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1、 第 1 页 共 34 页 连杆锤上模锻工艺设计 1摘要锻造是一种利用锻压机械对金属坯料施加压力,使其产生塑性变形以获得具有一定机械性能、一定形状和尺寸锻件的加工方法,锻压(锻造与冲压)的两大组成部分之一。锻造生产是机械制造工业中提供机械零件毛坯的主要加工方法之一。通过锻造,不仅可以得到机械零件的形状,而且能改善金属内部组织,提高金属的机械性能和物理性能。一般对受力大、要求高的重要机械零件,大多采用锻造生产方法制造。如汽轮发电机轴、转子、叶轮、叶片、护环、大型水压机立柱、高压缸、轧钢机轧辊、内燃机曲轴、连杆、齿轮、轴承、以及国防工业方面的火炮等重要零件,均采用锻造生产。国内部分企业已配备检测仪

2、表和测试技术,采用计算机控制数据处理的现代自动化超声波探伤检测系统,采用各种专用的自动超声波探伤系统,完成各种质量体系的认证等。高速重载齿轮锻件产品的关键生产技术不断被攻克,并在此基础上实现了产业化生产。在引进国外先进生产技术和关键设备的基础上,中国已能自己设计和制造高速重载齿轮锻件的生产装备,这些装备已接近国际先进水平,技术和装备水平的提升有力的促进了国内锻造行业的发展。关键词:锻造;制造;生产装备;行业全套图纸,加ABSTRACTThis paper is based on the machinery design and machinersoftware to conduct the p

3、art modeling which was designed well, and then conduct assembly design which the parts was built, get the corresponding assembly model, finally conduct movement simulation to the corresponding assembly model. first of all, design the main parts institutional model of 第 2 页 共 34 页 连杆锤上模锻工艺设计 2the sew

4、ing machine, secondly use the drawing software to conduct the part modeling which was designed well, and then conduct assembly design which the parts was builty principle and the 3d drawing software and related knowledge and theory, by collecting relevant data of sewing machine and reading the relat

5、ed literature books and referring to the sewing machine in the tailor shop, first of all, design the main parts institutional model of the sewing machine, finally conduct movement simulation to the corresponding assembly model. ing machine and reading the related literature books and referring to th

6、e sewing machine in the tailor shop.At present, part of the processing of domestic have begun to close to the machine tool, but also need to clamp the workpiece, that is to say, although the technology has been greatly improved but his nature has not changed much, on the flip side, because of his sk

7、ill therefore, tool holder part can clamp the tool also needs our staff to develop.first of all, and then conduct assembly design which the parts was built, get the corr.Key Words: sewing machine, part modeling,assembly design, movement simulation目录摘要 .1目录 .21 绪论 .41.1 模具的意义 .41.2 各种模具的分类和占有量 .52 零件结构及工艺性分析 .62.1 材料分析 .62.2 结构工艺分析 .63 锻件图的设计 .73.1 分模面在选择 .73.2 锻件公差及余量的确定 .83.2.1 锻件公差及余量的分析 .83.2.2 模锻件的公差的确定 .103.3 圆角半径及模锻斜度的选择 .133.3.1 圆角半径的确定 .133.3.2 模锻斜度的选择 .133.4 冲孔连皮的设计 .143.5 技术要求 .153.6 锻件图 .154 模锻模镗的设计 .164.1 终锻模膛设计 .164.1.1 热锻件图 .


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