【课堂新坐标】2015届高考英语一轮总复习 附录三 高考常见熟词生义

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1、附录三高考常见熟词生义A1able( 熟义: adj.会做某事的 )My brother is a very able teacher.(adj.聪明能干的;能力出众的)2absorb(熟义:vt .吸收)I havent really had time to absorb everything that the boss said.(vt.理解,掌握)Absorbed in his computer game,he was unaware of things happening around him.(vt.专心于)3abuse(熟义:v.滥用;谩骂)The mother would nev

2、er,never abuse her child any more.(vt.虐待)4account(熟义:n.账目 )There are several accounts of the story in the newspaper.(n.报道,叙述)We should take everything into account when making the decision.(n.把某事考虑在内)5ache(熟义:v .& n疼痛 )The boy was aching for a gift.(v.渴望)6acknowledge(熟义:vt.承认)Zhu Zhiwen waved his ha

3、nds to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.(v.表示感谢)7act( 熟义: v.行动)The brakes wouldnt act,so there was an accident.(vi.起作用)8address(熟义:n.地址 v写地址)Professor Li is due to address a meeting on how to protect the environment this Friday.(vt.向发表演说;直接向说话)The president should be addressed as“Mr. President”(v

4、.称呼)The article addresses the problems of childrens disease.(v.处理)9admit( 熟义: vt.承认;允许进入 )The great hall can admit 5,000 students.(vt.容纳)10adopt(熟义:v .采用,采纳,采取)After the earthquake,they adopted a homeless child.(v.收养,领养)11advance( 熟义:v.& n前进,推进)She asked for an advance on her salary.(n.预付(款)12advise

5、(熟义:vt.建议)Please advise us of the arrival of the goods.(vt.通知)13affect( 熟义: v.影响)The audience were deeply affected by his lecture.(v.感动)Be careful not to be affected with H7N9.(v.疾病侵袭)14against(熟义:prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰;与竞争)The picture looks nice against the white wall.(prep.映衬,以为背景)15age( 熟义: n.年龄)The de

6、ath of his wife caused him to age fast.(v.(使)变老)16aggressive( 熟义:adj.好斗的;侵略的)Though poor at studies,he is regarded as a determined and aggressive student.(adj.进取的)17air(熟义:n.空气;航空 )The news will first go on air at 8 pm this Sunday.(n.广播)Dont air your troubles too often.(v.抒发;倾诉;播送)The headmasters sp

7、eech gave the meeting a heated air.(n.样子,神态,气氛)18alive(熟义:adj.活着的)The streets in Bangkok(曼谷)are alive with people.(adj.充满(活的或动的东西)19allow(熟义:v .允许)We must allow for the train being late.(v.allow for 考虑到,顾及)20alone( 熟义: adv.单独地,一个人地)We alone should determine what is right for us.(adv.仅仅,只有)21allowanc

8、e( 熟义:n.允许 )The local tyrant(土豪) gave his son an allowance of ¥5,000 a week.(零用钱;津贴)22announce(熟义:vt .宣布 )Warm sunshine announces the coming of the spring.(vt.预示着)23apply(熟义:apply for 申请)Apply the cream evenly over the skin.(v.涂,敷)A similar technique can be applied to the treatment of cancer.(v.运用)2

9、4appreciate(熟义:v .欣赏;感激;感谢)We appreciate the danger ahead.(v.意识到)25arm(熟义:n.胳膊)He armed himself against the cold with a warm coat.(v.武装起来)Lay down your arms,or we will fire.(n.武器)26arrival(熟义:n.到达 )All stood up to welcome the new arrival.(n.到达的人或物)27associate(熟义:v .与 相联系)He is promoted to be an asso

10、ciate professor.(adj.副的)B1badly(熟义:adv .坏)The boy badly wants a new bike.(adv.非常,迫切)2balance(熟义: n.& v平衡)The balance on your account is $5.(n.差额,余款)The school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects.(v.权衡)3bar(熟义:n.棒,条;吧间)Poor health may be a bar to success in life.(n.障

11、碍)4back( 熟义: adv.& n后面)If you back your car out of the driveway,I can get mine in.(v.使倒退)The union leader decided to back the government in its action.(v.支持)5beat( 熟义: vi.敲打,击败)When I heard the news,my heart was beating faster than usual.(vi.心脏跳动)6blanket(熟义:n.毯子)The whole village was blanketed with

12、 heavy snow.(vt.以厚层覆盖)7bless( 熟义:v .保佑,祝福 )Fortunately were both blessed with good health.(v.被赋予,有幸得到)8blue(熟义:adj.& n蓝色)What makes you feel so blue?(adj.忧伤的)9board(熟义:n.木板,布告牌;n.& v登上(交通工具)He sits on the hospital management board.(n.委员会)In our school,the students board during the week and go home a

13、t weekends.(v.在校寄宿)10bound(熟义:adj.一定会)I dont like being deskbound all day.( adj.受约束的)11brain(熟义:n.脑子,智力 )Some of our best brains are leaving the US to work in our own country.(n.智者,极聪明的人)12bridge(熟义:n.桥)He did much to bridge the gulf between himself and his deskmate.(v.消除)13build(熟义:v .建设)The athlet

14、e has a solid build.(n.身材;体形)C1cap( 熟义: n.帽子)The snowcapped mountains make a breathtaking view.(v.覆盖)He has been capped three times for LA team.(v.挑选进入国家队)2capital(熟义: n.首都,首府;资本 )The first letter is usually a capital letter at the beginning.(adj.大写的)3case(熟义: n.情况;状况 )This is a case of fever.(n.病例;

15、案例)4casual(熟义: adj.偶然的;随意的)He was employed as a casual laborer.(adj.临时的)5catch(熟义:vt .接住,明白)I feel terrible,because I have caught a bad cold.(vt.染上疾病)He was caught stealing in the shop.(vt.发现)6cause(熟义: v.致使)For the cause of revolution,he did not fear to die.(n.事业)7celebrate(熟义:vt .庆祝 )The names of

16、many heroes are celebrated by the poets.(vt.称颂,赞扬)8cell(熟义:n.细胞)a police/prison cell(n.拘留室;牢房 )a photoelectric cell(n.电池 )9ceiling(熟义:n.天花板)interest rate ceiling(n.上限)10certain(熟义:adj.确定的;无疑的 )Certain basic rules must be obeyed.(adj.某些)11chance(熟义: n.机会)Im not sure of winning the speech contest,but let me take a chance.(n.冒险)I chanced to be passing when she fell and hurt h



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