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1、河南理工大学 2014 届本科生毕业论文I摘 要“烂苹果效应”是管理学中一个有趣的理论,隐形员工就好比苹果箱中的烂苹果,如果得不到及时的处理,它就会迅速污染其他的苹果,最终会演变成一箱的烂苹果。不幸的是在现实中,这种“烂苹果”并没有引起足够的重视,隐形员工的滋生越来越明显,尸位素餐的现象越来越普遍,其危害程度也越来越深,如何提高隐形员工的忠诚度成为了一个亟待解决的问题。本文以劳动密集型企业为代表,在理论的基础上,重点介绍了影响劳动密集型企业隐形员工忠诚度的因素,并提出了相应的解决措施,成因不再局限于心理契约、目标不明、被忽视三个方面,而是从三个角度加以详细解说,首先有员工的个性特点、职业素质、

2、价值观念、职业倦怠四个方面,其次有企业文化、发展潜力、薪酬福利、工作环境四个因素,最后有心理契约、产业转型、就业机制、他人影响四个补充。当然解决措施也不再仅局限于尊重与激励,本文将措施分为三个方面:认同、激励、环境,结合劳动密集型企业进行了具体的阐述,认同有完善职业发展通道、增加员工的管理权、增强员工的归属感、重视职业生涯管理,激励有目标管理的激励作用、有竞争力的薪酬体系、化解员工的职业倦怠、有效的人才奖励措施,环境有强化企业文化建设、营造舒适的组织氛围、增强员工的归属感、企业经济结构转型。希望能给大家带来耳目一新的感觉,为以后的研究提供参考。关键词:劳动密集型企业 隐形员工 忠诚度河南理工大

3、学 2014 届本科生毕业论文IIABSTRACTRotten Apple Effect is an interesting theory of management. And invisible staff are just like the rotten apples in the apple box, if not handled immediately, they will rapidly contaminate other apples, which will finally lead to a box of rotten apples. However, in most enter

4、prises, the “rotten apple” do not arouse much attention, thus the remorseless increase of “invisible staff” becomes all the more obvious. And the dead wood phenomena becomes increasingly universal and its extent of damage is also deeper and deeper. Therefore, to improve staff loyalty to the company

5、is no doubt an effective solution to the problem. However, how to improve the contact employee loyalty is an urgent problem to be solved.In this paper, the labor-intensive enterprises as the representative, on the basis of the theory, focuses on the factors affecting employee loyalty of labor-intens

6、ive enterprises invisible, and proposed the corresponding solution measures, causes no longer confined to three aspects of psychological contract, the target is unknown, neglected, and is detailed explanation from three aspects, first of all personality characteristics, employee occupation quality,

7、values, occupation burnout four aspects, followed by the enterprise culture, development potential, pay and benefits, working environment four factors, the psychological contract, industrial transformation, employment mechanism, the influence of others four supplement.Of course, solutions are no lon

8、ger limited to respect and encouragement, the measures are divided into three aspects: identity, motivation, environment, combined with the labor-intensive enterprises are elaborated, identity has perfect occupation development channel, increase the staffs authority, enhance their sense of belonging

9、, attach importance to occupation career management, incentive motivating goal management, competitive salary system, resolve the employee occupation burnout, effective talent incentive measures to strengthen the building of enterprise culture, environment, and create a comfortable atmosphere for th

10、e organization, enhance their sense of belonging, enterprise transformation of economic structure. The hope can bring you find everything fresh and new feeling, to provide reference for future research.Key words: labor intensive enterprise invisible staff loyalty 河南理工大学 2014 届本科生毕业论文III目 录摘 要 .IABST

11、RACT.II1 绪论.11.1 研究背景和研究意义 .11.2 国内外研究现状概述 .11.3 研究目的与研究内容 .21.4 研究方法与逻辑结构 .32 基本理论概述.42.1 劳动密集型企业 .42.2 隐形员工概述 .42.3 忠诚与忠诚度 .52.4 理论依据概述 .63 影响劳动密集型企业隐形员工忠诚度的因素.103.1 员工自身因素 .103.1.1 个性特点.103.1.2 职业素质.103.1.3 价值观念.113.1.4 职业倦怠.113.2 企业方面因素 .123.2.1 企业文化.123.2.2 发展潜力.123.2.3 薪酬福利.123.2.4 工作环境.133.3 其他方面因素 .133.3.1 心理契约.133.3.2 产业结构.



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