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1、高考英语陷阱题:虚拟语气1. I forget where I read the article, or I _ it to you now.A. will show B. would show吗 C. am going to show D. am showing【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。【分析】正确答案选 B.根据上文的语境可知句中的 or 隐含有一个虚拟的条件,即 or=if I didnt forget where I read the article(要是我没忘记我在哪儿读过这篇文章的话但事实上忘了) 。2. It looks as if he were drunk. So it

2、 does. _.A. Hed better give up drinkingB. He shouldnt have drunk so muchC. Health is more important than drinkD. I wonder why he is always doing so【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选,主要是受句中 drunk 一词的影响。【分析】最佳答案为 D.关键信息是 It looks as if he were drunk 中的虚拟语气,句子既然用了虚拟语气,也就是说,他喝醉了 不是事实,只是他的言行好像是醉了,所以此题的最佳答案是 D.3. Mary looks

3、 hot and dry. So _ you if you had so high a fever.A. do B. are C. will D. would【陷阱】容易误选 A 或 C.选 A 者,认为前后两句的动词性质应一致;选 C 者,认为其后带有 if 条件状语从句,从语气上看,主句应用将来时态。【分析】此题最佳答案为 D.分析如下:(1)so + 助动词 + 主语 是一个很有用的结构,它表示. 也一样时。如:He likes to watch TV, and so do I. 他喜欢看电视,我也一样。When animals and plants disappear, so will

4、 man. 当动植物消失的时候,人类也会随之消失。(2)由于空格后的 if 条件状语从句的谓语用的是虚拟语气(这是很重要的信息) ,所以主句要用 would 而不用 will,即答案应选 D.4. He will come tomorrow. But Id rather he _ the day after tomorrow.A. will come B. is coming C. came D. had come【陷阱】容易误选 A 或 B.根据上文的 He will come tomorrow 以及下文的时间状语 the day after tomorrow 似乎都表明空白处应填一个一般将

5、来时态。【分析】但此题的最佳答案是 C.按照英语习惯,would rather 后接 that 从句时,从句谓语通常要用虚拟语气,即用过去式表示现在或将来,用过去完成时表示过去。又如:Id rather you left right now. 我宁愿你现在就离开。I would much rather it was forgotten. 我更愿这事被遗忘掉。Id rather he hadnt told me about it. 我宁愿他没告诉我这事。请再做以下试题(答案均为 B):(1)Shall I come tomorrow? Id rather you _.A. wont B. did

6、ntC. dont D. wouldnt(2)Ive told him about it. But Id rather you _.A. didnt B. hadnt C. dont D. wouldnt(3)He will take you as well. But Id rather he _.A. wont B. didnt C. doesnt D. wouldnt5. All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he _ badly wounded and that he _ at once.A. should be; be operat

7、ed onB. were; must be operated onC. was; should be operatedD. was; be operated on【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。【分析】最佳答案选 D.insist 后的从句谓语有时用should+ 动词原形 这样的虚拟语气,有时不用,具体要看该谓语动词所表示的含义。一般说来,若该谓语动词所表示的动作尚未发生,或尚未成为事实,则用虚拟语气;若该谓语动词所表示的动作已经发生,或已经成为事实,则要用陈述语气。分析上题的句意,可知只有选 D 最合适。请做以下类似试题(答案选 B):(1)The patient insisted tha

8、t he _ ill and _ to the hospital.A. wasnt, wasnt sent B. wasnt, shouldnt be sentC. shouldnt be, wasnt sent D. shouldnt be, shouldnt be sent(2)The man in prison insisted that he _ nothing wrong and _ set free.A. should do, should be B. had done, should beC. had done, had been D. should do, had been(3

9、)I advised that he _ to the hospital at once, but he insisted that he _ quite well then.A. was sent; felt B. be sent; was feelingC. he sent; feel D. should be sent; should feel6. _ smoking, he would not have got cancer in the lung.A. Was he given up B. Had he given up C. Did he give D. If he gave up

10、【陷阱】容易误选 D.【分析】正确答案应选 B.之所以不能选 D,是因为时态前后有矛盾。由于主句谓语是would not have got,这表明是对过去事实作出的假设,所以从句谓语应该是 had given up,而不是像 D 项那样用一般过去时。另外,当虚拟条件句中有 had, should, were 等词时,通常可以省略 if,并将 had, should, were 提前置于句首。又如:Were they to cease advertising, prices would come down. = If they were to cease advertising, prices would come down. 如果他们停止做广告,价钱会降下来。Had I been there, I would have filmed the occasion. = If I had been there, I would have filmed the occasion. 如果我在那里,我会把那场面拍摄下来了。


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