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1、设计说明书题目:齿条的工艺规程及钻 4 孔夹具设计学 生:学 号:专 业:班 级: 指导老师:摘 要本次设计内容涉及了机械制造工艺及机床夹具设计、金属切削机床、公差配合与测量等多方面的知识。齿条加工工艺规程及其夹具设计是包括零件加工的工艺设计、工序设计以及专用夹具的设计三部分。在工艺设计中要首先对零件进行分析,了解零件的工艺再设计出毛坯的结构,并选择好零件的加工基准,设计出零件的工艺路线;接着对零件各个工步的工序进行尺寸计算,关键是决定出各个工序的工艺装备及切削用量;然后进行专用夹具的设计,选择设计出夹具的各个组成部件,如定位元件、夹紧元件、引导元件、夹具体与机床的连接部件以及其它部件;计算出

2、夹具定位时产生的定位误差,分析夹具结构的合理性与不足之处,并在以后设计中注意改进。关键词:工艺、工序、切削用量、夹紧、定位、误差。全套图纸,加ABSTRCTThis design content has involved the machine manufacture craft and the engine bed jig design, the metal-cutting machine tool, the common difference coordination and the survey and so on the various knowledge.The reduction

3、gear box body components technological process and its the processing hole jig design is includes the components processing the technological design, the working procedure design as well as the unit clamp design three parts. Must first carry on the analysis in the technological design to the compone

4、nts, understood the components the craft redesigns the semi finished materials the structure, and chooses the good components the processing datum, designs the components the craft route; After that is carrying on the size computation to a components each labor step of working procedure, the key is

5、decides each working procedure the craft equipment and the cutting specifications; Then carries on the unit clamp the design, the choice designs the jig each composition part, like locates the part, clamps the part, guides the part, to clamp concrete and the engine bed connection part as well as oth

6、er parts; Position error which calculates the jig locates when produces, analyzes the jig structure the rationality and the deficiency, and will design in later pays attention to the improvement.Keywords: The craft, the working procedure, the cutting specifications, clamp, the localization, the erro

7、r目 录序 言 .1一 零件的分析 .21.1 零件的作用 .21.2 零件的工艺分析 .2二. 毛坯的确定 .42.1 确定毛坯的制造形式 .42.2 毛坯形状及尺寸 .5三 拟定加工工艺路线 .63.1 基准的选择 .63.1.2 粗基准选择 .63.1.2 精基准的选择 .73.2 制定工艺路线 .8四 零件加工工序设计 .104.1 锻造 .104.2 退火处理 .104.3 车右端面,钻中心孔 .104.3 车左端面,钻中心孔 .114.5 粗车各段外圆及切退刀槽 .124.6 精车各段外圆 .134.7 钻 4 的孔 .144.8 铣宽 4mm 键槽 .154.9 铣距离中心 7.6mm 的小平面 .16五、 夹具设计 .185.1 问题的提出 .185.2 定位基准的选择 .185.3 切削力及夹紧力计算 .195.4 定位误差分析 .195.5 夹具设计及操作简要说明 .20总 结 .21致 谢 .23参 考 文 献 .24第 1 页 共 30 页序 言机械制造业是制造具有一定形状位置和尺寸的零件和产品,并把它们装备成机械装备的行业。机械制造业的产品既可以直接供人们使用,也可以为其它行业的生产提供装



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