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1、交战和危险地带一览表交战和危险地带一览表2013 年 3 月 12 日A. 交战地带: A. War zones:阿富汗:喀布尔以外的全部地区 Afghanistan: All but Kabul City布隆迪:锡比托克省,布班扎省,以及布琼布拉省(首都除外) Burundi: Provinces Cibitoke, Bubanza and Bujumbura except the capital proper中非共和国:全国 Central African Republic: whole country格鲁吉亚共和国:南奥塞提亚和阿布卡西亚与格鲁吉亚的的相邻 25 公里范围 Georgia

2、: Break-away republics South Ossetia and Abkhazia and their borders with rump Georgia to a depth of 25kms.刚果民主共和国(刚果金):全国 Democratic Republic of the Congo: whole country乍得共和国:首都以外全国 Chad:whole country except capital海地:全国 Haiti: whole country印度:查谟和克什米尔;在拉达克与巴基斯坦边境 50 公里地区,除了瓦格赫道口外的与巴基斯坦接壤边境 India: Ja

3、mmu and Kashmir; in Ladakh District within 50km of the Pakistani border (LoC). Immediate borders with Pakistan, except the crossing at Wagah.伊拉克共和国:全国除了杜胡克省,伊尔比尔和阿斯-苏拉曼尼亚省的部分地区,这些省份和伊拉克以及土耳其边界地区也同样是交战地带。 Iraq: whole country except parts of Dohuk, Erbil and As-Sulamanniyya provinces. These provinces

4、border areas with rump Iraq and Turkey are War Zones also.以色列:加沙 Israel: Gaza 利比亚 :的黎波里以外全国危险地带以外其它地区Libya: Whole country except Tripoli properRest of country马里:全国 Mali: Whole country尼日利亚: 河流州除哈科特港以外;博尔努州和约贝洲;卡杜纳和卡诺 Nigeria: Rivers state except Port Harcourt proper; Borno State and Yobe State; Citie

5、s of Kaduna and Kano巴基斯坦: 克什米尔地区实际控制线 50 公里内, Pakistan: Kashmir at Line of control out to 50km and 和直辖部落地区。俾路支省和开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省。Federally.菲律宾共和国:霍洛岛 Philippines: Jolo Group俄罗斯: 车臣, 印古什, 达吉斯坦和北奥塞梯Russia (West of Ural): Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan & North Ossetia 索马里:全国(索马里兰自治区域除外)Somalia: Entire countr

6、y except autonomous area of Somaliland 南苏丹:与苏丹、刚果民主共和国和中非共和国边界地区South Sudan: Border with Sudan and borders with Democratic Republic of the Congo and Central African Republic苏丹:达尔福尔省,南科尔多凡和苏丹北部、南部边境地区包括青尼罗州Sudan: Darfur Provinces, South Kordofan and further border areas between North- and South Sudan

7、 including Blue Nile State阿拉伯叙利亚共和国:全国 Syrian Arab Republic: Whole country乌干达:除了市区,卡普乔鲁瓦,卡塔奎,科蒂多,莫罗托,纳卡皮里皮里特的东北方地区和DRC 及苏丹边境。Uganda: The Northeastern districts of Kapchorwa, Katakwi, Kotido, Moroto and Nakapiripirit. Immediate borders with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan, except urban

8、 areas.也门:全国 Yemen: Whole countryB. 危险地带 B. Risk zones 阿富汗:喀布尔 Afghanistan: Kabul city阿尔及利亚:全国除主要城市 Algeria: Whole country except major cities安哥拉:卡宾达被包围地区 (不包括近海处) Angola: Cabinda enclave (not including off-shore)阿塞拜疆: 纳戈尔诺 -卡拉巴赫 Azerbaijan: Nargorno-Karabakh孟加拉国: 吉大港山区 Bangladesh: Chittagong Hill T

9、racts布基纳法索: 中心北大区,北部大区和萨赫勒大区; 马里的边境地区 Burkina Faso:Regions Centre-Nord, Nord and Sahel; Mali border areas布隆迪:交战地带以外其它地区 Burundi: Rest of country柬埔寨:与泰国的边境线 Cambodia: Border region with Thailand喀麦隆:极北省与尼日利亚边境地区 Cameroon: Extreme North Province and border with Nigeria乍得共和国:首都 Chad: Capital哥伦比亚:全国 Colo

10、mbia: Whole country刚果共和国(刚果布):包括首都布拉扎维尔在内的联营地区 Congo Brazzaville: Pool region (including Brazzaville proper)东帝汶:整个国家 East Timor: Whole country厄瓜多尔:哥伦比亚边境地区 Ecuador: Border with Colombia 埃及:西奈半岛北部,西奈半岛南部除了海岸和红海沿岸的旅游地区,及塔巴和沙姆沙伊赫沿海公路和机场地区。Egypt: North Sinai governorate. South Sinai governorate except t

11、he coast and tourist areas along the Red Sea, including the coastal road and airports at Taba and Sharm el Sheikh厄立特里亚:埃塞俄比亚和苏丹边境地区 Eritrea: Border with Ethiopia and Sudan 埃塞俄比亚:厄立特里亚,肯尼亚,苏丹与吉布提边境地区,以及甘布拉,索马里(欧加登) 边境地区包括达纳基勒沙漠 Ethiopia: Borders areas Eritrea, Kenya, Sudan & Djobouti, The Gambella re

12、gion and Somali (Ogaden) Region. Including Danakil Desert 格鲁吉亚共和国:距离俄罗斯边境地区 24 公里以内地区交战地带以外其他地区 Georgia: Areas along the border with Russia to a depth of 25 kmRest of country 几内亚:森林几内亚地区及科特迪瓦边境地区Guinea: Guinee Forestiere region and the Cote dIvoire border几内亚比绍共和国:塞内加尔边境地区 Guinea-Bissau: Areas along

13、the border with Senegal印度:阿萨姆邦,曼妮普尔区,那加兰邦和特里普拉邦 India: Assam, Manipur, Nagaland &Tripura印度尼西亚:苏拉威西岛中心地区,安汶,亚齐省和巴布亚岛Indonesia:Central Sulawesi, Ambon, Aceh and Papua 伊拉克共和国:库尔德地区(杜胡克,伊尔比尔和 Sulamaniya 省)伊拉克和土耳其边界除外Iraq: Kurdish region(Dohuk, Erbil and As-Sulamaniyah provinces) except for borders with

14、rump Iraq and Turkey.以色列:约旦河西岸,耶路撒冷市区和戈兰高地,以色列与加沙地带和西岸的边境地区(1967),以及与埃及,黎巴嫩,叙利亚共和国的边境地区Israel: West Bank, Jerusalem city proper and the Golan heights. Internal (1967) borders between Israel, the Gaza Strip and West Bank plus the borders with Egypt, Lebanon and Syria.科特迪瓦共和国:“du Confiance“区以北地区和巴斯萨桑德

15、拉地区,Montagnes 和中沙卡瓦利。Ivory Coast: Areas north of the former “Zone du Confiance” and the regions Bas Sassandra, Montagnes and Moyen Cavally.约旦:距叙利亚边境相邻的 5 公里范围地区。 Jordan: The Syrian border to a depth of 5km.肯尼亚:内罗毕西部和北部的贫民区。索马里边境 50 公里。Kenya: Slum areas of Nairobi as well as the areas immediately to

16、the west and north of the city. Somali border to a depth of 50km. 吉尔吉斯斯坦:巴特肯省,贾拉拉巴德省和奥什省Kyrgyzstan: Provinces Batken, Jalal-Abad and Osh老挝:北部辖川圹省,saisomboun 特别经济区 Lao Peoples Democratic Republic: The Northern Province of Xieng Khouang and in the Saisomboun Special Economic zone.黎巴嫩:以色列和利塔尼河地区和贝卡山谷。城市地区和联合国难民营,和叙利亚边境地区。Lebanon:Area between the Israel border and the Litani River as well as the Bekaa Valley. Urban areas and all UNRWA refugee camps, and Syrian Arab Republic


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