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1、摘 要运用城市规划原理中 城市化发展的一般理论过程 验证目前中国的城市化进程阶段,毋庸置疑目前我国大多数的城市正处于一个加加速度城市化进程的过程中。国内的建设者们今天都已深刻的意识到这一点。辩证的看待城市化进程这一历史发展规律现象,我想城市化进程的不断扩大的过程中势必会带来利与害,正与反的两重性。好在当今世界格局中,中国尚处于发展中国家的地位。由此可见,中国可以借鉴的国内外经验应该讲是比较多的。城市化进程中,趋利避害,取长补短,借鉴经验,走出特色化道路,相信必然会是当政者们所非常在意的事情。然结果如何呢?Abstract: Based on the common urbanization pr

2、ocess of city planning theory, the present urbanization stage of most cities can be defined as the accelerated development stage, which has been realized by the constructors. Dialectically speaking, the expansion of urbanization brings both pros and cons. Luckily, China is a developing country, and

3、as a result, there are many experiences abroad to refer. What the governors concern is that how to go after advantages and avoid disadvantages, how to make every experience complementary during the urbanization process. 所谓人无完人,事无俱全。本文综合运用了比较分析、归纳总结、案例分析等研究方法,以国内外竖向规划理论、案例为依据,采用理论结合案例研究的方法对城市的规划建设进行详

4、细阐述。在理论研究中,运用城市规划原理、竖向规划设计方法、景观生态学、景观设计学、可持续发展理论的相关原理;在鄂尔多斯市东胜新区规划案例分析中,参与规划项目,并实地了解项目过程,为论文撰写积累数据和资料。具体研究内容如下:This paper describes urban planning and development specifically with theory combined case study, according to planning theory and cases at home and abroad. The theoretical research is base

5、d on city planning theory, vertical planning design method, landscape ecology, landscape architecture, and sustainable development. From Dongsheng planning case in Erdos, data and materials have been got for the paper. The following are the research content:1、丘陵冲沟地貌城市景观竖向规划指标(包括:城市规划理论、景观生态学、生物多样性、景

6、观变化原理、可持续发展理论)的研究;Research on hilly gully landforms townscape vertical planning indicators, including city planning theory, landscape ecology, species diversity, and principles of landscape change.2、竖向规划的功能(包括:经济功能、功能布局功能、美学功能等)的研究;Research on functions of vertical planning, including economic funct

7、ion, functional layout, aesthetic function, and so on. 3、城市用地竖向规划规范(包括:规划导则、总体规划、详细规划、竖向规划)的研究。Research on standards of vertical planning of urban land, including planning strategy, overall planning, detailed planning, and vertical planning. 4、案例研究(以鄂尔多斯市东胜新区为例,按照反规划原理对城市新区建设的规划、实施进行详细研究,包括:景观表述、过程分

8、析、景观评价、景观改变、方案对比、影响评价、最终决策)Cases study, taking Erdos for example, including landscape representation, procedure analysis, landscape evaluation, landscape change, option comparison, impact assessment, and final decision. 通过以上四个方面的结合研究,我本人作为工程设计人员,同时作为一名在读硕士研究生,首次在规划设计领域提出了一个概念指标竖向规划指标。As an engineer

9、and a postgraduate student, I propose the concept of vertical planning indicators for the first time in planning and designing area. 竖向规划指标的研究,概念的界定,理论的确认也许还需要技术上和理论界的认定过程。但是以我的实际工程经验而言,竖向规划指标对于复杂地貌城市用地、旅游用地等等综合用地有着重大的参考价值和意义。我也希望本指标的直观表达能够达到对于城市用地经济性和生态性等等城市规划指标中用地控制指标规划性价比的最大化。Vertical planning in

10、dicator, whose definition needs a technical and theoretical recognition process, is meaningful to synthetic land, like urban land of complex geomorphology, and tourism land. 关键词:竖向规划 竖向规划指标 丘陵冲沟城市区域 景观规划 总图设计Key words: vertical planning, vertical planning indicator, hilly gully landforms townscape, landscape planning, design of general layout丘陵冲沟地貌城市景观竖向规划指标与案例以鄂尔多斯东胜区为例究Hilly Gully Landforms Townscape Vertical Planning Indicators and CasesTaking Dongsheng District of Erdos for Example


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