仁爱版八年级级下册英语unit6 topic1教案

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1、Unit 6 Topic 1 Section ASection A 需用 12 个课时。重点活动是 1a 和 2a。教学目标:1. 学习带有“to do”的句子和结果状语从句。2. 练习怎样预订车票。3. 学习填写关于订票的表格。教学过程:第一步:复习老师与学生之间进行问答,谈论关于他们最喜爱的交通方式。如:Teacher: How do you usually come to school?Student: I usually .Teacher: Whats your favorite way if youre going to travel?Student: My favorite way

2、 is .Teacher: Why do you prefer.Student: Because.第二步:呈现1.老师展示出 Topic 1 Section A,1b 的图片。教学生新单词并把它们写到黑板上:airplane看图 1,师生之间进行问答:Teacher : Whats this in English?Students: Its an airplane. Notes: airplane(AmE) =Aeroplane(BrE)Teacher : What do you think of traveling by airplane?Students: Its very fast bu

3、t the price is very high.看图 3,问答:Teacher : Is this a bus?Students: Yes, it is.Teacher : What do you think of traveling by bus?Students: It takes too long.2. 将下面的句子写到黑板上,让学生注意生词:field,vehicle, group, task Were going on a spring field trip. Its too far for cycling,but there are other vehicles for us t

4、o choose. Lets work in groups to find out the information about the costs. Kangkang and Michael, your groups task is to find out the cost to go by train.3. 听 1a 的录音,并回答下面的问题: Where will they go? Whats Kangkangs task? Whats Helens task? Whats Janes task?第三步:巩固完成 1b,并练习带有“to do”的句子和结果状语从句。让学生给出自己的观点,谈

5、谈旅游的最好方式及原因。如:I think the best way to travel is by train.It costs too much to go by taxi, so I choose to go by bus.第四步:练习1. 读 2a,老师给学生讲解重要的句子,老师说:Kangkangs classmates have already decided on the best way to go to Mount Tai is by train. Now, what will they do? Yes, they will book tickets. 把重要的句子写到黑板上

6、。Clerk: Can I help you?Traveler:Id like to book some tickets, please.Clerk: Where do you want to go?Traveler: We want to go to Mount Tai.Traveler: What about the price?Clerk:Weve got tickets at¥120 for the hard sleeper and¥180 for the soft sleeper.然后学习 2a 的对话。2. 小组活动,让学生读 2a 并表演对话。3. 完成 2b。两人一组仿照 2a

7、 编一个相似的对话,并根据对话填写自己的关于订票的表格。第五步:综合探究活动1. 独立练习:调查一下你家附近的一个旅馆,然后填写下表。Facilities priceRoom price2. 假设康康要去你们镇旅游,请为他预订一个房间,并编写对话。Section BSection B 需用 12 个课时。重点活动是 1b,2 和 3。教学目标:1.继续学习预订的有关知识。2.学生学会预订房间。3.继续学习动词不定式的用法。教学过程:第一步:复习1. 要求学生谈论不同的交通方式。如:Going by bus is too slow, it takes too long.Going by trai

8、n is comfortable, and it doesnt cost so much.2. 找几对学生表演关于订票的对话。第二步:呈现1. 老师展示一张宾馆的图片,让学生学习生词。Teacher:Kangkang and his classmates will arrive in Taian. When they arrive there, the first thing is to find a hotel. Now, look at this picture.Teacher:What s this?Students:Its a room in a hotel.Teacher:Now,

9、lets find out what things there are in the room.学生学习新单词:bathtub, air-conditioning, hotel, reservation, standard2. 独立练习。看宾馆房间价目表,要求学生估价,完成 1a。3. 老师在黑板上写出问题,学生听 1b 并且回答这些问题。 What does Maria want to do? What things does a standard room have? How much does a standard room cost? How many rooms does Maria

10、 want to book? How long will they stay?第三步:巩固1. 学生听 1b 录音,并读这个对话。2. 再读 1b 的对话,并两人一组表演。3. 根据 1b,两人一组编一个相似的对话,完成 1c。4. 独立练习。听录音填空,完成 2。第四步:练习1.要求学生读 3 的 e-mail,用动词不定式填空。2.检查答案并读一遍,完成 3。第五步:综合探究活动两人一组,编一个关于预订宾馆的对话并能表演出来。Section CSection C 需用 12 课时。重点活动是 3a。教学目标:1. 复习怎样预订车票或房间。2. 了解外国学生怎样筹集资金旅游。3. 继续学习结

11、果状语从句。教学过程:第一步:复习1. 编一个关于订票的对话。学生可以根据下表来做:Name: Kangkang Tel: 82052458From: Beijing To: Taian Train number: K107Kind of tickets: hard sleeper Number of tickets: 10Starting time: 2030 Arriving time: 02 30Price (per person):¥117 Total price: ¥1,170Clerk: Hello, Beijing Railway Station. Can I help you?

12、Kangkang:Yes. .2.老师也可以让学生编写关于预订宾馆房间的对话。第二步:呈现1.老师说:They have booked the train tickets and the rooms.How much money should they pay for them? Now,lets help Helen work out her trip cost.教生词:fund,raise2.学生读 1 中的图表并帮助 Helen 预算她的旅游资金。完成 1。3.老师提问:How much should Helen pay for the trip cost?学生回答:About thre

13、e hundred yuan(¥300).老师说:Does Helen have so much money? What will she do? Now, lets listen to the tape.4.学生听录音,第一遍只能听,然后让学生读。5.两人一组,读对话,结束 2。第三步:巩固1. 教 3a 中的生词。2. 学生读 3a,并了解外国学生怎样筹集资金去旅游。3. 读完之后,让学生判断正误:(T) It is popular to raise fund in Canadian and American schools.(F) It takes students two yuan e

14、ach to buy tickets for a draw to become King or Queen for a day.(F) At noon, the principal and other teachers order and serve a special lunch for all the students.(F) The students should carry the principals book if her or his ticket is drawn.4. 学生再读 3a 并完成 3a.5. 小组活动,完成 3b.6. 帮助学生列举在中国学校筹集资金的例子,至少列

15、举三种,如: We can collect and sell waste paper or old cans. We can help others do the housework to raise money. Work as a waiter or a waitress in a restaurant in our free time.第四步:练习1. 老师在黑板上写些句子,让学生注意 “so”, “so.that”和“so that ”。如: Michael missed the game, so he was very sad. Kangkang got up so late tha

16、t he was late for school. I left my keys on the office desk so that I couldnt get into my house.2. 老师解释这些句子,确定学生明白结果状语从句。3. 独立练习,学生读并练习 4 中的句子。4. 结束 4,并让学生用“so” , “so.that”和“so that” 造句,然后让学生读或写这些句子,老师加以纠正。第五步: 综合探究活动小组活动,在你的小组中做一个调查,并根据调查的结果完成下表。A SurveyName How toraise fundHow to usethe moneySection DSection D 需用 1 课时。重点活动是 1,2 和 4。教学目标:1. 归纳总结 Topic 1 所学句型及交际用语。2. 提高听说技能,进一步培养学生书面



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