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1、I毕业设计(论文)论文题目:凸模零件的数控加工编程 学院名称: 厦门华天涉外职业技术学院 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 完成时间: 年 月 日 摘 要随着科学技术飞速发展和经济竞争的日趋激烈,机械产品的更新速度越来越快,数控加工技术作为先进生产力的代表,在机械及相关行业领域发挥着重要的作用,机械制造的竞争,其实只是数控技术的竞争。本次毕业课题设计通过对凸模零件进行结构分析,需要对其进行编程、钻孔、铣削等数控加工,能较好地满足了实际精度要求,提高了加工质量和设计效率。合适的工艺规程可以加工出符合精度要求的合格零件。依据整体功能确定各部位的结构并进行设计造型。从结构上分析零件,制定加

2、工所需的工艺规程,从毛坯的确定到设计工艺路线,根据所需选择适当的机床、刀具、相应的夹具、加工程序的编制和零件的检验。文中程序的编制采用 UG 软件自动编程与手动编程相结合的方法生成。关键词: 零件的分析;工艺;数控加工;数控编程全套图纸,加IIIAbstractWith the rapid development of science and technology and economy of the competition is becoming increasingly fierce, mechanical product updates faster, nc machining tech

3、nology as representatives of advanced productivity, mechanical and related industries in the field play an important role, machinery manufacturing competition, in fact just numerical control technology of the competition. The graduation project design through to the punch parts structure analysis, n

4、eed the programming, drilling, milling CNC processing, can satisfy the precision of the actual requirements, improve the process quality and the design efficiency. The right procedure can work out with the requirement of accuracy qualified parts. According to determine the whole function of each pla

5、ce structure and design modelling. From the structure analysis parts, formulate the processing technical process, the determination of design from the blank to process route, according to need to choose the proper machine tool, cutting tool, the corresponding fixture, processing programming and part

6、s inspection. This paper programming using UG software to be automatic programming and manual programming method of combining the generation.Key words: the analysis of the components; Technology; Numerical control processing; CNC programming目录摘 要 .IABSTRACT .II1 绪 论 .12 零件加工工艺分析 .22.1 零件图形分析 .22.1.1

7、 图形分析 .22.1.2 零件材料分析 .32.1.3 精度分析 .32.2 结构工艺性分析 .32.2.1 结构分析 .32.2.2 毛坯、余量的确定 .43 加工方案的制定 .43.1 加工方案分析 .43.2 加工方案制定 .54 定位基准的选择 .54.1 基准的分类 .54.2 定位基准的选择 .64.2.1 粗基准的选择 .64.2.2 精基准的选择 .75 确定装夹方案和选择夹具 .85.1 找正法 .85.2 用夹具装夹 .86 设备选择 .106.1 确定型号 .106.2 设备的介绍 .107 刀具与切削液选择 .117.1 刀具材料的选择 .117.2 刀具类型的选择 .127.3 刀具参数的选择 .



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