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1、第 1 页关于梦想的英语演讲稿关于梦想的英语演讲稿一:关于梦想的英语演讲稿Ver happ and e feel e are one together - oung teahers heroi feelings, M name is Ling, graduation Yidu teaher.I as ring m hoie too, have ork for me sad too, beause I embarked on a areer like I did not do a ver poor teaher, I r man times m hoie, the an In ountless

2、grief I have been forted, hen I sa both of that is full of naive, but eager to sim in the oean of knoledge a hild, m sinking, floating alm the mind, and slol I also learn from pratie feel the teahers pride, he as like a Spring Silkorms, like the dediation of their on andles no regrets, I have seen i

3、t ountless teahers no regrets。and ith their outh and lives to defend the santit of the teahing profession, but also hat the use their on ations, ith traes of life, inspired b those of us ho e after, I have relutantl enamel relutantl, b the relutane to holeheartedl love this job, beause I have seen t

4、hat life ill go beond the utilitarian, although meals for life, But the living is not for eating, living in the possession of man small minded, short-term birth in eternit, hile the teahers are suh a areer.第 2 页I kno that a teaher tired, bitter, but to their on ideal, I still ould like to pursue, to

5、 the surging aves of fighting, to sinister mountain limbing, there ma be storms, a storm, the road ma be bump, but I still ould use laughter, ith songs to fill ups and dons, I ill meet ith the merr laughter of the rising sun, I ill be fling the heart to fae m ork and life. Yes ah!关于梦想的英语演讲稿二:关于梦想的英语

6、演讲稿(3809字)five sore ears ago, a great amerian, in hose smboli shado e stand signed the emanipation prolamation. this momentous deree ame as a great beaon light of hope to millions of negro slaves ho had been seared in the flames of ithering injustie. it ame as a joous dabreak to end the long night o

7、f aptivit.but one hundred ears later, e must fae the tragi fat that the negro is still not free. one hundred ears later, the life of the negro is still sadl rippled b the manales of segregation and the hains of disrimination. one hundred ears later, the negro lives on a lonel island of povert in the

8、 midst of a vast oean of material prosperit. one hundred ears later, the negro is still languishing in the orners of amerian soiet and finds himself an exile in his on land. so e have e here toda to dramatize an appalling ondition.in a sense e have e to our nations apital to ash a hek. hen the arhit

9、ets of our republi rote the magnifient ords of 第 3 页the onstitution and the delaration of independene, the ere signing a promissor note to hih ever amerian as to fall heir. this note as a promise that all men ould be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, libert, and the pursuit of happiness.it

10、is obvious toda that ameria has defaulted on this promissor note insofar as her itizens of olor are onerned. instead of honoring this sared obligation, ameria has given the negro people a bad hek hih has e bak marked insuffiient funds. but e refuse to believe that the bank of justie is bankrupt. e r

11、efuse to believe that there are insuffiient funds in the great vaults of opportunit of this nation.so e have e to ash this hek - a hek that ill give us upon demand the rihes of freedom and the seurit of justie.e have also e to this halloed spot to remind ameria of the fiere urgen of no. this is no t

12、ime to engage in the luxur of ooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. no is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valle of segregation to the sunlit path of raial justie. no is the time to open the doors of opportunit to all of gods hildren. no is the time to lift our natio

13、n from the quiksands of raial injustie to the solid rok of brotherhood.it ould be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgen of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the 第 4 页negro. this seltering summer of the negros legitimate disontent ill not pass until there is an invigorating au

14、tumn of freedom and equalit. nineteen sixt-three is not an end, but a beginning.those ho hope that the negro needed to blo off steam and ill no be ontent ill have a rude *kening if the nation returns to business as usual. there ill be neither rest nor tranquilit in ameria until the negro is granted

15、his itizenship rights. the hirlinds of revolt ill ontinue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright da of justie emerges.but there is something that i must sa to m people ho stand on the arm threshold hih leads into the palae of justie. in the proess of gaining our rightful plae e must

16、 not be guilt of rongful deeds. let us not seek to satisf our thirst for freedom b drinking from the up of bitterness and hatred.e must forever ondut our struggle on the high plane of dignit and disipline. e must not allo our reative protest to degenerate into phsial violene. again and again e must rise to the majesti heights of meeting phsial fore ith soul fore.the marvelous ne militan hih has engulfed the negro munit must not lead us to distrust of all hite people, for m


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