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1、第 1 页关于毅力的英语演讲稿关于毅力的英语演讲稿一:The poer of perseveraneDear friends:If ou an dream it, ou an do it. Walt DisneIt as a long four ears. Even after I had atuall graduated, the nightmares began to haunt me, the universit ould all to sa I hadn t trul graduated. There had been a mistake and there as just one m

2、ore lass I needed to take. I as alas so relieved to ake up and realize that it had onl been a bad dream. In realit, I had pleted ever ourse needed for m degree, and I as a full-fledged ollege graduate!No, the rest of m life loomed ahead of me. Sometimes a bahelor s degree prepares ou for a speifi ou

3、pation ou train to be an aountant, ou graduate and get a position in an aounting firm. Often, hoever, our stint in ollege onl prepares ou to make further deisions regarding our future. You re prett sure hat ou don t ant to do!During m senior ear of ollege, I had toed ith the idea of hanging m major.

4、 At that point, I had finall disovered hat aptured m heart. But, anting to finall be finishing shool as a stronger pull. So, I took a fe ourses in phsiolog and exerise siene, but not enough to reeive a degree in phsial therap. That ould require advaned shooling, beond m bahelor s 第 2 页degree and I j

5、ust asn tread to takle that. Having pleted m B.C. degree, I didn t have an intentions of furthering m eduation.So, I did the safe thing and got an offie job the ver thing I as sure that I didn t ant to do! I detested the offie poliies, the suits I had to ear and the donton environment that I had to

6、drive to ever da. I kne this as not here I belonged.But god kne hat path m areer as to follo. A position opened up at the most exlusive health lub in our it, so I applied. This as m kind of environment an ative, vibrant kind of plae pletel at the opposite end of the spetrum from the offie environmen

7、t here I found mself. The position required that I ork Saturda nights and Sunda mornings. Perfet, I thought! I ould keep m offie job Monda through Frida and ork at m dream job on the eekends. This arrangement lasted several months until, eventuall, a full-time position opened up and I as able to res

8、ign from m offie job.Over the next fe ears, I orked m a up the leader, gaining experiene in several different departments. I found m nihe as the diretor of member servies atering to our lientele and providing them ith numerous utting-edge programs. I ould have staed at that job forever it seemed to

9、be the pinnale of all m dreams fulfilled. Here ere fello emploees ho had a passion 第 3 页for the same things that I did health and fitness. Yet again, god had other plans for m life.Within to ears, a neer, bigger, better and more state-of-the-art health lub failit as built just five miles don the roa

10、d. And, in turn, the oner lost man members to that lub. And, in turn, the oner lost thousands of dollars. One b one e ere eah laid off.After tring unsuessfull to land another similar position elsehere, I kne hat I had to do. Go bak to shool!thanks!关于毅力的英语演讲稿二:Just Perseverane and be YourselfDear tea

11、hers and mates:We are in a onstant state of tring to get something better and different.We are often tring to be someone different,even hen the urrent us is prett deent. If ou are not happ being ou,then ho else an ou be? In eah person s life,ill meet a lot of individual ho ill impated themselves.Som

12、e people teah ou a lot of things. Some ma give ou a lot of enouragement As for me there are also some people inspired me.But the most great impat as m dear father.When I as a little girl,I often ant to give up stud instead pla games.Then m father ill told me Perseverane is the golden ke to being sue

13、ssful in anthing ou do.It s a matter of hanging on long afte others have quit .When I as a teenager I like to make trak for a star,and like images like,inluding dress et.Then m Dad alas tell me that Be hat ou 第 4 页are, not hat ou aren t,beause hen ou are hat ou aren t,then ou aren t hat ou are .All

14、of the things are inspired me so muh.Sometimes,I think m father as a philosopher,sometimes think he is a ativists,alas set an example for his hild ,do hat a father should do.He is alas orking hard to feed large famil, he is alas onsiderate to forgive his naught hildren,moreover he filial piet to the

15、 old person,to repa parents brought up. In a ord, he alas so good.Of ourse he s not a iron man,he also has a fragile, but he never lose self,and perseverane.What s more, hen I meet ith some troubles and ant to give up, he alas enourage me.I still remember hat he told me perseverane overes almost eve

16、rthing.When ou fall, perseverane tells ou get up.When ou are defeated,perseverane tells ou to tr again .When ou feel like quitting, perseverane doesn t let ou .Noadas, I am an adults,and as a ollege student,I alas unavoidabl depending on m father, I often all to m father to ask some questions, meanhile I also ant to kno ho are the reentl I start m ollege life folloed ith m fathers edifiation.Beause of m dear father,I kno ho important to be mself.I have to be true to mself, beause


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