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1、2011ks5u 高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳Unit1 Making a difference自助式复习板块知识搜索 A. 单词1.显然的;明显的 (adj.) _2.好奇的;好求知的 (adj.) _3.科学的;符合科学规律的 (adj.) _4.容忍的;有耐心的 (adj.) _5.理解力强的;有才智的 (adj.) _6.辩论;争论 (v.) _7.浏览;细看;反复察看 (v.) _8.使丧失能力 (v.) _9.寻找;探索;追求 (v.) _10.观察;遵守;庆祝 (v.) _11.预言; 预测; 预计 (v.) _12.进行实验 (v.) _13.大学毕业生;毕业生 (n.)

2、 _14.分界线;边界 (n.) _15.罪; 犯罪活动 (n.) _16.显微镜 (n.) _17.望远镜 (n.) _18.天文学家 (n.) _19.天;天空;上帝 (n.) _答案:1.obvious2.curious3.scientific4.patient5.intelligent6.debate 7.scan8.disable9.seek10.observe 11.predict12.experiment13.graduate 14.boundary15.crime16. microscope 17. telescope18.astronomer19. heavenB. 短语20

3、.与相似 _ _ _21.热衷(于) _ _ _ _22.前因后果 _ _ _23.对表示满意或满足 _ _ _24.对好奇的 _ _ _sth.25.一个有前途的研究生 _ _ _ _26.(时间) 过去;( 机会)错过 _ _27.与订婚 _ _ _28.梦想;梦到 _ _29.在 20 世纪 70 年代初 _ _ _ _30.寻找问题的答案 _ _ _ _31.结果是;最后的情况是 _ _ _ _32.用光所有的钱 _ _ _ _ _33.犯罪现场 _ _ _ 34.倘使将会怎样 _ _ 35.另一方面 _ _ _ _36.有作用或影响 _ _ _ 37.知识就是力量 _ _ _ 38.

4、随季节变化 _ _ _ _ _39.达到目标 _ _ _40.在当时 _ _ _ 41.偏袒 _ _ 42.执政 _ _ _ 43.离开欧洲去美国_ _ _ _ _答案:20.be similar to21.be on fire for22.cause and effect23.be satisfied with 24.be curious about25.a promising graduate student26.go by27.be/get engaged to 28.dream of29.in the early 1970s/1970s30.seek answers to questi

5、ons31.turn out to be32.use up all the money 33.the crime scene34.what if 35.on the other hand36.make a difference37.knowledge is power38.change from season to season39.reach ones goals40.at the time 41.take sides e into power43. leave Europe for the USAC. 句型44.分析明显存在的事物需要有非凡的头脑。_ _a very unusual min

6、d _ _analysis of the obvious.45.毫无疑问数学是很有用的。_ _ _ _ _ maths is useful.46.取得博士学位似乎已经没有意义了。_ _ _ _ much point_ _ on my PhD. 答案:44.It takes; to undertake45.There is no doubt that46.There did not seem;in workingD. 语法47.I was surprised _(看见天突然下起雪来了 ).48._(为了周游世界),he needs to learn some foreign languages.

7、49.She is such a hard-working doctor that she is always_ (最后一个离开实验室的).50.Before toy companies sell their new products, they often show some children their new toys _(看他们是否喜欢新玩具).51.The information technology is developing so fast that it is difficult_ (预测) what computers can do in the next 20 years.

8、52.Most of the people going to Hawkings lectures_ (发现他的讲座太难懂),but that can never stop them from admiring him.答案:47.to see it began to snow all of a sudden48.In order to/To travel around the world49.the last one to leave the laboratory50.to see if/whether they really like them51.to predict52. find it

9、 too difficult to understand it重难聚焦重点单词要点 1observe【例题】Mother bought some flowers_my fathers birthday.A. to observe B. observingC. observed D. observes解析:observe 在这里表示庆祝,用不定式表示目的。答案:A归纳与迁移(1)vt.看到,注意到,观察:observe what/how/where.;遵守(规则、法令等) ;庆祝;评述,说(自己注意到的情况)Tom is observing the movement of a cloud. 汤姆

10、在观察一片云的移动。The girl sat and observed how her mom cooked. 小女孩坐着看妈妈怎么做饭。observe the laws/rules遵守法律/规则Mary will observe her birthday by making a trip to Shanghai.玛丽将去上海旅行以庆祝她的生日。“He is kind. ” I observed. 我说:“他很善良。 ”(2)see,watch,notice,observe,hear,feel,have, make 等动词用不带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语,但在被动结构中必须带 to。不定式指

11、动作的全过程;现在分词指正在进行的动作的一部分,且表主动意义。The police observed the man entering the bank.警察看见那个人正走进银行。The police observed the man enter the bank.警察看见那个人走进银行。 (整个过程)The man was observed to enter the bank by the police. (同上)要点 2curious【例题】 (经典回放)If you are _about the pyramids in Egypt, just read the book written

12、by Dr. Brown.A. anxious B. curiousC. serious D. puzzled解析:本题考查形容词的区别。 serious“严肃的;认真的”,与句意不符,一般也不与介词 about 连用;anxious 与puzzled 可与 about 搭配,但是前者表示 “对感到焦虑,担心”,后者则表示“ 对迷惑不解” ,通常表示对某一问题不懂,因而去寻求解答。因此 be curious about“对 好奇”是最佳选项,相当于 be interested in。答案:B归纳与迁移(1)adj. 好奇的 They stared at us in a friendly but curious way.他们友好但是好奇地看着我们。(2) be curious about sth. 对好奇She is too curious about her neighbours business.她太好管邻居的闲事。(3)be curious to do sth. 好奇地去做某事 I am curious to know what will happen.我很想知道会发生什么事。要点 3imagine【例题】Try to_ a jet which is mor


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