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1、 “英语美文朗诵欣赏”Thestrygesthattfriendserealkingthrughthedesert.Duringsepintfthejurneytheyhadanarguent,andnefriendslappedthetherneinthefae. Thenehgtslappedashurt,butThe stry ges that t friends ere alking thrugh the desert. During se pint f the jurney they had an arguent, and ne friend slapped the ther ne

2、in the fae. The ne h gt slapped as hurt, but ithut saying anything, rte in the sand: Tday y best friend slapped e in the fae. They kept n alking until they fund an asis, here they deided t take a bath. The ne h had been slapped gt stuk in the ire and started drning, but the friend saved hi. After he

3、 revered fr the near drning, he rte n a stne: Tday y best friend saved y life. The friend h had slapped and saved his best friend asked hi, After I hurt yu, yu rte in the sand and n yu rite n a stne. hy? The ther friend replied: hen sene hurts us e shuld rite it dn in sand here inds f frgiveness an

4、erase it aay. But hen sene des sething gd fr us, e ust engrave it in stne here n ind an ever erase it. LEARN T RITE YUR HURTS IN THE SAND AND T ARVE YUR BENEFITS IN STNE. They say it takes a inute t find a speial persn an hur t appreiate the, a day t lve the, but an entire life t frget the. Send thi

5、s phrase t the peple yull never frget. Its a shrt essage t let the kn that yull never frget the Take the tie t live.-A vyaging ship as reked during a str at sea and nly t f the en abard ere able t si t a sall, desert-like island. Nt kning hat else t d, the t survivrs agreed that they had n ther reur

6、se than t pray t Gd。一艘客轮在海上遇到暴风雨而翻覆,两个人游泳到荒凉的小岛上。在无计可施的情况下,这两个人都向上帝祷告是唯一之道。 Hever, t find ut hse prayers ere re perful, they agreed t divide the territry beteen the and stay n ppsite sides f the island。看谁的祷告,协议把小岛分成两半,每人各居一处。 The first thing they prayed fr as fd. The next rning, the first an sa a fr

7、uit-bearing tree n his side f the island, and he as able t eat its fruit. But the ther ans parel f land reained barren。祈祷的件事食物,天早上,个人看到一棵结实累累的果树长在他边的土地上,现在他就有果子可以吃了。而人的土地上依旧一片荒芜。 After a eek, the first an beae lnely and deided t pray fr a ife. The next day, anther ship as reked and the nly survivr a

8、s a an h sa t his side f the island. But n the ther side f the island, there as nthing。星期以后,个人感到很孤单寂寞,他决定祈求能有妻子。天,又有一艘船失事了,唯一幸存的女人游泳到他边的岛。而另一边的岛上则也。 Sn thereafter the first an prayed fr a huse, lthes and re fd. The next day, like agi, all f these things ere given t hi. Hever, the send an still had n

9、thing。不久,个人又祈求一间房子、衣服和更多的食物。隔天,他所祈求的东西就像变魔术一样全都了,而另人都。Finally, the first an prayed fr a ship s that he and his ife uld leave the island, and in the rning he fund a ship dked at his side f the island。最后,个人祈求能有一艘船,让他跟他的妻子可以离开小岛。早上醒来,他看到一艘船就停泊在他这里的岸边。 The first an barded the ship ith his ife and deided

10、 t leave the send an n the island, nsidering the ther an unrthy t reeive Gds blessings sine nne f his prayers had been ansered。个人和他太太上了船,他决定把个人留在那个小岛上。他另人不值得上帝的恩赐,他的祈祷也没应验。 As the ship as abut t leave, the first an heard a vie fr Heaven bing, hy are yu leaving yur panin n the island? 正当船要离开的时候,个人听到天

11、上传来轰隆的声音说: 为你把你的同伴留在岛上? y blessings are ine alne sine I as the ne h prayed fr the, the first an ansered. His prayers ere all unansered and s he desn t deserve anything. 个人回答说: 上帝的赐予都归我独享,是我祈求而来的。他的祈祷全都没应验,他不配任何东西。 Yu are istaken! the vie rebuked hi. He had nly ne prayer, hih I ansered. If nt fr that, yu uld nt have reeived any f y blessings. 你错了! 那个声音责备他说: 我应允了他唯一的祈求,若非如此,你得我任何的赐予。 Tell e, the first an asked the vie, hat did he pray fr that I shuld e hi anything? 告诉我。 个人问那个声音说: 他到底祈求,使我对他亏欠? He prayed that all yur prayers uld be ansered. 他祈祷让你的祈求都能应验。


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