.the chess=chess 2.at=in 3.game=games 4.Can=are 5.and=or 三 1-5 BCABB,Unit 2 Section A(第一课时),自主学习一 1.起床 2.穿衣服 3.洗澡 4.刷牙 5.一个有趣的时间 6.迟到 7.吃早饭 8.一份有意思的工作二1.like 2.does 3.

5、likes 4. have 5. buy课堂训练一、1.nine twenty/ twenty past nine 2.eight twenty-five / twenty-five past eight 3.ten thirty-seven/twenty-three to eleven 4.eleven fifty-five/five to twelve 5.five forty/twenty to six二、16 BCBBCB 三 1.What time do you usually go to school?,Unit 2 Section A(第一课时),2. I often eat breakfast at 6:50.3.When does your brother usually take a shower?4.He usually play soccer /football at 5:25 in the afternoon.5.My mother goes to work at 7:30 in the morning.课后作业一 1.shower 2.time 3.usually 4.goes 二 1.goes 2.to play 3.write/to write 4.doesnt like 5.swim 三 1-4 ACCD 四 1-5 BDAAB,



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