jiang zemins report at 16th party congress(9)

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《jiang zemins report at 16th party congress(9)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《jiang zemins report at 16th party congress(9)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Jiang Zemins report at 16th Party congress(9)IX. The Internatinal Situatin and ur External rkPeae and develpent reain the thees f ur era. T preserve peae and prte develpent bears n the ell-being f all natins and represents the n aspiratins f all peples. It is an irresistible trend f histry. The gri

2、ng trends tard rld ultiplarizatin and eni glbalizatin have brught ith the pprtunities and favrable nditins fr rld peae and develpent. A ne rld ar is unlikely in the freseeable future. It is realisti t bring abut a fairly lng perid f peae in the rld and a favrable liate in areas arund hina. Hever, th

3、e ld internatinal plitial and eni rder, hih is unfair and irratinal, has yet t be hanged fundaentally. Unertainties affeting peae and develpent are n the rise. The eleents f traditinal and nn-traditinal threats t seurity are intertined, and the surge f terrris is re autely felt. Hegenis and per plit

4、is have ne anifestatins. Lal nflits triggered by ethni r religius ntraditins and brder r territrial disputes have rpped up fr tie t tie. The Nrth-Suth gap is idening. The rld is far fr being tranquil and ankind is faed ith any grave hallenges. N atter h the internatinal situatin hanges, e ill, as al

5、ays, pursue the independent freign pliy f peae. The purpse f hinas freign pliy is t aintain rld peae and prte n develpent. e are ready t rk ith all natins t advane the lfty ause f rld peae and develpent. e stand fr ging alng ith the histrial tide and safeguarding the n interests f ankind. e are read

6、y t rk ith the internatinal unity t bst rld ultiplarizatin, prte a harnius existene f diverse fres and aintain stability in the internatinal unity. e ill prte the develpent f eni glbalizatin in a diretin nduive t n prsperity, dra n its advantages and avid its disadvantages s that all untries, partiu

7、larly develping untries, an benefit fr the press. e stand fr establishing a ne internatinal plitial and eni rder that is fair and ratinal. Plitially all untries shuld respet and nsult ne anther and shuld nt seek t ipse their ill n thers. Enially they shuld pleent ne anther and pursue n develpent and

8、 shuld nt reate a plarizatin f ealth. ulturally they shuld learn fr ne anther and rk fr n prsperity and shuld nt exlude ultures f ther natins. In the area f seurity, untries shuld trust ne anther and rk tgether t aintain seurity, fster a ne seurity nept featuring utual trust, utual benefit, equality

9、 and rdinatin, and settle their disputes thrugh dialgue and peratin and shuld nt resrt t the use r threat f fre. e ppse all frs f hegenis and per plitis. hina ill never seek hegeny and never g in fr expansin. e stand fr aintaining the diversity f the rld and are in favr f prting deray in internatina

10、l relatins and diversifying develpent dels. urs is a lrful rld. untries having different ivilizatins and sial systes and taking different rads t develpent shuld respet ne anther and dra upn ne anthers strng pints thrugh petitin and parisn and shuld develp side by side by seeking n grund hile shelvin

11、g differenes. The affairs f eah untry shuld be left t the peple f that untry t deide. rld affairs shuld be deterined by all untries nerned thrugh nsultatins n the basis f equality. e stand fr fighting against terrris f all frs. It is iperative t strengthen internatinal peratin in this regard, addres

12、s bth the sypts and rt auses f terrris, prevent and bat terrrist ativities and rk hard t eliinate terrris at rt. e ill ntinue t iprve and develp relatins ith the develped untries. Preeding fr the fundaental interests f the peple f all untries nerned, e ill braden the nverging pints f n interests and

13、 prperly settle differenes n the basis f the Five Priniples f Peaeful existene, ntithstanding the differenes in sial syste and idelgy.e ill ntinue t eent ur friendly ties ith ur neighbrs and persist in building a gd-neighbrly relatinship and partnership ith the. e ill step up reginal peratin and bri

14、ng ur exhanges and peratin ith ur surrunding untries t a ne height. e ill ntinue t enhane ur slidarity and peratin ith ther third rld untries, inrease utual understanding and trust and strengthen utual help and supprt. e ill enlarge areas f peratin and ake it re fruitful. e ill ntinue t take an ativ

15、e part in ultilateral diplati ativities and play ur rle in the United Natins and ther internatinal r reginal rganizatins. e ill supprt ther develping untries in their effrts t safeguard their legitiate rights and interests. e ill ntinue t develp exhanges and peratin ith plitial parties and rganizati

16、ns f all untries and regins n the priniples f independene, plete equality, utual respet and nninterferene in eah thers internal affairs. e ill ntinue t arry ut extensive peple-t-peple diplay, expand ultural exhanges ith the utside rld, enhane the friendship beteen peples and prpel the develpent f state-t-state relatins. The rld is arhing tard brightness and prgress. The rad is trtuus, but the future is bright. The fres fr peae, justie and prgress are invinib


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