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1、基于数字水印技术的文件水印设计与实现Files Watermark Based on Watermarking Design and ImplementationI摘 要自从互联网诞生以来,信息技术高速发展,网络应用越来越普及,信息化的社会已经呈现出越来越广阔的前景,全球迅猛发展的Internet网络给世界经济带来了新的商机,数字技术提供了与原作品同样精美的复制品,但同时使得网络作品的版权保护问题日益突出。对数字产品的版权保护追在眉睫,数字水印便应运而生,数字水印是近年来出现的数字产品版权保护技术。可携带有版权信息和认证信息,保护数字产品的合法拷贝和传播是当前国际学术界的研究热点。本文首先介绍

2、信息系统的现状,接着介绍数字水印相关理论,从古隐写术出发,缓缓引出数字水印技术,阐述其分类及特点,并按各种数字水印技术的特点的不同,分析比较几种主流数字水印的解决方案,讨论其中最适的应用,并通过给出一种简单的数字水印解决方案示例,更直接的阐述数字水印技术,最后提出了数字水印下一步的发展方向。关键词:数字版权保护 数字水印 IIAbstractSince the birth of the Internet, information technology has rapid developed and network applications is becoming increasingly po

3、pular. New commercial opportunity is emerged with Internet expanding all over the world. With the development of the digital technology, copyright protection of the digital multimedia has to be solved. Information-oriented society has been showing broad prospects, but information security issues als

4、o have been becoming increasingly prominent. One of that is the digital copyright issuesa. Copyright protection for digital products, chasing around the corner, digital watermarking is copyright protection technology for digital products in recent years. Carrying copyright informati- on and authenti

5、cation information, the protection of legitimate copying and dissemination of digital products are the research focus of the international academic community.This paper first introduces the status of information systems, and then introduces digital watermarking theory, ancient steganography starting

6、 slowly leads to the digital watermarking technology on its classification and characteristics of the different characteristics of the press a variety of digital watermarking technology, analysis and camparison of kinds of mainstream digital watermarking solutions, discussion of which the most suita

7、ble applications, and by giving a simple digital watermarking solution for example, more direct exposition of digital watermarking technology, and concludes with the future direction of development of the digital watermarking.Key words: protection for digital copyright digital watermarkingIII目 录摘 要

8、.IAbstract.II目 录 .III绪 论.11 信息系统现状.31.1 信息系统面临的主要威胁 .31.2 信息系统安全的主要因素 .42 隐写技术.62.1 古隐写术 .62.2 现代隐写术 .73 数字水印.83.1 数字水印的基本特征 .83.2 数字水印在各领域的应用 .93.3 数字水印的分类 .103.4 核心数字水印技术 .123.4.1 基于小波域算法的数字水印生成与隐藏算法 .123.5 数字水印典型算法 .143.5.1 空间域数字水印 .143.5.2 变换域数字水印 .154 简单的数字水印实现.195 数字水印的研究现状和发展方向.235.1 研究现状 .235.2 发展方向 .24结 论.26致 谢.27参考文献.



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