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1、1新编人教版高中英语文学选材的实证研究摘 要教材是英语课程的重要组成部分,选择和使用合适的教材是完成教学内容和实现教学目标的重要前提。我国现行高中英语教材 - 新编人教版高中英语教材 (简称人教版/NSEFC) ,因受交际法的影响,过于重视口头和实用语料,忽视书面和文学语料,凸显了当前教材编写重信息、重实用而轻人文素养的不良倾向。该教材中的语料大多不够真实,体裁单一、内容枯燥,语言欠优美,存在较多局限。通过(方法、过程)三个版本的高中英语教材在文学选材上的对比分析,本文对。 。 。探讨,具体回答。 。 。个问题:1)2)研究发现: 文学作品对高中英语教学具有。 。 。积极作用最后,目的在于就完

2、善通过本研究能有助于高中英语教材的内容完善, 、提高高中英语教学,提出一些具体建议。的效果。 # 原有文字,待删改:讨论了高中英语教材文学内容的选材原则,为在 NSEFC 英语教材中增加文学作品的做法寻找理论依据的支持,指出文学作品对高中英语教学的工具性和人文性作用,并就 NSEFC 英语教材增加英语文学作品的可行性设想进行了实践。关键词:高中英语教材 文学作品 教材内容 2An Empirical Study of Literature Materials in New Senior English for ChinaABSTRACTTextbooks are an indispensabl

3、e part of the English curriculum; selecting and using proper English textbooks isare the most important prerequisite s to fulfillfor the teaching contents and realization of ethe teaching objectives. However, the current English textbooks for senior middle school students (NSEFC), too much attached

4、too muchto importance to oral and practical language materials, and ignoring written and literary materials. , represent the tendency of textbooks compilation, that is, valuing information and practicality but neglecting humanism cultivating. As a consequence, the materials are inauthentic, most of

5、which are of the same style with boring contents. It is difficult for students find it difficult to develop their ability to feel, understand, appreciate and evaluate the beauty of language with these materials lacking in variety and attractiveness. To covercome the above limitations, he current NSE

6、FC textbooks only contain very few literature materials, which must be given exclusive attention. Then, this thesis proposes that centers on why and how English 3literature materials should be added to the current textbooks. 补充:具体方法、过程,结论、建议.# in the hope of making some practical suggestions to perf

7、ect the textbooks.This thesis comprises six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction which presents the background and points out the significance of the research. The second chapter turns to literature review of the thesis, which includes some relative research work other people have done. Th

8、e third chapter is to make a comparison between the numbers of literature materials in three main editions of senior English textbooks. The fourth chapter discusses the principles of selecting literature materials for senior middle school English, also provides the theoretical backup of adding liter

9、ature materials to the current textbooks. And the fifth chapter proposes a plan in which literature materials can be added to the textbooks of NSEFC, based on Book 1 and 2, NSEFC. The last chapter makes a conclusion that NSEFC needs to add more literature materials based on the research., showing th

10、e tendency of textbooks compilation, that is, valuing information and practicality but neglecting humanism cultivating. Key words: English textbooks, literature, teaching materials 4CONTENTS摘 要摘要 .1IABSTRACT.2IICONTENTS.第一章 引言 .511.1 选题研究背景 .511.2 选题研究意义 .61.3 研究方法 .7第二章 文献综述 .82.1 大陆及港台地区对高中英语教材文学作

11、品选材的相关研究 .82.2 港台地区对英语教材文学选材的研究 .92.3 海国外华人社会对英语教材文学选材的研究 .105第三章 三大版本高中英语教材文学作品选材比较分析与思考 .11改成 5.1 节,下详第四章 高中英语教材中文学作品的选材的理念和与理论依据 .164.1 高中英语教材中文学作品的选材理念 .164.2 高中英语教材增加文学选材的理论依据 .194.2.1 人本主义教育理论与教材文学作品选材 .194.2.2 克拉申“第二语言习得”的假说与教材文学作品选材 .204.2.3普通高中英语课程标准关于文学作品教学的目标和对教材的建议要求 23第五章 对以新编人教版高中英语教材为

12、例进行增加文学作品的探索实践探索 .255.1 人教版文学选材的缺陷把上面第三章改放这里,从三本对比中发现欠缺5.12 在教材中增加文学作品的方式和与步骤 .255.1.1 结合语文教材,进行增补 .255.1.2 结合各种高中不同教材版本,进行增补 .255.1.3 结合校本课程和选修课程,进行增补 .255.1.4 对 NSEFC 进行增、删、改,进行试验 .265.23 拟增补的文学作品在教材中的教学设计与实施 .265.2.1 教学内容选择 .265.2.2 文学作品的教学方法 .285.2.3 教学设计和过程 .295.3 问题与思考 可以考虑删去该标题,把内容下移到结论章 .33第六章 结 论 .35可考虑增加:2 个二级标题、与第一章对应参考文献 .39致谢 .


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